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TESC BSAST in IT, newbie getting started
Subject Area/Category Credits

( ) I. General Education Requirements 60

( ) A. English Composition 6
..( ) ENC-101: English Composition I (3)
..( ) ENC-102: English Composition II (3)

( ) B. Humanities 12

..( ) ENG-201: Technical Report Writing (3)
..( ) Humanities Electives* (9)
....( )
....( )
....( )

( ) C. Social Sciences 12

..( ) Psychology or Sociology (3)
..( ) Social Science Electives*(9)
....( )
....( )
....( )

( ) D. Natural Science and Mathematics 21

..( ) College Algebra or above (6)
....( )
....( )

( ) Statistics (3)
( ) General Physics or Chemistry (6)
....( )
....( )
..( ) Second Science (3)
..( ) COS-101: Introduction to Computers (3)

..( ) E. General Education Electives 9
....( )
....( )
....( )

( ) II. Area of Study: Information Technology 45

( ) A. Information Technology Core 33
..( ) Foundations of Information Technology (3)
..( ) COS-330: Computer Architecture (3)
..( ) COS-213:C++ Programming (3)
..( ) COS-241:Data Structures (3)
..( ) COS-352:Operating Systems (3)
..( ) CIS-311:Database Management (3)
..( ) CIS-351:Software Engineering (3)
..( ) CIS-301:Management Information Systems(3)
..( ) MAN-435:Project Management (3)
..( ) Network Technology (3)
..( ) Current Trends and Applications of Applied Science and Technology (3)

( ) B. Information Technology Electives** 12
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )

( ) III. Free Electives 15

..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )
..( )

Total 120 credit
justlearning123 Wrote:There is so much to learn, I was thinking maybe I should try to break down the degree requirements in to subsections, in this case Math. On the TESC website, they only list a few math courses, and mention "BSAST and ASAST students should take MAT-121 and MAT-129". Those classes are "College Algebra" and "Precalculus for Technology". Are those the 2 classes you meant I would need to take?

If I needed those 2 classes, could I take them on straigtherline instead?

Online College Algebra - Online Algebra Course for College Credit - StraighterLine
Online Precalculus Course - Take Precalculus Online to Earn College Credit - StraighterLine

or by the "College Algebra" and "Precalculus" classes on ALEKS, mentioned on this page:


In the case of Math, I would actually need to learn the material before I was tested on it. I would not be able to walk in cold and take a test.

Those are the suggested courses so that BSAST students won't get confused. Some of the other degree programs accept intermediate algebra to fill the math requirement, but BSAST and ASAST students need to start at least with college algebra. TESC offers two different precalculus courses and BSAST students should take the technology one. The Straighterline college algebra and precalculus courses will satisfy your math requirements and so will ALEKS.

Transfer College Credits To Thomas Edison State College (TESC) - StraighterLine
justlearning123 Wrote:#1) It looks like I should make a list of all the credits I will need for a BSAST in IT degree, and then strike out the ones I got credit for via old college transcripts. The degree I want is at Thomas Edison State College | BSAST in Information Technology Credit Distribution

#2) Then I should identify what non-TESC resources can be used to get as many of the other credits.

#3) The remaining credits I would have to take at TESC.

I am still working on #1, but I thought I would check if I have the right idea on #2. I tried to look up what classes where available from the non-TESC resources. The lists I found are below, are they correct?

TECP Courses = Thomas Edison State College/ All TECEPÂ Tests

DSST Courses =

ALEKS Courses = ALEKS Course Products

Straightline Courses = Online College Courses - Take College Courses Through Our Distance Learning Courses - StraighterLine

CLEP = ?

DANTES = I don't think this applies to me

FEMA = I don't think this applies to me

FEMAs are a fast and free way to fill up free electives. You can use CLEPs and DSSTs (DANTES) to satisfy some of your general education requirements. Actually, you can satisfy Management Information Systems with a DSST.
sanantone Wrote:Those are the suggested courses so that BSAST students won't get confused. Some of the other degree programs accept intermediate algebra to fill the math requirement, but BSAST and ASAST students need to start at least with college algebra. TESC offers two different precalculus courses and BSAST students should take the technology one. The Straighterline college algebra and precalculus courses will satisfy your math requirements and so will ALEKS.

