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Specific Help with Social Sciences and History
You are doing great! When is your exam date? Here's what I usually do:

1. Take the test out of the Official Study Guide. If you feel pretty good about the exam after taking this exam cold without study chances are with more study, and using instant cert and the following resources you are going to pass. Main idea…study the majority of what you really need to, then if you have time study more.
2. Take the Free Clep Prep test and see how you do: Social Sciences and History CLEP Free Study Guide -
3. Go over the Instant Cert Flash cards that you DIDN'T do well on when you took the Free Clep Prep test
4. Take the Free Clep Prep test again, and see if you improved. If you didn't go over the Instant cert Flash Cards again this time paying extra special attention to the answers. Note: Look at the outline of the CLEP exam, try to focus on the portions that have the heaviest weight (or are marked with the highest percentage- you don't have to be a 100% expert in everything, but do try to know what they want you to know the MOST of…or what they think is most important). If you are not sure still (and even if you are sure…read the exam specific feedback and see what people are saying about this exam).
5. The exam you are taking has history in it but I can't find a specific "education portal" video for you..but see if these videos help. They can be time consuming, so use them only if they are on your test (match your study areas) and they are working for YOU. If they are not matching what you need to know or you are running out of time, just stick to the above methods. Here's the videos just in case they might help: History 103: US History I Course - Free Online Video Lessons | Education Portal
History 104: US History II Course - Free Online Video Lessons | Education Portal
6. Not sure if You Tube "Crash Course" Videos will help (they talk very fast, because it's a speedy version. But here you go: World War II Part 1: Crash Course US History #35 - YouTube
7. Just give yourself time and keep going over the outline in CLEP and keep hitting the points you need work on. Instant Cert is great for reinforcing things. I understand it's time consuming…so try out the above resources (especially the Free CLEP prep) and use them to guide what you need to study. This is a big exam…so give yourself time to learn all the points before you actually test.
8. Just do your best and show what you know Smile
9. Let us know how you did and post your feedback for other users Smile
10. Welcome to IC Smile

Best of Luck,

I'm done!Smile Thanks to InstantCert,, ALEKS, CLEP and a LOT of work on my part and a lot of support from hubby and family. If I can do it, so can you! 

Thomas Edison State College (TESC) - Bachelor of Science Nursing; RN, BSN (Graduated in the top of 1/4 of class with Sigma Theta Tau honors)
+ 3 courses completed towards MSN.
Excelsior College (EC) - Associates in Applied Science (passed NCLEX- RN exam and became a Registered Nurse)

The test's Passed (CLEP'S, DSST's, ALEK's, etc.):
3          Introduction to Sociology
3          Lifespan and Developmental Psychology
3          Humanities (64)
3          History of the United States I (60)
3          History of the United States II (65)
3          American Government (54)
6          Biology (58)
6          Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (67)
3          Principals of Management (72)
3          ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra
3          CLEP Intro to Psych
3          ALEKS: Statistics

YOU CAN DO IT!!![Image: smile.png]

Messages In This Thread
Specific Help with Social Sciences and History - by Getiton1 - 02-12-2014, 12:16 AM

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