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Upset about a midterm
I need to vent. I signed up for two online classes with my university in August-- two electives that I did not particularly want to take, but a letter they sent me indicated that I needed to take 6 credits above and beyond my AA requirements in order to graduate in December. Later, a school advisor told me there was no such requirement and she didn't know why I received such a letter. But I spent a good chunk of money on the classes and since I was past the refund date, I stuck with them.

Fast forward to now- I just got my midterm grades back (three weeks after I took them-- thats how organized this university is) and my freshman history professor gave me a 44% on my project. I was sure it was a mistake and I emailed him days ago, and today he finally got back to me about it and told me that it was indeed my grade. I was floored reading the email- the reason for the grade was that I got a couple words backwards reading the directions and accidentally wrote the papers on history events to emphasize how they were significant to today's culture instead of past culture. Actually, I covered BOTH, but catered much more to today's emphasis because I mistakenly thought that was what he wanted.

I know I don't deserve an "A" on these papers, but good grief, am I wrong to think a 44% is very harsh when I did the same amount of research and work as everyone else in the class? I have gotten 100% credit on all of my other assignments in this class and I just can't fathom why I would deserve this grade for making a simple mistake. If he won't be reasonable about it I will have to audit the course- 2 months of work and $400 tuition money down the tubes. I emailed him for an appointment to talk to him about it but I haven't heard back yet.

Thanks for letting me rant.:mad: As sick as I am of petty little projects in classes that I could test out of, this is just a slap in the face after all my work. I can't wait to start testing out of courses so I can leave this kind of BS in the past.
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College

MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]
sorry to hear about all the crap you're going through. i agree it really sucks to be stuck in classes you aren't interested in and it's worse when it ends up being more complicated than it needs to be. i dunno how lenient your teacher is but maybe you can ask for a rewrite or extra credit or something to boost that grade? 44% is pretty harsh. usually teachers that grade like that tend to be on the proud side b/c most teachers will give at least a C if they see that you've even done the most minimal work. i'd say that when you talk to him, just listen to him go on about how wrong you are and why he gave you the grade. it'll piss you off but don't argue too much. just wait til he's done and then show that you're genuinely interested in doing well not only on this assignment but in the class, and ask what you can do.

i really hope he'll get back to you soon. it really bugs me when teachers have control over someone's grades, or future for that matter, but fail to care about it. but i guess no one's perfect. good luck and i hope it'll all be okie soon! =]
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]I feel your pain and can certainly understand being upset over your grade......HOWEVER, it's only the mid-term and not the final exam or final grade so you can still pull it off.

On the other hand, I (personally) would raise holy hell with the school over the confusion regarding the letter and DEMAND a full refund as it was THEIR FAULT for making take a class that you neither wanted or needed to do. Perhaps you can use the grade as leverage to demonstrate that you should not have been in the class and wish to receive a withdrawl and refund without penalty?

I had signed up for a math class @ LSU and was 2 months into it without having submitted any work. After being contacted by LSU, they granted me a full credit (refund) and allowed me to transfer into another class of my choice - so I did and was so much better off.

I wish you well - Good Luck!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
I did both suggestions: I talked with the professor, who offered me extra credit and a rewrite, and I talked to an advisor who told me that the school was not likely to take any responsibility because I took the paper audit for gospel instead of clearing the classes through an advisor. I still think that's crappy, but I found an even better solution:

In discussing my options, my advisor mentioned using incompletes for the courses until the issues were resolved. That's when I realized that, if I could put the course ending dates off until after the first of the year, my tuition reimbursement would start over and be able to pay for them after all (I've already spent all of this year's sum).

So hopefully I will have my money and my credits in January! *knocks on wood* Too bad reimbursement does not cover exams for credit, but right now I won't complain. :p
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College

MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]
[SIZE="2"]Not the perfect solution but a better one. Every cloud has a silver lining![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
I can understand where you are coming from. I am taking a writing class through LSU, and took my mid-term before the holidays. I don't need to see a grade to know that I did not pass the test. When I submit lessons, it takes at least 2 weeks to get them graded, and then another 2 weeks to get them back. I have emailed the instructor on one lesson asking for help, and was basically told to figure it out for myself. I have taken other correspondence courses, and have never been refused help. I have to have this class for my degree requirement (BSN from Excelsior), so if I fail this class I don't know what I am going to do. Thanks for letting me vent. I am just SOOOOOOO mad right now.
I'm taking a LSU course as well and they are very slow with grading. I'm finding that I have to skip ahead to new assignments while I wait for feedback because the only way to ask questions is to add them to an assignment that I submit, so it takes forever. I wish I'd just CLEP'ed the course I chose now... I signed up for it before I knew better. Wink

I'd be upset as well if I were refused help. Help and learning is what we're PAYING for!

Anyway, good luck. Smile
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College

MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]

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