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Need some advice please...
6 years ago I received 70 credits from AIU online where I was studying business administration. I worked for my dad for many years and didn't need a degree, but we are now out of business and I find myself needing my degree. One employer told me it didn't matter what field of study I had my degree in, but to get it ASAP. I've been reading about the FEMA credits and checking out Excelsior, T. Edison, and Charter Oak. I've also checked a little into ACE credits. I'm just super confussed as far as which school will be more able to work with me on obtaining more credits. I can try to CLEP, but I'm not sure how well that's going to work out for me. I don't care about the money... I just need the fastest way to finish. Any suggestions??

Thank you!
From what I read AIU Online seems to be regionally accredited. That being said, you need to pick a school sir!

For the admissions fee of any of the Big 3 they will accept your transcripts and to an evaluation based on your academic record.

I applied to TESC in October, it cost me $75, and have through a combination of old Community College credit, Straighterline, FEMA, ALEKS, Microsoft Certs and Penn Foster have finished over 2/3's of my degree. I am enrolling in TESC in Feb and plan to graduate in May of 2013.

Its all about reading the forum, bookmarking interesting helpful posts and using other peoples posted Degree plans to create and tailor the PERFECT plan for you.

So step 1? Call your old school and find out if they are truely regionally accredited. Most importantly, find out if they were regional accredited WHEN you attended the school!

Step 2, find a college that will accept those credits.

Step 3, create a plan to graduate based on what your missing in your chosen Degree Concentration.

I'd be happy to help in any way I can mate. Just PM me, or respond to this thread.
DONE!!!! :hurray:hilarious:hurray: 120 out of 120 Complete. BSBA in CIS at Thomas Edison State College

TESC - 9 C/H
Strategic Bus Management (BUS 425) - A
Sys Analysis and Design - A
Network Tech TECEP (CMP-311) - Pass

CLEP - 15 C/H
College Comp - 56
Prin of Management - 62
Prin of Marketing - 61
Business Law - 59

DSST - 9 C/H
Introduction to Comp - 476
M.I.S. - 464

South Suburban Com Col - 18 C/H
Phil 101 & 107, 16 credits in Music Study/diction/composition

Microsoft MCSA - 3 credit hours in BSBA CIS Area of Study

ALEKS-Straighterline-Penn Foster-FEMA-TEEX - 12-39-6-6-= 66 CR Hours
Interm/ Algebra, Col. Algebra, PreCalculus, Intro to Stats - Managerial Acc, Intro Bio, Business Ethics, Org. Behavior, US History I & II, Intro Psych, Macro, Microeconomics, Bus Comm., Intro to Business, Acc I & II - Intro to Prog, Fin. Management - TEEX IS Security Courses
Apply to all three schools, and see how they accept those credits. Then, see how those credits fit into degree plans. Then, do what you need to do to get the other credits. This might be CLEPs, DSSTs, FEMA courses, Alex, StraighterLine, Penn Foster, etc. (There are lots of posts on this site about classes.) TESC was the best fit for me, but it might not be the best fit for you. Welcome, and good luck.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker

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