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Penn Foster course timeframe
I am in the process of taking some independent courses through Penn Foster to supplement my accounting courses...looking to sit for the CPA exam after master program but I need extra accounting courses to meet the 33 credit requirement (at least in NYS).

Anyway I am curious as to how quickly it has taken someone to complete their Penn Foster courses? I took the Information Literacy course but it really just took a few days so I really cannot judge by that. I started my Intermediate Accounting I today and I honestly don't see it taking more than a week or two as I am in the accounting field now and have taken various other accounting courses. I have already taken the first exam and scored 90 without even having to study for it.

I don't want it to seem too quick but I also want to get done as quick as possible.

Just curious as to what others have encountered.

I signed up for the financial management course yesterday and completed it today. The only holdup is that there is a proctored exam that needs to be shipped to my proctor, taken, shipped backed, and graded. Usually that adds 2 weeks to the course

I have also completed Princ of Management, Princ of Marketing, Intro to Business, Systems Design, and Structured Systems Analysis. Outside of the proctored exams, I usually complete each course over a weekend.
billchrz Wrote:I signed up for the financial management course yesterday and completed it today. The only holdup is that there is a proctored exam that needs to be shipped to my proctor, taken, shipped backed, and graded. Usually that adds 2 weeks to the course

I have also completed Princ of Management, Princ of Marketing, Intro to Business, Systems Design, and Structured Systems Analysis. Outside of the proctored exams, I usually complete each course over a weekend.

That is great to hear. I was afraid they would look at me funny for being able to complete it so quickly.

Well I talked to Tom Hunt once and he told me not to complete more than 2 exams per day, because if I did that it would be showed in their internal records and I could be reported. So just to be on the safe I would just do 2 per day which I think it is still very fast.

Best wishes


I am aiming for a BSBA in accounting and am taking CLEPs, DSSTs, some classes at LSU etc. I heard that I can take some self guided classes at Penn Foster (it seems that there are a couple of accounting relevent ones which I am interested in), however when I search online all I find is the option to enroll in full undergraduate programs. When I emailed them, they told me that I have to call their 800 number to enroll in individual classes. Does anyone know where I can sign up for these self guided/study classes?
Also, what is the deal with TESC accepting these credits from Penn Foster?

You have to call the business and industrial department
Workforce Development

talk to Tom Hunt he is really nice. Some people have enrolled in classes talking to Mary Beth but my experience with her has not been that rewarding.

the cost x credit hour is $90 plus a $25 proctored examination fee (if you order several classes at the same time there is only one $25 fee). Tom has waived my shipping fee before but I don't know if that would work now.

PF offers some classes that qualify as upper level electives in the Business degree from Excelsior: Intermediate Accounting I and II, Cost Accounting, Securities and Investments and I think Sales Management

I hope this helps Smile
perriquit Wrote:You have to call the business and industrial department
Workforce Development

talk to Tom Hunt he is really nice. Some people have enrolled in classes talking to Mary Beth but my experience with her has not been that rewarding.

the cost x credit hour is $90 plus a $25 proctored examination fee (if you order several classes at the same time there is only one $25 fee). Tom has waived my shipping fee before but I don't know if that would work now.

PF offers some classes that qualify as upper level electives in the Business degree from Excelsior: Intermediate Accounting I and II, Cost Accounting, Securities and Investments and I think Sales Management

I hope this helps Smile

I actually had a weird experience with Tom/MaryBeth or Marysomeone recently. I have taken Cost Accounting and Information Literacy from Penn Foster previously. When I called I always talked to Tom. I called for the Intermediate Accounting I recently and got Mary... Tom always was the one to actually sign me up and take payment info but Mary transferred me to an enrollment rep. Then the enrollment rep then asked what my old student id was but couldn't use it because of who enrolled me in the other classes...Tom. It was weird, so now I have 2 student ID# from them.

For the last class I enrolled Marybeth also wanted me to open a new student id but I told her no and she went ahed and enrolled me with my old student ID that was opened by Tom.

From what I hear Tom is not around. It would be very sad since he is very efficient and I need to sign up for more classes. I hope it is not because she makes a comission!
I know what you mean, Tom was really good at getting back to you and actually remembering (or kept notes) about what you talked about previously.

I cannot say my recent experience is as good as it could be with regard to proctored final exam being sent out. I know if it was Tom, I would have had it resolved the beginning of last week sometime, instead it has taken 2 weeks to resolve (had to fax over my proctor form 3 times before someone linked my proctor to the correct ID/course). 2 weeks that I could have received my final exam, scheduled time with my proctor and already mailed it back in for grading.

Too bad Tom doesn't seem to be there anymore. Or at least not in his old position.

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