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TESC - Anyone taken data structures? Do I need to take C++ first?
Do you think I should be able to take the COS-241 Data Structures course based on this experience or do I really need to take COS-213 C++ first? I don't need to take COS-213 for graduation as I will already have enough lower level comp. sci. credits with the data structures course.

The COS-241 Data Structures course says "Experience in C++ programming is advisable" and the syllabus says "No basic C++ language is taught in this course, so you must know C++ programming language before you begin."

I have been programming for 18+ years in several languages so "data structures" is nothing new to me. I have been programming in C# for the last 8 years which is very close to C++. I took an intro to C++ at a DETC school 18 years ago. I have done some C++ in my job experience but it's been 15 years ago. I have extensive experience with the topics taught in the class albeit in Pascal, Delphi and C#, but not C++.

I'm thinking about going for it. What do you think?

Hey Jam123, I'm currently taking Data structures at TESC. If you are familiar other object oriented languages you will do fine. Every "other" assignment seems to require you to submit an actual compilable source file. The other assignments just want you to answer questions and write C++-style pseudo code . The course textbook is okay, I honestly don't really read it because I've already covered data structures in a C++ course at my local Community College. I usually scan over the chapter prior to doing the review questions, just to see what's covered.

The only thing I can think of that will separate C++ from c# in this course is the deep copy, (since c++ has pointers). The text covers all you need. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the input beargins ... I feel I know the topics very well just in other languages. To me language syntax is a minor aspect. I have done a lot of programming with pointers using Delphi so I understand how they work very well.
jam123 my son echoed beargins...great input.
Here is the C++ creators website with resources Bjarne Stroustrup's Homepage you can probably find anything you need to bring you up to speed quickly.
Excelsior - BS Business 2008
Son #1 TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems completed June 2010
Son #2 TESC BA Computer Science completed November 2010 Currently in Florida State (FSU) Masters CS program and loving it

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