Transfer College Credits To Thomas Edison State College (TESC) - StraighterLine

Which classes do you mean when you said "Those are the suggested courses so that BSAST students won't get confused." ?
I wasn't sure if you meant:
A) Generally speaking the classes from Straighterline and ALEKS360
B) The two classes I specifically mentioned from Straighterline
C) The Straigherline classes you mentioned from the link you provided

I think you meant "C". If so, then I should probably get my math credits from Straigherline (unless there is a compelling reason to use ALEKS).
sanantone Wrote:FEMAs are a fast and free way to fill up free electives. You can use CLEPs and DSSTs (DANTES) to satisfy some of your general education requirements. Actually, you can satisfy Management Information Systems with a DSST.

I thought "FEMA" would be for people made homeless by Katrina, or something like that. Is this the right link for the FEMA classes? Emergency Management Institute - FEMA Independent Study Program

Are you saying that "DANTES" iand "DSST" are the same? I thought "DANTES" would only be for active military personnel.
justlearning123 Wrote:Which classes do you mean when you said "Those are the suggested courses so that BSAST students won't get confused." ?
I wasn't sure if you meant:
A) Generally speaking the classes from Straighterline and ALEKS360
B) The two classes I specifically mentioned from Straighterline
C) The Straigherline classes you mentioned from the link you provided

I think you meant "C". If so, then I should probably get my math credits from Straigherline (unless there is a compelling reason to use ALEKS).

You can take them with ALEKS or Straighterline.

justlearning123 Wrote:I thought "FEMA" would be for people made homeless by Katrina, or something like that. Is this the right link for the FEMA classes? Emergency Management Institute - FEMA Independent Study Program

Are you saying that "DANTES" iand "DSST" are the same? I thought "DANTES" would only be for active military personnel.

FEMA offers emergency management courses for free to the public. TESC and many other schools offer college credit for them. DANTES is a military program that supports non-traditional education and that is where the DSST originated. The correct term for the test would be DSST, but people have the habit of calling it DANTES. Civilians can take DSSTs.
If you want to get started now, go get a couple of CLEP REA books that you know you need.
Information Systems and Computer Applications for example equates to COS-101
I highly recommend Macro and MicroEconomics for your social sciences because they are CLEP exams, are relevant to business and are required for a business degree and are required for entrance into an MBA later on. Here is how I might start if I were you.

One more thing. The BSAST IT is heavy on IT credits. You cannot test out of most of these so you might want to considering doing a BSBA CIS which has more testable credits on it and fewer IT credits. Go down the IT path but make sure your electives are also required courses for the business degree and you will have this option later on.

CLEP Info Sys and Comp App - natural science and computer science 101
MIS DSST - upper level technology credit
CLEP Macro - Micro/Macro are social sciences and required for business
CLEP Micro
ALEKs College Algebra - ALEKs is a learning and testing tool in one so get an algebra for dummies book and use ALEKs to practice and earn credit
ALEKs PreCalc
ALEKs Statistics
DSST Tech Writing
Straighterline Business Communication - Humanities and required for a business degree
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
ryoder Wrote:If you want to get started now, go get a couple of CLEP REA books that you know you need.
Information Systems and Computer Applications for example equates to COS-101
I highly recommend Macro and MicroEconomics for your social sciences because they are CLEP exams, are relevant to business and are required for a business degree and are required for entrance into an MBA later on. Here is how I might start if I were you.

