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TESC BSBA in Computer Information Systems Degree Plan
Hello Folks,

I'm working towards obtaining Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a Computer Information Systems concentration. Below is my degree plan. Would you be willing to share any thoughts you have in regards to it?

Thank you much!


[SIZE="4"]I. General Education Requirements[/SIZE]
A. English Composition (6 credits)
  • *CLEP English Comp. w/Essay (6 credits) ENC-101/102-CE
B. Humanities (12 credits; must include at least two subject areas; 3 credits must be managerial or business communications)
  • *StraighterLine Business Communications (3 credits) COM-300
  • DSST Technical Writing (3 credits) ENG-201-DE
  • *CLEP Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (6 credits) LIT-291/292-CE
C. Social Sciences (12 credits; must include at least two subject areas; must include macro- and micro-economics)
  • *CLEP Macroeconomics (3 credits) ECO-111-CE
  • *CLEP Microeconomics (3 credits) ECO-112-CE
  • *CELP Social Sciences & History (6 credits) SOS-101/102-CE
D. Natural Sciences and Mathematics (9 credits; must include at least two subject areas, pre-calculus mathematics or quantitative analysis and statistics)
  • CLEP Calculus (3 credits) MAT-231-CE
  • *DSST Principles Statistics (3 credits) STA-201-DE
  • *CLEP Biology (3 credits [split w/Free Electives]) BIO-111/112-CE
E. General Education Electives (21 credits)
  • *CLEP Algebra (3 credits) MAT-121-CE
  • *StraighterLine Managerial Accounting (3 credits) ACC-303
  • To be determined

[SIZE="4"]II. Professional Business Requirements[/SIZE]
A. Business Core (27 credits)
  • *CLEP Financial Accounting (3 credits) ACC-101-CE
  • *Straighterline Accounting II [for Principles Managerial Accounting] (3 credits) ACC-102-CE
  • *CELP Business Law [for Legal Environment for Business] (3 credits) LAW-201-CE
  • *CLEP Management (3 credits) MAN-301-CE
  • *CLEP Marketing (3 credits) MAR-301-CE
  • *CLEP Introduction to Computers ( 3 credits) COS-101-CE
  • DSST Principles of Finance (3 credits) FIN-301-DE
  • *DSST Business Ethics in Society [for Business in Society or International Management] (3 credits) BUS-311-DE
  • TESC Business Policy (3 credits)
B. Area of Study: Computer Information Systems (18 credits)
  • DSST Management Information Systems (3 credits) CIS-301-DE
  • Possibly several Penn Foster Courses
  • Looking for options to demonstrate my existing IT knowledge

C. Business Electives (9 credits)
  • DSST Business Law II (3 credits) LAW-202-DE
  • *DSST Business Ethics in Society (3 credits) BUS-311-DE
  • DSST Organizational Behavior (3 credits) MAN-311-DE or DSST Principles of Supervision (3 credits) MAN-201-DE
[SIZE="4"]III. Free Electives (6 credits)[/SIZE]
  • *CLEP Biology (3 credits [split w/Natural Sciences and Mathematics]) BIO-111/112-CE
(* indicates tests/classes I've already passed)

"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him." 2 Samuel 22:31[/SIZE]
I would do straighterline accounting I&II since its the same book, the same $100 monthly fee and you will learn how to do well in accounting II while doing accounting I.
For the CIS requirement: Penn Foster C# will work and I think that is it. You can also do the Network Technology TECEP, not too hard. Its going to be difficult to get the rest of the credits I'm afraid. I had 7 credits from MCSD and 1 credit from a 300 dollar penn foster structured systems design course.
They do not give CIS credit for A+ or Network+, that falls into general business unfortunately.

Aleks business stats is also a general business upper level credit source so thats good.

You might consider taking some TESC classes or PLAs for the CIS if you don't get any better answers on the CIS credit.

I think there are some ICCP certification exams that are ACE approved for credit but they cannot be programming since you can only apply one programming class to the CIS electives and that Penn Foster C# is it.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Another thing. General electives should be the easiest classes you can pass so don't do CLEP Biology if you don't already know the stuff cold.
Intro to Business and Principles of Supervision are super simple tests and I would highly recommend them.
To save money you can also do ALEKs stats, business stats, college algebra, pre-calc for 12 credits for $20 monthly. This is a super savings and you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home to get these credits.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Thanks, @ryoder. I've revised the above plan to indicate the tests/classes I've already done. CLEP Biology is one of them.
ryoder Wrote:I think there are some ICCP certification exams that are ACE approved for credit but they cannot be programming since you can only apply one programming class to the CIS electives and that Penn Foster C# is it.

