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Public Speaking DSST... please help!
I'm considering taking the Public Speaking DSST. I was wondering everyones opinion concerning whether or not I could take this test cold (with no studying) and pass it. I'm not concerned with the speech portion because I know I can put together good speeches, but I am with the written portion. Any help concerning whether or not I should take it, study resources, or anything of the like would be greatly appreciated.
Intro to Sociology
Freshman English Comp
Analyzing and Interpreting Lit
Intro to Psychology
American Gov
English Lit
US History 1
Principles of Macroeconomics

To do:
College Algebra
someone please post some help
Intro to Sociology
Freshman English Comp
Analyzing and Interpreting Lit
Intro to Psychology
American Gov
English Lit
US History 1
Principles of Macroeconomics

To do:
College Algebra
jamesconner31 Wrote:someone please post some help

I haven't taken this DSST yet but you should check out the forum in the specific exam feedback center. Just search "public speaking" and the forum should come up.

Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Music Fundamentals
Computer Literacy

English Composition w/ Essay CLEP 57
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP 65
Introductory Psychology CLEP 57
Western Civilization I CLEP 55[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Studying for:
Principles of Management
American Government
Public Speaking was my 1st DSST. I took the test in December of 2008 and I passed with a 62. You have roughly around 75 multiple choice questions. Very easy questions if you know stuff like how many main ideas are in a paragragh. The actual speaking part was slightly more difficult. I had 10 minutes to prepare a speech on a topic that they give you @ the last minute. I had to give a 5 minute speech in a taperecorder and I couldnt go over that time by 1 second or else i would have failed. Whatever your topic is, apply it to yourself and just start talking. Remember to have an opening sentence like Good Morning I am ______ and I'm her to talk to you today about ______. Dont forget your 3 main ideas and dont forget your conclusion. It's easy. I didnt study @ all. After I took that test, I was hooked. I take a clep once a month now and I'm 2 classes away from my CCAF. Good luck my friend.
What is a CCAF?
A.S. General Transfer Chattanooga State 2009
B.S.L.A. Thomas Edison State College June 7, 2013
I haven't taken this exam, but my best friend just did and she said your speech HAS to be between 3 and 5 minutes otherwise you fail. So just keep that in mind. Smile

From 0 to 120 credits in ten months and seven days because of CollegePlus! and InstantCert!!!

AHHHH!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!! Graduation, here I come!

"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save." ~Zephaniah 3:17
frankiebleyes Wrote:What is a CCAF?

Community College of the Air Force, Regional Accreditation as a JR. College.
CCAF-AS Logistics Management
CCAF-AS Bio-Environmental Science
Cerro Coso Community College-AS Administration of Justice
Excelsior College-BS Criminal Justice-2008
TESC-BA Liberal Studies-2009
2 Different Bachelor Degrees completed in under 2 years!
I took the Speech Dantes and bombed it, and than took the BYU online speech, it was very easy and got a A, only needed a tape recorder and no books, the teacher was very accommodating and fair.
CCAF-AS Logistics Management
CCAF-AS Bio-Environmental Science
Cerro Coso Community College-AS Administration of Justice
Excelsior College-BS Criminal Justice-2008
TESC-BA Liberal Studies-2009
2 Different Bachelor Degrees completed in under 2 years!
I guess that is the TMA 150- Public Speaking at BYU
Read my post in the specific feedback section for this test. It sums this test up for me. I would NOT recommend taking this test cold. It's not that bad, but there are some things you need to study and prepare for.

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