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Peterson's Site
I am completely snowed in and decided to study this am and attempted to log in to Peterson's and they say that a license has expired and i can't log in?
Any ideas?
This same thing happened to me two days before a test. They said I had "90 days" to complete my tests and then everything shut down. You might try FL5518 activation code.
Thanks alot....the code worked great!
Where do you put in the activation code? I can't get access either.

Go to link

Login with your username and password. Insert activation code.
I followed the link you provided, after I put in my user name and password and pressed enter, I did not see any where to put the activation code

I tried putting the activation code in the password, and the otherway round, still nothing

could you please provide more information on where exactly to put the activation code

It appears that guidancenet still has access to the tests, but Bergen Academies does not. To avoid having a thousand people sign up using the same school, I won't post a link, but here's how to get access:

Do a google search for guidancenet and the name of a local high school in your area. If that doesn't work, try another school.

It seems that many schools are in the guidancenet program. Some schools have access to all of the tests, and some have access to some of the tests. In less than 2 minutes, I found many schools with access. The log in info from Bergen Academies will still work and previously saved test info is still available.
Thank you very much, it took me while to really find the test I was looking for but I finally managed. I would have not managed to get in the prep test without your help

Thank you very much
mapalo Wrote:Thank you very much, it took me while to really find the test I was looking for but I finally managed. I would have not managed to get in the prep test without your help

Thank you very much

Glad to hear you got in OK! Sorry I couldn't post sooner-had to work today. Best wishes to you on the test and let us know how you do! What are you studying for?
I am taking Sociology on Monday, I live in Boston, but I have to be in indiana the whole of Next week staring Monday, I did not want to miss whole week of not studying or writing an exam so I scheduled on exam at 1:00pm.
I land at 11:30 and hopefully there won't be weather delays.

And at 3:30 I have a meeting, I say all this to say, I have only been able to have such motivation and drive towards exam taking because of all the encouragement on this forum

This is one of the best things that has happened to me and I appreciate you all.

One Last question, how can I retake the Prep Test again, because right now all am seeing is the review section of what I did previously, I see no option to retake the test, any idea or suggestion

Thanks very much

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