I as thinking of a more science-centric degree than business-centric. If I get a masters, it would probably be in something related to computer technology (not business). I like working with technology. Having said that, maybe I should consider more "management" type classes rather than focusing on beeing a better worker-bee. I don't like managing people, but I do like managing computer systems.

ryoder Wrote:One more thing. The BSAST IT is heavy on IT credits. You cannot test out of most of these so you might want to considering doing a BSBA CIS which has more testable credits on it and fewer IT credits. Go down the IT path but make sure your electives are also required courses for the business degree and you will have this option later on.

I have already taken a lot of IT credits, but I'm not sure if they count for the TESC desgree. That is one of the things I was wondering about. Here it looks like I only need 4 more:

E: Computer Studies (In Progress)
> Take 21 credits in one discipline. A total of 12 Area of
> Study credits must be from 300/400 level courses (6 of these
> credits are satisfied with the Technical Core requirement).
Semester Hours Completed: 17.00 Required: 21 Remaining: 4
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. CMP240 Adv Obj Orient Tech...... 3.00 A CMP-315 *CC *TE
1.. CMP209 Unix..................... 3.00 A CAP-262 *CC *TE
1.. CMP220 Object Oriented Tech..... 3.00 A COS-213 *CC *TE
2.. CIS176 Cptr Prgm C I............ 4.00 A COS-116 *CC *TE
2.. CIS158 Mc Data B Mgmt........... 4.00 A CAP-123 *CC *TE
3.. CSC283 Comp Prog II............. <3.33> D COS-299 *G *GPA *TE
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 1 credits

ryoder Wrote:ALEKs College Algebra - ALEKs is a learning and testing tool in one so get an algebra for dummies book and use ALEKs to practice and earn credit
ALEKs PreCalc
ALEKs Statistics

What is the advantage of taking math classes at ALEKS instead of Straighterline?
It looks like you have part of your degree eval there. Why not post the entire thing?

Straighterline is great but ALEKs costs less. You can literally get all 3 of those classes for the monthly $20 membership fee so that is $7 per class. Plus its a great learning tool. It does take a lot of time to complete but all of that time is spent doing problems which is the whole point in math.

As far as graduate studies go, for some reason, everyone ends up doing an MBA one day. A lot of people end up doing an MBA after getting a masters in information systems or computer science. Its just that when you get older, the only way to get more money seems to be moving into a management role. Plus, business skills are universal and interdisciplinary. Network management is not, for example.
NCU actually has a MBA with a concentration in Applied Computer Science which means you take 5 computer science courses as part of the program.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
I posted this earlier in the thread, but here it is again:

Program: BSAST in Technical Studies

S.H. S.H. Applied S.H. Comm Coll S.H to Overall TESC
Required to Degree Req Remaining S.H. Applied be Planned GPA Met GPA
120.00 39.64 80.36 17.00 80.36 YES
================================================== ==============================

Source Institution Source Institution

Student: Mr. John J. Doe Staff: datatel Date: 10/12/11 Page: 2
1 Community College1 3 University3
2 Community College2

General Education (60 SH)

Semester Hours Completed: 9.99
Complete all 3 subrequirements:
A: English Composition (In Progress)
> Complete one full year of English Composition with a grade
> of C or better.
Semester Hours Completed: 3.33
GPA Achieved/Needed: 2.000 / 2.000
Group 1 (In Progress)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. ENG151 Composition I............ 3.33 C ENC-101 *TE
___ ENC-102___ _________________________ _____________________________ 1 course

B: Humanities (In Progress)
> Complete 3 semester hours in Technical Report Writing and 9
> additional semester hours of Humanities electives. At least
> 2 subject areas must be represented among the 12 semester
> hours required.
Semester Hours Completed: 3.33
Technical Report Writing (Not Started)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ ENG-201___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed
Group 2 (In Progress)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. ART160 Art in Life.............. 3.33 B ART-100 *TE
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits

