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TESC BSBA Degree Plan and Propero's Introduction to Finance
I just thought I'd let everyone know that I have confirmed with TESC that Propero's Introduction to Finance will be accepted as FIN-301 Principles of Finance. I know that there is a DSST for this course but I figure this would give another option for those looking for it. The cost of the course is $299 and you can get information on it by going to and if you want to order the course then go to Propero Introduction to Finance. I am not sure what the requirements for the course are as of yet, but as far as I know there is no need for a proctor. I will be taking the course in the coming weeks and will report back with a syllabus and number of exams.

For me I just like the idea of doing as much as possible without having to schedule an exam at the testing center. This allows me to my college on my time without having to take off work for a couple of hours to take a CLEP and DSST.

As it stands right now this is what I have left for my degree:

Organizational Behavior - PSY386
Business Communications - MAN-373

Principles of Marketing - MAR-301
Business Ethics and Society - BUS-311

Introduction to Finance - FIN-311

Penn Foster:
Strategic Management - BUS-421

If anyone as suggestions on alternatives to the methods I am choosing above please let me know!
Associate: Pikes Peak Community College - Associate of General Studies 2012
Bachelors: Thomas Edison State College - BSBA (General Management) 2013 ~ Arnold Fletcher Award Recipient
Link to Degree Plan
MBA: Patten University - Master of Business Administration - Information Technology 2017
Hey Armyb77 you may want to consider Penn Foster's Financial Management class. As of today it costs $225, they send you a hardcopy book and a brand new financial calculator. I was able to complete the reading and work in 5 days. The first 5 exams are multiple choice and you just enter the answers online. The final exam is a mix of problems that you have to show your work, true and false questions and multiple choice. You enter your final exams answers on a Microsoft Word document and submit for grading. I am still awaiting my final exam results but I am real confident I passed. This Penn Foster class has been mentioned many times previously by other members that it transfer to TESC as FIN-301. There is no time limits on the exams either.

I am struggling so bad with Propero Accounting 2 I am considering switching my major. Wow its bad, I am doomed to fail.
Clep's Passed: Humanites 70, Sociology 60, Psy 74, HG&D 61, EP 64
DSST's Passed: World Religions 480, Vietnam War 67, Environment & Humanity 67, M&B 64, MIS 449, Org Beh. 64, CJ 437, SA 450, USSR 64, CW 66,
Penn Foster: Fin. Man.
Did all the aleks stuff
TESC: Lib. Cap, BA in Social Science December 2013
Penn Foster is my choice for Strategic Management, I did not consider them for Finance because I don't like to wait for I'm an instant gratification kind of person! Of course there is no option out there for Strategic Management that I won't have to wait on so that is why I'm going the Penn Foser route.

I'm sorry about the difficulty with Accounting 2. Trust me, I passed that one through Straighterline by the skin of my teeth! I sure you can do it though! I took the Propero English Comp II and I can say that it was one of my more challenging courses. Can you tell me how many graded quizzes and exams you have for Accounting 2? I will assume that it will be comparable to what I will see in Introduction to Finance. The one nice thing about Propero was that there were so many quizzes and exams that I could blow one and make it up on another.

Good luck on your course!
Associate: Pikes Peak Community College - Associate of General Studies 2012
Bachelors: Thomas Edison State College - BSBA (General Management) 2013 ~ Arnold Fletcher Award Recipient
Link to Degree Plan
MBA: Patten University - Master of Business Administration - Information Technology 2017
Well for Accounting 2 there are 12 lessons plus the final exam. Each lesson has a quiz that you cannot access until you get at least 80% on a practice quiz, I think you have six chances to pass the practice quiz. Every three lessons you have to take a test. So the absolute least amount of work would be 12 quizzes, 4 tests, plus the final exam.

My problem is I ended up failing quiz 1, and I am unable to score high enough on practice quiz 2 to even access quiz 2. I think the problem with the Accounting 2 course is that all of end of the chapter problems in the e-text (as well as the hard copy of the textbook) never give you the answers, so you have no idea what you are doing wrong. The "answers" to these end of chapter problems can only be found by accessing Pearson's "My Accounting Lab" which naturally can only be accessed if you pay for access and you have to be actually taking a real college course that has a course code to enter the accounting lab. You may not run into this problem with the Finance class, but I could see it being a problem for others taking Accounting 1 or one of Propero's math classes, where you really need to see if the problems you are working on are actually being done correctly. I could see how taking English Comp II you would not of had this problem.

