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RN to BSN Pursuers!
I'm an ICU nurse for 24 years now pursuing my BSN through a local RN to BSN program in CT. Started out looking at The College Network but it was so expensive for their review material that I researched other ways to study for CLEP/Dante/Excelcior and came across this website. I'm doing a combo of this site, and the REA CLEP review guides so far. My first exam will be American History 1. Reading the REA review first then will focus on instantcert for the questions.

Very interested to see if any other nurses out there trying to obtain their General Education credits through testing. Would love to chat.

Good luck everyone with your testing. I hope to be an Instantcert success story by the end of January!

Anne Marie
Welcome, Ann Marie. I'm sure you sill be hearing from a few nurses who will share their experiences, even if not following the exact same path as you.

Hi Anne Marie!
I think it's great that you're pursuing further..I'm a nursing student and will be graduating may 2010! (hooray!! ) I'm trying to go into stony brook rn to bsn program September and it's seem so ridiculous i have to take another 2 science courses. I'm cleping bio end of January and taking chemistry in the summer. How is it being an ICU nurse? I'm thinking about going into pediatrics or PICU...I'm using REA and Instant cert. and other text books from the library..follow the college board can't go wrong because they're the ones making the clep test...Are you taking any other clep? good luck studying!!
aadiletta Wrote:I'm an ICU nurse for 24 years now pursuing my BSN through a local RN to BSN program in CT. Started out looking at The College Network but it was so expensive for their review material that I researched other ways to study for CLEP/Dante/Excelcior and came across this website. I'm doing a combo of this site, and the REA CLEP review guides so far. My first exam will be American History 1. Reading the REA review first then will focus on instantcert for the questions.

Very interested to see if any other nurses out there trying to obtain their General Education credits through testing. Would love to chat.

Good luck everyone with your testing. I hope to be an Instantcert success story by the end of January!

Anne Marie

Welcome! I'm doing the same thing, however I did it totally in reverse Big Grin I tested out of my gen eds for my first BA degree. I actually found some online sciences that I am using for the BSN prereqs of this degree. I'm not doing the RN to BSN, I'm doing an accelerated BSN since I have a BA degree (yes, I tested out of my gen eds!) I'm a career changer. My mom was an ICU/CCU nurse for 40 years, she passed away on Mother's Day only 2 months after her retirement! I know what you do is very hard, I have no doubt you are very bright and will be able to test out of your gen eds. You have found the best CLEP site on the web, welcome!
Hi, I'm doing the LVN to BSN through Indiana State and like you I found this site after looking into College Network.

I have finished testing out of 15 of the general eds. I will finish the final 3(english,tech writing and A/I) this month. Along the way I found out that I could not keep my job without a BA so I have collected the additional test outs to apply for a BA through TESC also

Good luck with your studies. I absolutely adore working in critical care. You are brave to want to work in pediatric critical care. That can be emotionally very rough. I thought it would be so rewarding until I had kids of my own! But a lot of people say that about what I do too, so there you go! Thanks so much for the advice. It seems so overwhelming to me right now after being out of school so long, but I am sure I will get the hang of it. I just want to get A/P and Micro BEHIND ME! AGH!

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