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Review of Ed4Credit MIS
Cost: I paid $100 when they had a special going on. You can get the cost down to $150 to $170, as there is usually a coupon floating around. Since I took over 3 months on the course, "buying the course" was a better option for me than a subscription model.

Material: There are 14 chapters, which makes for a long course. The material is broken down into chapters with textbook(I believe Cengage), flashcards, practice quiz and other activities. There are also optional videos and readings. There is a quiz at the end of each chapter. Your score is the best of three tries.

Grading: There are 14 quizzes and one final test. They are all weighted equally into the final grade. However, you must get at least a 50% on the proctored final(Proctor U).

Final Tes:t I did all the quizzes and three practice finals closed book and no notes. For the final, I went through the Chapter Reviews and took some notes since you are allowed handwritten notes on the test. I went into the final with an 86% average. I got a 70, 70 and 82 on the practice finals. I was expecting to get somewhere around a 70 on the test, but got an 88. You are allowed one hour for the test and it has 50 questions. I took 20 minutes. I easily could have gotten over a 90 if I had gone slower and rechecked my answers, but I was pretty confident that I did well. The final was much easier than the quizzes and the practice finals(YMMV). I didn't even need my notes. There were quite a few questions that I would consider to be from an Intro to Info Systems course. They were also more general knowledge, whereas the quizzes were more specific.

Opinion of Course: I could have easily done a chapter a day, if I were in a rush. If it wasn't a pass/fail course, I would have gotten over a 90 on the course. I would recommend the course if you can't take the DSST or don't feel confident enough to pass the DSST.
USNY Regents College - BS Liberal Arts (Concentration in Sociology) 1987
KenJ Wrote:Cost: I paid $100 when they had a special going on. You can get the cost down to $150 to $170, as there is usually a coupon floating around. Since I took over 3 months on the course, "buying the course" was a better option for me than a subscription model.

Material: There are 14 chapters, which makes for a long course. The material is broken down into chapters with textbook(I believe Cengage), flashcards, practice quiz and other activities. There are also optional videos and readings. There is a quiz at the end of each chapter. Your score is the best of three tries.

Grading: There are 14 quizzes and one final test. They are all weighted equally into the final grade. However, you must get at least a 50% on the proctored final(Proctor U).

Final Tes:t I did all the quizzes and three practice finals closed book and no notes. For the final, I went through the Chapter Reviews and took some notes since you are allowed handwritten notes on the test. I went into the final with an 86% average. I got a 70, 70 and 82 on the practice finals. I was expecting to get somewhere around a 70 on the test, but got an 88. You are allowed one hour for the test and it has 50 questions. I took 20 minutes. I easily could have gotten over a 90 if I had gone slower and rechecked my answers, but I was pretty confident that I did well. The final was much easier than the quizzes and the practice finals(YMMV). I didn't even need my notes. There were quite a few questions that I would consider to be from an Intro to Info Systems course. They were also more general knowledge, whereas the quizzes were more specific.

Opinion of Course: I could have easily done a chapter a day, if I were in a rush. If it wasn't a pass/fail course, I would have gotten over a 90 on the course. I would recommend the course if you can't take the DSST or don't feel confident enough to pass the DSST.

You can actually use typed notes and when I took my exam my proctor asked me if I had an word documents on the computer that I wanted to use. The class was pretty simple and straight forward. It served its purpose and was an easy 3 credits.
TESU BSBA (Dual Degree)
Computer Information Systems
General Management

Completed June 2017

For those wondering:
TEEX- Bus for IT + IT Professional = 4 UL Digital Marketing = 3 UL
University- Hardware Support Esentials = 4 LL C
Ed4credit- MIS = 3 UL C
SL- C++ Programming 4 UL
CSU Global - System Analysis & Design = 3 C

Gen Man AOS- HRM, Digital Marketing,
SL - Cost Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Organzitional Behavior.
DAU- Contact Administration, Defense Procurement Management

yb1 Wrote:You can actually use typed notes and when I took my exam my proctor asked me if I had an word documents on the computer that I wanted to use. The class was pretty simple and straight forward. It served its purpose and was an easy 3 credits.

I forgot to mention that about the typed notes. I just dotted down a few things like the OSI model, corporate structures, SDLC and a couple of other things.

I agree. Very doable. I don't understand how TESU considers it CS, but hey, I'll take it.
USNY Regents College - BS Liberal Arts (Concentration in Sociology) 1987
Does anyone know if this is UL or LL at COSC? And would this be considered as a separate class or a repeat if BUS 104: Info Systems and Computer Applications and BUS 109: Intro to Computing were already taken?
Myself: Pierpont BOG (May 2018), TESU BALS-SS (June 2019)
CC: 34cr 1979-95 SL: 9cr Shmoop: 6cr SC: 48cr Sophia: 5cr OD: 12cr TEEX: 3cr Ed4Credit: 6cr TESU: 7cr

My son: Currently pursuing Harvard Extension MLA Digital Media Design 28 Cr completed
TESU ASNSM in CS (June 2018), TESU BA Learner-Designed-Software Dev/Web Design Heart & Cert CIS (March 2019)
CSU Global: 9cr Hodges: 24cr SL: 15cr SC: 51cr TEEX: 4cr Sophia: 8cr CLEP: 3cr ED4Credit: 6cr TESU: 6cr Alex:3cr
mudball Wrote:Does anyone know if this is UL or LL at COSC? And would this be considered as a separate class or a repeat if BUS 104: Info Systems and Computer Applications and BUS 109: Intro to Computing were already taken?

I believe that this would be considered lower level at COSC because of the ACE recommendation.
I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.
mudball Wrote:Does anyone know if this is UL or LL at COSC? And would this be considered as a separate class or a repeat if BUS 104: Info Systems and Computer Applications and BUS 109: Intro to Computing were already taken?

It's not a repeat of either of those classes. At TESU it is considered upper level. Don't know about COSC.
USNY Regents College - BS Liberal Arts (Concentration in Sociology) 1987

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