C: Social Sciences (In Progress)
> Complete 12 semester hours in the social sciences,
> including at least two subjects, one of which must be
> psychology or sociology.
Semester Hours Completed: 3.33
Psychology or Sociology (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. PSY251 Intro to Psy............. 3.33 A PSY-101 *TE
Group 2 (Not Started)
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
================================================== ==============================
College Algebra & Above
> Complete 6 semester hours in College Algebra math and above.
> **Course MAT-128 does NOT meet this requirement.**
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
================================================== ==============================
Statistics (3sh)
> Complete 3 semester hours of Statistics.
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
================================================== ==============================
General Chemistry Or Physics
> Complete 6 semester hours in Chemistry or Physics.
Semester Hours Completed: 0.00

Student: Mr. John J. Doe Staff: datatel Date: 10/12/11 Page: 3
Group 1 (Not Started)
________________ 3 credits
________________ 3 credits
================================================== ==============================
Second Science
> Complete 3 semester hours of an additional science.
________________ 3 credits
================================================== ==============================
Computer Requirement
> Complete 3 semester hours in computer science or computer

> programming, excluding courses on the use of applications.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. CSC281 Prin Comp Prog I......... 3.33 B COS-111 *TE
================================================== ==============================
General Education Electives
> Complete 9 semester hours from any of the following
> General Education subjects: Humanities, Social Sciences,
> Natural Sciences or Mathematics.
Semester Hours Completed: 6.66 Required: 9 Remaining: 2.34
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. MAT151 College Algebra.......... 3.33 B MAT-115 *TE
3.. CSC283 Comp Prog II............. 3.33 D COS-299 *TE
________________ 3 credits
================================================== ==============================
Area of Study-Technical Studies (21)
Semester Hours Completed: 17.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.509 / 2.000
Complete 1 of 11 subrequirements:
E: Computer Studies (In Progress)
> Take 21 credits in one discipline. A total of 12 Area of
> Study credits must be from 300/400 level courses (6 of these
> credits are satisfied with the Technical Core requirement).
Semester Hours Completed: 17.00 Required: 21 Remaining: 4
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. CMP240 Adv Obj Orient Tech...... 3.00 A CMP-315 *CC *TE
1.. CMP209 Unix..................... 3.00 A CAP-262 *CC *TE
1.. CMP220 Object Oriented Tech..... 3.00 A COS-213 *CC *TE
2.. CIS176 Cptr Prgm C I............ 4.00 A COS-116 *CC *TE
2.. CIS158 Mc Data B Mgmt........... 4.00 A CAP-123 *CC *TE
3.. CSC283 Comp Prog II............. <3.33> D COS-299 *G *GPA *TE
________________ 3 credits
________________ 1 credits

Area of Study-Technical Studies (18sh)
! GPA Achieved/Needed: 1.000 / 2.000
> Complete 18 semester hours from any other discipline/
> department in Applied Science and Technology. A total of 12
> Area of Study credits must be from 300/400 level courses (6
> of these credits are satisfied with the Technical Core
> requirement.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. CSC283 Comp Prog II............. <3.33> D COS-299 *G *GPA *TE
________________ 3 credits
________________ 3 credits
________________ 3 credits
________________ 3 credits
________________ 3 credits

Student: Mr. John J. Doe Staff: datatel Date: 10/12/11 Page: 4
________________ 3 credits
================================================== ==============================
Technical Core W/ Proj Managment (6 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 0.00
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Current Trends & Aps (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours in Current Trends & Applications.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ APS-401___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed

B: Project Management (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semeser hours in Project Management.
> TAKE MAN-435
__________________________________________________ _____________ 1 course needed
================================================== ==============================
Free Electives (15 SH)

> Complete 15 semester hours of Free Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 2.66 Required: 15 Remaining: 12.34
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. GSU220 Learn Methods............ 1.33 A FEL-101 *TE
3.. HTH121 Persnl Health............ 1.33 B HEA-106 *TE
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ___________________ 3 credits
__________________________________________________ ________________ 0.34 credits
================================================== ==============================
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------

1 CMP241 Database Prg (oracle) 3.00 A CAP-123 *RI*TE*CC
(Credits in parentheses are anticipated earned)
================================================== ==============================

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