bricabrac Wrote:Well it would seem my comments and list of courses I gave the OP are still available! Thank you for taking the time to cross-reference. The TESC list I posted later is effective May 2010 and I think I did mention they disappear reappear and are updated/changed. I do not work for TESC or FEMA. Nor do I have the time to update and maintain that list. This is why we have advisors.
Moving forward....
I didn't mean anything against you by my comments. I was very glad to see your list, because it's the first I've seen. When I mentioned "problems," I meant it more in a, "Gee, I wish TESC would take some time to maybe update their list with some of the new stuff at EMI and figure out how they handle the multi-courses for one credit thing." I do understand why the old and no-longer-available courses are still on the TESC list; after all, someone may have already taken one of those courses and can still get credit, even though it's not something anyone can take any longer now that it's gone.
I just threw that list up there because 1) I put it together tonight for my son and website, so I had it available and 2) I thought it might help someone who is just getting started - just to save a step.
ETA: O/T - bricabrac, I just noticed in your sig line that you did beginning, intermediate, and college algebra through ALEKS. Was there a reason? (Well, duh, obviously there was *some* reason.) Did you do it for separate credit or just for learning purposes? I'm only asking because my son can't decide which algebra to do. I read somewhere that beginning would satisfy a math credit for him, but he's tending toward intermediate "just in case."