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Specific Help with Social Sciences and History
You are studying with all the best tools…now just learn how to use those skills. Like I was saying, show what you know! Know what they are asking. Use common sense when looking at a question.

If you start your test write down the time you start the test on the scrap/note pad. About 1/2 way though test you should be halfway through the questions. If you are not sure,take a guess, MARK the question and move on. Once you get to about 15-20 minutes left on the exam you should be close to the end of the test of completely done with it. That's when you go back and look at all the questions you answered and marked that you were not sure about. 15-20 minutes should be enough time to go back and look at the questions you were not sure of. Also, when you finish the test and go back to the older questions…just by answering the rest of the questions it can refresh your memory. The reason I say guess your best on an answer, mark it and move on is important. In CLEP there is not a double penalty for getting it wrong and guessing. But you WILL get it wrong if you don't guess at all. So guessing will usually give you a 20% chance of guessing correctly. Not guessing at all will give you a zero chance at getting it right. This matters on test with a huge amount of content like this test. When you hit the halfway mark you should feel pretty good about how you are doing and how much time you have left. Take your time and when you are not sure, guess, mark and move on. As long as you see that you are going to finish the exam, you know you have a shot a passing. That should give you a little breather. Then when you DO finish early and have your questions marked, you have the comfort of knowing you have time to really think about the tougher questions. CLEP is an awesome test. I love the method. The odds are in your favor for this one. You ALREADY know more than most people taking this test raw because you passed US HX II CLEP.

Work on the FREE CLEP PREP questions, IC Questions and Peterson's for a few more days. Time yourself to see how you are with 120 questions in 90 minutes…come test day, relax, know your test center, say a prayer or do a meditation that reaffirms you can and will pass...use the method I suggested above to get all your best answers in (so you don't run out of time)… and I would put money on a pass for you on this exam.

Gan on lass!

You can do it Smile

PS the link I sent you has too much info….I really just wanted you to see the timeline (only) it's dates April 17th I think…it's about 1/2 way down the link page. Don't try to stuff too much new stuff into your brain. Just keep working on and polishing up the tools you already have. I just like the timeline for it's visual appeal. I remember pictures better than lectures Big Grin

scottishg8r Wrote:Thanks, Tara! I really appreciate the effort you've gone through to help me out! I'm going to go over everything you listed as well as my other study material. Also, I'm enrolled at Excelsior. Need 18 clep credits and 4 upper level classes to finish my degree. Trying to finish up by the end of June.

I'm done!Smile Thanks to InstantCert,, ALEKS, CLEP and a LOT of work on my part and a lot of support from hubby and family. If I can do it, so can you! 

Thomas Edison State College (TESC) - Bachelor of Science Nursing; RN, BSN (Graduated in the top of 1/4 of class with Sigma Theta Tau honors)
+ 3 courses completed towards MSN.
Excelsior College (EC) - Associates in Applied Science (passed NCLEX- RN exam and became a Registered Nurse)

The test's Passed (CLEP'S, DSST's, ALEK's, etc.):
3          Introduction to Sociology
3          Lifespan and Developmental Psychology
3          Humanities (64)
3          History of the United States I (60)
3          History of the United States II (65)
3          American Government (54)
6          Biology (58)
6          Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (67)
3          Principals of Management (72)
3          ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra
3          CLEP Intro to Psych
3          ALEKS: Statistics

YOU CAN DO IT!!![Image: smile.png]

Messages In This Thread
Specific Help with Social Sciences and History - by Getiton1 - 02-15-2014, 11:37 PM

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