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SDC Grading for Eng Comp I & II
hi everyone -

There may not be anything I hate more than writing essays so I have a question - 

If a class is worth 300 points and you need 210 to pass and the class is broken out like this:

Assignment      Possible Points
Quizzes                         100
Essay 1                           25
Essay 2                           25
Essay 3                           50
Proctored Final Exam      100
Total                             300

Does this mean that if I got 210 points already between the quizzes, final and 2 essays, do I have to take the 3rd essay? Or can I submit a blank sheet if they require something be submitted? Yes, I'm aware that this is lazy but, as mentioned, I'm a hater of essays.

I sent a note to SDC support to ask and they responded with nothing that answered this question so I asked again and am waiting for an answer. Thought maybe you guys would know.

Amberton University, MS Human Relations & Business
Started June 2022

TESU BALS completed March 2020 (24) StraighterLine (33) Sophia (10) SHU and GCU (26) TEEX (6) Coopersmith (12) CSMLearn (3) TESU (6)
I do believe you are required to submit all the assignments. I don’t know if you would be able to submit a blank one and have that count or not. I didn’t enjoy writing the essays either, but I saw it as prep for the Capstone which requires a lot of writing. I definitely think it helped me.
BALS-Humanities from TESU - June 2019

CLEP - A&I Lit, US History 1, US History 2, West Civ 1, Intro Sociology, American Lit, Humanities, Soc. Sci & History, English Lit
Sophia - Intro to Info Tech, Art History 1, Visual Communications, Managing Conflict, Building Effective Teams
Study - Personal Finance, Comm 120, Math 97, Bus 121, Lib Sci 101, Eng 104, Nutrition 101, Eng 105, His 108, Pol. Sci 102, Earth Sci 104, His 308, Bus 313, His 102, Eng 305, His 105, His 106, His 306, Geometry 101, Bus 324, Com 102
Institutes - Insurance Ethics
TESU - Cornerstone, Music History 2 TECEP, LIB Capstone

Further Credits - Sophia - Conflict Resolution, Enviro Science, Microecon, Intro to Stats, Into to Ethics, Found. of Stats, Ancient Greek Philosophers, Macroecon, Intro to Business, Project Management, Accounting, Art History 2
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yeah, guess you have a point about the capstone!
Amberton University, MS Human Relations & Business
Started June 2022

TESU BALS completed March 2020 (24) StraighterLine (33) Sophia (10) SHU and GCU (26) TEEX (6) Coopersmith (12) CSMLearn (3) TESU (6)
In the past, some people were able to get away with only submitting 1 or 2 of the 3 essays. Officially now, I believe you have to submit all assignments but some have been known to "get out of" their last essay.
Personally, for my last essay, I just typed something up in a few hours that was about half as long as the requirements and still got like a 40-50%(I had already gotten enough points to pass by a wide margin). Your results may vary but I recommend at least making an effort on all of the assignments as practice.
WGU BSIT Complete January 2022
(77CU transferred in)(44/44CU ) 

RA(non WGU)(57cr)
JST/TESU Eval of NAVY Training(85/99cr)
The Institutes, TEEX, NFA(9cr): Ethics, Cyber 101/201/301, Safety
Sophia(60cr): 23 classes Eng105, Fin102, His108, LibSci101, Math104, Stat101, CS107, CS303, BUS107
CLEP(9cr): Intro Sociology 63 Intro Psych 61 US GOV 71
OD(12cr): Robotics, Cyber, Programming, Microecon
Various IT/Cybersecurity Certifications from: CompTIA, Google, Microsoft, AWS, GIAC, LPI, IBM
CS Fund. MicroBachelor(3cr)
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Yeah, they require you to turn in something, and it needs to at least approximate what is expected, but it doesn't have to meet all the requirements.

As others have mentioned, it is good practice though so I'd recommend trying to complete it properly since you'll want as much writing practice as possible before the capstone. Doubly so if you any interest in moving on to a masters degree afterward. It seems like all I do is write papers anymore. Smile
Working on: Debating whether I want to pursue a doctoral program or maybe another master's degree in 2022-23

MBA (IT Management), 2019, Western Governors University
BSBA (Computer Information Systems), 2019, Thomas Edison State University
ASNSM (Computer Science), 2019, Thomas Edison State University

ScholarMatch College & Career Coach
WGU Ambassador
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For anyone wondering - did confirm back to me that SOMETHING needs to be sent in, even if it is a paper that says "I am not submitting an essay".
Amberton University, MS Human Relations & Business
Started June 2022

TESU BALS completed March 2020 (24) StraighterLine (33) Sophia (10) SHU and GCU (26) TEEX (6) Coopersmith (12) CSMLearn (3) TESU (6)
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