05-28-2011, 10:26 PM
Lindagerr Wrote:Is it inorganic Chem or just General Chem? If Cookderosa stops in she may be able to help She did a lot of science courses with lab online through Ocean County College in NJ. I have never done an in home science lab course, but I did take General Chem I&II and Organic Chem I&II all with Lab. I did them at the nearest CC and having others to talk and study with was a big plus. Good luck with your studies. Let us know what you find, I still might decide to take a couple more science courses I have never gotten around to Physics and Maaannnny years ago I failed Micro, it might be fun to try that again.
I'm 99.999% sure any and every organic comes in as lower level (clearly decided by someone who has never taken organic, but anyhooo.....)