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Suggestions again please....
Hello again, once again I am looking to this board for suggestons...Hope you don't mind. Here's the scoup. I am a Licensed Practical Nurse. I could go through Excelsior entirely for my RN, however there are states that will not allow me to work as a RN that was obtained through Excelsior. (long long story), and I want a license that will enable me to work where-ever I want.

So being that, I have been working slowly toward getting all my pre-req's done. I just found out about a school 4 hours away from me that has an accelerated LPN to RN program - 30 week - combo of evening and weekends. I am psyched about this. The downfall, registration for the spring semester ends the last working day of October. But... from those of you who have taken the sciences, do you think it is possible to clep out of 4 sciece classes by then? I need Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Microbiology. Actually its the Chemistry and Biology that really worry me.

I will know more Mon or Tues - I am not certain they will accept clep bio and chem, or Excelsior Micro and A&P - some schools require actual labs for these. The person I need to ask will be back from their vacation Monday.

But... repeating myself... what do you all think - 4 sciences by the middle-ish of October? I know everyone studies different and such... but ......

Again thank you for any suggestions....


My partner is currently using the Excelsior route to obtain his RN license. We live in Texas and they accept Excelsior degrees for RNs. However, he works for a corporation so there is a chance of transfering to other states. We checked into the states not allowing Excelsior degrees and the key fact is they will not issue an "INITIAL" license. However, once you have obtained your license in your home state (if they accept Excelsior degrees) then you can transfer your license to another state. It is even easier if they are a state that participates in COMPACT license (21 states participate with two additional ones joining). You might check out this website to find out more about it . I hope this helps. I would hate to see you pass up Excelsior just because the ignorance of some state boards. Excelsior has an impecable track record with nursing students. Good luck!

Chris Bolinger
Hi Chris,

Yikes, unless anything has changed, not all states allow Excelsior. California will not let a Excelsior grad obtain a CA license - I know Excelsior is working on that, but as of the last time I checked it still is not allowed. Plus I live in Maryland currently. And from what I am reading on the Maryland Board of Nursing website unless I was already enrolled by June of 06 (I believe) and finished the degree by Dec 07, they will not let others to have a Maryland license from Excelsor and that includes by endorsement. This is a big topic on a couple of nurse yahoo groups I am involved in. Georgia is one state I believe you are talking about that will allow Excelsior grads, not by initial licensure but by endorsement. And Washington I think requires 200 preceptor hours before being eligible to take state boards. I just know that here in Maryland I will not be able to work as a RN. Oh sure I could get a DC license and work there but I dont' want to work in DC. And I could work at any federal facility no matter what state I am licensed in, but still that narrows my choices down. I would love in the future to do a travel nurse stint in CA, but until CA accepts Excelsior that couldnt' happen. I appreciate your thoughts however. Does your friend know about the various yahoo groups set up for Excelsior nursing students?

Pure speculation on my part, but one thing I bet they require you to do is A&P I and II with labs for a total of 8 hrs.
You could test out of all those science credits, anything is possible, but it is going to be difficult. It is a lot of material to cover. Good luck on whatever happens.

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"]Bachelor of Science - Excelsior College[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Liberal Studies[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Areas of Focus: Administrative/Management & Health Professions[/SIZE][/COLOR]

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