03-29-2016, 11:48 AM
hickory6 Wrote:I was told by someone in the Learner Support Center this morning that I would not be grandfathered under the new policy. I have taken 12 of my residency requirement credits via TECEP so far. Hard to believe that a UNIVERSITY would sell you a product that qualified for fulfillment of residency and then tell you it does not qualify. Seems akin to fraud.:mad:
"Current students who were actively enrolled before April 1 are subject to the academic residency requirements in their Catalog year."
The quote is taken directly from this web page Thomas Edison State University | Per Credit Tuition Plan
This screams of the FEMA fisaco, where phonecalls and emails to TESU gave the information that FEMA would no longer be accepted in transfer from March 2014. Instead they did accept FEMA for a couple of months more, the FEMAs are on people's evaluations who applied to TESU after March 2014; but only the ones that were TAKEN before March 2014.
Personally I'd plod on as quickly as you can until something actually changes on your plan, or you're contacted by TESU regarding a change to your plan. However, it wouldn't hurt to have a PLAN B just incase.