Farmerboy Wrote:So far. I think I have hit the brick wall that others on this board have talked about. I have two tests left, Business in Society and Precalculus. One would think that being so close would be a great motovational factor but it is the exact opposite. I just cannot seem to study and am constantly finding excuses for not doing so. My goal was to finish before my 17th birthday on August 21 but I am not sure if can make it.
I think what I need is for you guys to kick, yell, and scream at me to keep me accountable and motovated. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appriciated! Thank you guys so much, this board is awsome!
Oh no you don't....alright then....since you asked....hear what I'm saying:
As a homeschooled kid, you DO have something to prove. Everyone thinks you sit at home with your mommy giving you "A's" on your report card, so you can goof off. Well, this does show them- it shows them the cumulation of your hard work and effort.
This degree validates you, but it also validates your parents. Your mom's decision not to work outside the home- to devote these past 17 years to your growth and development because she had a
hunch that it might be the right path- even when everyone told her it was wrong. She wasn't wrong, you can do this.
You are close, but your not done. Right now, slacking is slacking. There is no "close" to graduating degree- it's all or nothing. Take a breath, but then get back to it. Sometimes going faster is the answer- get it done and
get it off your back. This feeling happens to everyone, but the difference, is that 50% of the people who feel it actually QUIT and give up. Which group do you
want to belong to? Which group
are you going to belong to? When?
Your on your last lap around the track, pick up your pace and cross that finish line SO THAT YOU REALLY do DESERVE to take a break...right now your just dragging on (which you already know, which is why you feel guilty). When your done, your rest will feel good, not a guilty pleasure.