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Newbie - Can I pass the CLEPs?
I've got a pretty good handle on the English Comp with Essay and the Analyzing Lit exams. I've armed myself with InstantCert and some other study materials.

Now here's the big question: Can you pass the CLEP just by studying (with no prior knowledge of the subject)? I'd like to hit the Western Civ I and II and the Intro to Psych exams. I am an adult learner and really need to maximize my credits.

Thanks for your advice!!
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]IC is without a doubt a dynamic preparation tool. Your "previous knowledge" on any particular subject is also a great asset. Supplemental sources (see below) offer great assistance too.

In the end, it is UP TO YOU to decide; the use of practice exams (, REA, & official CLEP Guide) are a great ways to test your skills.

ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Yes, you will pass with study. Just like many if not most people on the board here, I had no prior knowledge of subjects prior to preparing for the exams. The first one is usually the toughest. Once you see it can be done you will be off and running. The biggest obstacle when people contemplate taking Clep and Dantes test is realizing ultimately you are responsible for your education. There is nothing magical about having someone in front of you lecturing on a subject for the majority of these test. Use instantcert, this forum, and the array of study materials available and you will do fine.

BGN Wrote:Yes, you will pass with study. Just like many if not most people on the board here, I had no prior knowledge of subjects prior to preparing for the exams. The first one is usually the toughest. Once you see it can be done you will be off and running. The biggest obstacle when people contemplate taking Clep and Dantes test is realizing ultimately you are responsible for your education. There is nothing magical about having someone in front of you lecturing on a subject for the majority of these test. Use instantcert, this forum, and the array of study materials available and you will do fine.


There is plenty of magic going on when someone lectures in front of you. Your money magically disappears from your wallet. hilarious
Believe me when I say that I was absolutely *petrified* when I took my first CLEP. I just had a very hard time believing that I could get a full semester's worth of a class in one test and actually have any hope of passing. I'm sure that whatever subject you test on, you will have some sort of prior knowledge and will somehow be able to link the information up. But even if you don't, IC is an EXCELLENT study source, and I used it primarily for the couple of exams that I took. The more resources you use though, the greater your chances of passing with a higher score. Study hard and go take the exam with confidence! Smile

HG&D - 62
Ed. Psych - 57
Humanities - 59
A&I Literature - 59
Here's To Your Health - 59
Fund. of Counseling - 49
Criminal Justice - 55
Intro to Law Enforcement - 51
Great replies! I plan on using instantcert and a few other study materials to get the job done. I am taking both English exams on the 18th of April so I will update here. Is it safe to say that if I ace the material on the questions here I am prepared for the exam?
I've only taken one Clep so far, and I had no prior knowledge on the subject at all. I used the instantcert flashcards and passes all three Petersons practice exams, and then the Clep.
Best of luck!

3/07 Sociology 69
4/07 Humaities 65
5/07 Biology 67
5/07 Psycology 67
In my experience......not only do you not need to have any prior don't need any present or future knowledge....

Fund of Counseling
Criminal Justice
Law Enforcement
Analyzing & Int Lit
Ethics in America

I have no knowledge of any of these subjects and I still passed. Just go for it!
University of Massachusetts - Lowell, MS Finance (current)
Lewis University, MBA, Finance
Excelsior College B.S. Liberal Arts, Admin/Mgmt Studies
I don't quite undserstand your quote
"in my experience......not only do you not need to have any prior don't need any present or future knowledge"....
Please explain if you can.
Sincerely, Brenda

Microbiology B
Pathophysiology A
English Comp with Essay C
Intro to Soc 63
Intro to Psych 65
Lifespan Dev Psych B
Gerontology C
Info Tech Comp Applications 53
A&I Literature 62
History 1 52

Working on at present:
Algebra and Public Speaking


Technical Writing
Spanish 1
Phy Ed

Working toward BS-Nursing
bceagles Wrote:In my experience......not only do you not need to have any prior don't need any present or future knowledge....

You had me laughing with this one. hilarious It is so true that you just dump 90% of the information that you learn for these tests. I know I'll never use most of this stuff again.
3/07 Sociology 69
4/07 Humaities 65
5/07 Biology 67
5/07 Psycology 67

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