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TESC students in BA question
While I wait to hear from my advisor (yawn.....) does anyone here know if TESC allows the AOJ prefixes to count as general education electives? I think they should fall under social sciences, but I am confused by the college catalog- it lists them under human services in one place, and social sciences in another. I would like to knock out a few DANTES exams this week, but only if they are gen ed electives.
I am a little confused about what you are talking about but I will tell you my story. I took the DSST Org Behavior(which TESC has as a Mangement or SOC) and they applied it to my Social Sciences in Gen Ed. So if it list it in both places, then they probably will count it.
A.A.S Aviation Operations (Community College of the Air Force) April 2008
B.A. in History (Thomas Edison State College) March 2009

"To achieve the possible we must attempt the impossible, to be as much as we can be then we must dream of being more."
peacfulchaos2001 Wrote:I am a little confused about what you are talking about but I will tell you my story. I took the DSST Org Behavior(which TESC has as a Mangement or SOC) and they applied it to my Social Sciences in Gen Ed. So if it list it in both places, then they probably will count it.

My question is- if a course (exam) has a prefix of AOJ (Administration of Justice) and will be used as an elective, does it count as a general education elective, or will it fall into free elective? Thanks!
I have an Associates of Science in Construction Management at Park University. When I was seekinf a BA in Environmental Studies at Western Illinois University, they counted all my courses of having MET my Social Sciences, Humanities, and Natural Sciences requirements. I hope TESC will do the same. I took one Social Science Course (American History l) and Social Science Course(Principle of Supervision). If anyone with the knowledge of knowing what TESC may accept, It will be appreciated. I have 102 hours of credit. I have had others courses such as :
Business Law l
Introduction to Engineering Technology
Building Codes
Engineering Drawing
Financial Accounting
Building Materials
Construction Estimating
Safety and Health
Construction Planning
Critical Path Analysis
Bldg Codes
These are some of Associates of Science courses that Western Illinois University accepted as "MET" for Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. I also have Intermediate and College Algebra. Wesrern Illionois University I took about 18 Hours of Environmental Studies courses. So any advice
If any advice will be most appreciated.hilarious
I know they offer the degree, but I was just talking to someone yesterday about the fact they only offer one 6 credit Environmental course. So just know if you go there you will have to take a lot of courses else where. Have you looked at the requirements for the degree from them?

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
I was wondering about this too.....does your degree program make a difference if a certain course goes into general elective of free elective??
BA in Social Sciences from TESC complete!! Looking into online grad schools :coolgleam:

killerkitty Wrote:I was wondering about this too.....does your degree program make a difference if a certain course goes into general elective of free elective??

Holy old thread resurrection batman.
Generally, unless your major is in any of the liberal arts areas, those classes will go into free elective in a liberal arts degree.
Ex. business
If you are a business major, those classes are business major/electives, but if you are a major in any one of the liberal arts, these will all be free electives.

CJ is that way, but it's an unusual major in that some CJ is considered social science (like those in my degree) while others are considered law enforcement and or free elective - like Intro Law Enforcement DSST.
Ahhh, makes sense, thanks!

I didn't even notice how old it was, I assumed it was January of this year....but 2008 woa!!!
BA in Social Sciences from TESC complete!! Looking into online grad schools :coolgleam:

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