The following equivalencies are on my daughter's academic evaluation as of 9/9/21. Hope this help someone!
Ancient Greek Philosophers PHI-226 Ancient Greek Philosophy
Approaches to Studying Religions REL-100 Introduction to Religion
Business Law LAW-201 Business Law
Communication at Work COM-199 Special Topics Communication
Conflict Resolution COM-299 Special Topics Communication
Developing Effective Teams HRM-215 Leadership
Human Biology BIO-101 Introductory to Biology
Introduction to Business BUS-101 Introduction to Business
Introduction to Ethics PHI-180 Introduction to Ethics
Introduction to Sociology SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology
Macroeconomics ECP-111 Macroeconomics
Project Management MAN-235 Intro to Project Management
Public Speaking COM-209 Public Speaking
Student Success FEL-101 Orientation
The Essentials of Managing Conflict SOS-240 Conflict Resolution
U.S. History: Learn from the Past, Prepare for the Future HIS-199 Special Topics in History
US History II HIS-114 American History II
Visual Communications COM-231 Two-Dimensional Design
Ancient Greek Philosophers PHI-226 Ancient Greek Philosophy
Approaches to Studying Religions REL-100 Introduction to Religion
Business Law LAW-201 Business Law
Communication at Work COM-199 Special Topics Communication
Conflict Resolution COM-299 Special Topics Communication
Developing Effective Teams HRM-215 Leadership
Human Biology BIO-101 Introductory to Biology
Introduction to Business BUS-101 Introduction to Business
Introduction to Ethics PHI-180 Introduction to Ethics
Introduction to Sociology SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology
Macroeconomics ECP-111 Macroeconomics
Project Management MAN-235 Intro to Project Management
Public Speaking COM-209 Public Speaking
Student Success FEL-101 Orientation
The Essentials of Managing Conflict SOS-240 Conflict Resolution
U.S. History: Learn from the Past, Prepare for the Future HIS-199 Special Topics in History
US History II HIS-114 American History II
Visual Communications COM-231 Two-Dimensional Design