01-28-2020, 12:12 PM
Over the holidays I applied to University of the People on a bit of a whim for the BS in Health Sciences. I am not concerned about it being an NA school since I already have an RA degree, just thought it would be a fun way to take courses I otherwise might not have the opportunity to take. I also have experience with peer-review grading through EdX and generally like that system as I feel it helps me better learn the subject matter.
However, I am having an issue with transferring credits in. None of my science courses were accepted as science credits and none of my social science courses were accepted as social sciences. That means that they accepted two courses (one of which was a social science) as meeting their humanities requirement and put the rest as "general elective." With that, I have not maxed out the 50% credit maximum, much less the "exceptional cases" 75% credit transfer I was hoping to achieve. (At UofPeople's price, I am really okay with getting fewer credits than 75%, but I do *not* want to repeat courses I've already taken, especially if they're unrelated to the major.)
I appealed the decision but keep getting emails from my "advisor" with a canned message along the lines of: "Great news! Your transfer credits have been approved; please log in to review the decision and and pay the fee." (It's a $17 fee per transferred course, which I have no problem with.) However, I go to my transfer page and there's no indication my appeal has been considered. None of the credit allocations have changed, and I haven't gotten an email back from whomever considers the appeal.
I have responded 3x to the advisor's emails explaining I have appealed the transfer credit decision; when and how should I expect a response? Is the inaction the only response I'm going to get? (I say it more nicely than that.) Knowing this would be important because there is a limited time frame in which to pay once you get your decision.
Her reply is always the same canned message along the lines of: "Great news! Your transfer credits have been approved; please log in to review the decision and and pay the fee."
Since I can't get an answer from her, has anyone here appealed a transfer decision with UofPeople? If so, how long did it take to get a response, and who did you get it from?
However, I am having an issue with transferring credits in. None of my science courses were accepted as science credits and none of my social science courses were accepted as social sciences. That means that they accepted two courses (one of which was a social science) as meeting their humanities requirement and put the rest as "general elective." With that, I have not maxed out the 50% credit maximum, much less the "exceptional cases" 75% credit transfer I was hoping to achieve. (At UofPeople's price, I am really okay with getting fewer credits than 75%, but I do *not* want to repeat courses I've already taken, especially if they're unrelated to the major.)
I appealed the decision but keep getting emails from my "advisor" with a canned message along the lines of: "Great news! Your transfer credits have been approved; please log in to review the decision and and pay the fee." (It's a $17 fee per transferred course, which I have no problem with.) However, I go to my transfer page and there's no indication my appeal has been considered. None of the credit allocations have changed, and I haven't gotten an email back from whomever considers the appeal.
I have responded 3x to the advisor's emails explaining I have appealed the transfer credit decision; when and how should I expect a response? Is the inaction the only response I'm going to get? (I say it more nicely than that.) Knowing this would be important because there is a limited time frame in which to pay once you get your decision.
Her reply is always the same canned message along the lines of: "Great news! Your transfer credits have been approved; please log in to review the decision and and pay the fee."
Since I can't get an answer from her, has anyone here appealed a transfer decision with UofPeople? If so, how long did it take to get a response, and who did you get it from?