08-19-2013, 04:01 PM
Clearly you are missing the point...The point is if it is accepted by well established institutions that certainly will provide more legitimacy. These are baby steps but the trend suggest that future learning avenues will be different and organization such as Saylor or others will force these old guards to adjust. Think big picture, you are contemplating the here and now, however, I am looking at the trends. No organization will give up their position, however, they will be force to adapt or go extinct, will it happen tomm, no, but it will happen.
My post was not intended to create a cantankerous situation... I was simply pointing out the fact that options that was not available to me 30 years in college is available now. When I was in college in the 80's none of these options were avaialble.
Btw there are a few fully accredited colleges that offer almost free tuition, Olin College is one that comes to mind. I shall extricate myself from this discussion as it is digressing from what was intended.
My post was not intended to create a cantankerous situation... I was simply pointing out the fact that options that was not available to me 30 years in college is available now. When I was in college in the 80's none of these options were avaialble.
Btw there are a few fully accredited colleges that offer almost free tuition, Olin College is one that comes to mind. I shall extricate myself from this discussion as it is digressing from what was intended.