Interesting....Thomas Edison State College | BSBA in Computer Information Systems Credit Distribution lists "Programming Language" and "Additional Programming Language**" in the area of study but doesn't specify what the "**" refers to. Is there some restriction limiting the application of credits from a second programming language?
bsbastudent Wrote:Interesting....Thomas Edison State College | BSBA in Computer Information Systems Credit Distribution lists "Programming Language" and "Additional Programming Language**" in the area of study but doesn't specify what the "**" refers to. Is there some restriction limiting the application of credits from a second programming language?
LOL never noticed that. Not sure, I would assume they have to be different languages. For example mine were java and c++.
I m edumakated thanx to distunce lerning.

MEd, Texas A&M University, 2018
MBA, University of North Dakota, 2014
MS, University of Illinois Springfield, 2010
BSBA, Thomas Edison State University, 2008
AS / AAS, Tidewater Community College, 2004
bawhitsett Wrote:LOL never noticed that. Not sure, I would assume they have to be different languages. For example mine were java and c++.

I'm thinking I read elsewhere that they have to be different languages. Seems kind of odd though that they would require two different and not let you actually dig deeper into one.
Community-Supported Wiki(link approved by forum admin)

Complete: TESU BA Computer Science
2011-2013 completed all BSBA CIS requirements except 4 gen eds.
2013 switched major to CS, then took a couple years off suddenly.
2015-2017 finished the CS.

CCAF: AAS Comp Sci
CLEP (10): A&I Lit, College Composition Modular, College Math, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Management, Microecon, Sociology, Psychology, Info Systems
DSST (4): Public Speaking, Business Ethics, Finance, MIS

ALEKS (3): College Algebra, Trig, Stats
UMUC (3): Comparative programming languages, Signal & Image Processing, Analysis of Algorithms
TESU (11): English Comp, Business Law, Macroecon, Managerial Accounting, Strategic Mgmt (BSBA Capstone), C++, Data Structures, Calc I/II, Discrete Math, BA Capstone

Warning: BA Capstone is a thesis, mine was 72 pages about a cryptography topic

Wife pursuing Public Admin cert via CSU.
ryoder Wrote:I think there are some ICCP certification exams that are ACE approved for credit but they cannot be programming since you can only apply one programming class to the CIS electives and that Penn Foster C# is it.

FYI you should research this to be sure... Someone else says they are no longer ACE certified.

*EDIT* ICCP is on the list of reviewed orgs, but I don't see any courses or tests approved.

ACE CREDIT | The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training | Find a Course or Exam
Community-Supported Wiki(link approved by forum admin)

Complete: TESU BA Computer Science
2011-2013 completed all BSBA CIS requirements except 4 gen eds.
2013 switched major to CS, then took a couple years off suddenly.
2015-2017 finished the CS.

CCAF: AAS Comp Sci
CLEP (10): A&I Lit, College Composition Modular, College Math, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Management, Microecon, Sociology, Psychology, Info Systems
DSST (4): Public Speaking, Business Ethics, Finance, MIS

ALEKS (3): College Algebra, Trig, Stats
UMUC (3): Comparative programming languages, Signal & Image Processing, Analysis of Algorithms
TESU (11): English Comp, Business Law, Macroecon, Managerial Accounting, Strategic Mgmt (BSBA Capstone), C++, Data Structures, Calc I/II, Discrete Math, BA Capstone

Warning: BA Capstone is a thesis, mine was 72 pages about a cryptography topic

Wife pursuing Public Admin cert via CSU.
dcan Wrote:FYI you should research this to be sure... Someone else says they are no longer ACE certified.

*EDIT* ICCP is on the list of reviewed orgs, but I don't see any courses or tests approved.

ACE CREDIT | The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training | Find a Course or Exam

I just received the following response:

"When did you complete the certifications for CompTia A+ and Network+? We will not award credit for certifications completed after 2/28/07 for CompTia A+ and 4/30/07 for Network+ since we have no current review of the certifications after those dates. I am researching whether or not we may award credit for Security+.

We will award credit for CompTia preparation courses as recommended by ACE (American Council on Education) but no credit will be awarded for the exams after 2007. You may contact ACE at (202)939-9434 to request that a transcript sent to TESC."

"TESC does not award credit for Security+. You may submit notarized copies of your certifications if they were taken before the dates that I provided you with in my previous email. The notarized certifications should be sent to the Office of the Registrar at TESC."

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