Did Straighterline tell you what questions you got right or wrong on the accounting tests/quizzes? I wish I had a time machine and go back and sign up though Straighterline last year before the proctor requirement, but was I too busy working through Aleks at the time.
Clep's Passed: Humanites 70, Sociology 60, Psy 74, HG&D 61, EP 64
DSST's Passed: World Religions 480, Vietnam War 67, Environment & Humanity 67, M&B 64, MIS 449, Org Beh. 64, CJ 437, SA 450, USSR 64, CW 66,
Penn Foster: Fin. Man.
Did all the aleks stuff
TESC: Lib. Cap, BA in Social Science December 2013
Yes Straighterline will tell you what you got wrong, but not why. You can almost pass the course by just looking up the definitions of everything, and getting lucky at the math. That was my opinion of the course when I took it. I forgot about propero not letting you know what you got wrong. I might have to do Penn Foster after all. If you are finding difficulty with the course talk to the admin advisor and explain the issues you are finding. There are a lot of issues with there courseware. They can even reset to exams if you protest. If they are unwilling to work with you, then I would ask for a refund all together.

Hope this helps!
Associate: Pikes Peak Community College - Associate of General Studies 2012
Bachelors: Thomas Edison State College - BSBA (General Management) 2013 ~ Arnold Fletcher Award Recipient
Link to Degree Plan
MBA: Patten University - Master of Business Administration - Information Technology 2017
Thanks for the info, it does help. I did get my final exam back from Penn Foster for Financial Management, I got an A. The turnaround for grading the final was 5 days. They did not tell me the right answers but did say which ones I got wrong on the final. On the previous multiple choice exams the grading was instant with the answers correct given, but no explanations.
Clep's Passed: Humanites 70, Sociology 60, Psy 74, HG&D 61, EP 64
DSST's Passed: World Religions 480, Vietnam War 67, Environment & Humanity 67, M&B 64, MIS 449, Org Beh. 64, CJ 437, SA 450, USSR 64, CW 66,
Penn Foster: Fin. Man.
Did all the aleks stuff
TESC: Lib. Cap, BA in Social Science December 2013
You might want to check out for their Corporate Communications course which fulfills the Business Communications requirement. Be sure to double check with TESC that it will be accepted, but here is a thread with info about it.....

Here is a direct post with info about transfer to TESC.......

It does require a proctor, so that might not work for you. But if you can find a local proctor then the course is FREE!! Otherwise, you have to pay for ProctorU which is like $25.

Hope this helps!
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
HorseManiac Wrote:You might want to check out for their Corporate Communications course which fulfills the Business Communications requirement. Be sure to double check with TESC that it will be accepted, but here is a thread with info about it.....

Here is a direct post with info about transfer to TESC.......

It does require a proctor, so that might not work for you. But if you can find a local proctor then the course is FREE!! Otherwise, you have to pay for ProctorU which is like $25.

Hope this helps!

Good information unfortunately I started the straighter line last night, and I will probably be done by Saturday with it. My real debate is should I take the Penn foster course before the DSSTs this way Penn Foster has time to grade or just knock out the DSSTs first? Also for principles of finance and strategic management is there a proctor requirement
Associate: Pikes Peak Community College - Associate of General Studies 2012
Bachelors: Thomas Edison State College - BSBA (General Management) 2013 ~ Arnold Fletcher Award Recipient
Link to Degree Plan
MBA: Patten University - Master of Business Administration - Information Technology 2017
No proctor for Penn Foster Financial Management as of 4/18/13. It did take 10 days for my Penn foster textbook, calculator, and study guide to arrive. But like I said once it came the class went super smooth. I have not taken any other Penn Foster classes, but I think they have proctored finals for most of their classes.
Clep's Passed: Humanites 70, Sociology 60, Psy 74, HG&D 61, EP 64
DSST's Passed: World Religions 480, Vietnam War 67, Environment & Humanity 67, M&B 64, MIS 449, Org Beh. 64, CJ 437, SA 450, USSR 64, CW 66,
Penn Foster: Fin. Man.
Did all the aleks stuff
TESC: Lib. Cap, BA in Social Science December 2013
armyb77 Wrote:Good information unfortunately I started the straighter line last night, and I will probably be done by Saturday with it. My real debate is should I take the Penn foster course before the DSSTs this way Penn Foster has time to grade or just knock out the DSSTs first? Also for principles of finance and strategic management is there a proctor requirement

Don't forget to check with TESC about Saylor's BUS205 course. I forget whether this will fulfill the Business Law or Business Ethics requirement in the BSBA degree plan. Whichever one it is that could save you some money.
BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.

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