07-16-2013, 07:20 PM
armyb77 Wrote:I hate to create two posts in a row, but I just talked a little with Patten University. They offer a 20% discount per term for active duty military. So the cost is $1598 per term, and there is NO credit limit you can take to the self paced courses within the MBA. As my timeline gets closer I will definitely look more closely into this institution.
I hope this helps others!
I also will be looking into this program in the near future.
Another thing that might entice some to look into Patten's grad program is that they recommend, but do not require a GMAT/GRE to apply. The other schools that I am interested in all require graduate entrance examinations. Ultimately what I manage to score on the GMAT will determine my faith.
From your earlier post, you mentioned that they do not offer financial aid. That is a bummer. Although, the program itself is inexpensive, the monthly fee could be high for some. But if you can afford the $520 ($350 for undergrad) a month, you will finish the program without the need of loans. That is good news, specially if you finished your undergrad degree at one of the Big 3, you could possibly finish both undergrad and grad degrees virtually debt free.
Something else that I just thought of, depending on how many credits and what type of credits they allow you to transfer in, at $1316 per term and being that they are regionally accredited, they could be a good alternative to the Big 3.
Maybe someone that is currently undecided on one of the Big 3 could look into this. Would be interesting to see how Patten stacks up against the Big 3 and NAU (Northern Arizona University).