Hello, this is my first post on this site. I’ve been a longtime reader and have gotten so much great advice just by browsing the forum over the years. I decided to make an account today because this seems to be the only place where I’ve found helpful and informative answers regarding Study.com.
About a month ago, I contacted Study.com support because I was having issues with the Veriff ID verification required to take final exams. Their FAQ page mentioned that if you’re having issues with Veriff, you should contact support, so I did.
They emailed back the same day saying they would forward my request to an account specialist. I followed up several times via email and also left a voicemail, but I didn’t get another response for two weeks. When they finally replied, it was the exact same message, “We’ve forwarded your request to an account specialist and should have an update shortly.” After that, nothing.
I continued following up with emails and voicemails, explaining that I had a college transcript deadline and I was at risk of missing it. I was practically begging them to respond so I wouldn’t miss my chance to start college on time. But I got no reply in time, and unfortunately, I missed the deadline and had to delay my college start date.
I didn’t renew my subscription after that because I had literally wasted an entire month’s subscription waiting for a response. My courses were fully completed, I just needed to take the finals.
About a week and a half later, I received another reply. This time they apologized for the “experience” and gave me a “one-time courtesy month” of free access. But they still completely ignored the actual issue I’ve been trying to get help with.
I followed up again, clearly explaining the problem, and left more voicemails, but once again, no reply. It’s been another week since that last message, and I still haven’t heard anything.
At this point, I’m completely at a loss and don’t know how to move forward. Has anyone here experienced something similar? Is there any way to get in touch with an actual Study.com employee by phone, live chat, or through this forum?
I would really appreciate any help. Thanks!
About a month ago, I contacted Study.com support because I was having issues with the Veriff ID verification required to take final exams. Their FAQ page mentioned that if you’re having issues with Veriff, you should contact support, so I did.
They emailed back the same day saying they would forward my request to an account specialist. I followed up several times via email and also left a voicemail, but I didn’t get another response for two weeks. When they finally replied, it was the exact same message, “We’ve forwarded your request to an account specialist and should have an update shortly.” After that, nothing.
I continued following up with emails and voicemails, explaining that I had a college transcript deadline and I was at risk of missing it. I was practically begging them to respond so I wouldn’t miss my chance to start college on time. But I got no reply in time, and unfortunately, I missed the deadline and had to delay my college start date.
I didn’t renew my subscription after that because I had literally wasted an entire month’s subscription waiting for a response. My courses were fully completed, I just needed to take the finals.
About a week and a half later, I received another reply. This time they apologized for the “experience” and gave me a “one-time courtesy month” of free access. But they still completely ignored the actual issue I’ve been trying to get help with.
I followed up again, clearly explaining the problem, and left more voicemails, but once again, no reply. It’s been another week since that last message, and I still haven’t heard anything.
At this point, I’m completely at a loss and don’t know how to move forward. Has anyone here experienced something similar? Is there any way to get in touch with an actual Study.com employee by phone, live chat, or through this forum?
I would really appreciate any help. Thanks!