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Need assistance on choosing program
I'm confused. Is this the Portland CC in Oregon, with the quarter hours?

I'm reading that the OP needs both WR121 (4 credits) and either WR 122 or WR 227 (4 hours), then the math requirement.

That would equal $836.

BTW the minimum amount of credits to get an AA at PCC is 90 quarter hours. You'd graduate with 99 quarter hours, which isn't terrible.

cookderosa Wrote:I pulled an advising sheet from your CC.

You need:

WR121 (3 cr)
College Math CLEP = MTH105 (4 cr)

Your tuition rate is $92, so you're looking at $276 tuition and $100 for the CLEP = $376

So as you can see, there's no reason to go elsewhere for your AA.
cathgrl Wrote:I'm confused. Is this the Portland CC in Oregon, with the quarter hours?

I'm reading that the OP needs both WR121 (4 credits) and either WR 122 or WR 227 (4 hours), then the math requirement.

That would equal $836.

BTW the minimum amount of credits to get an AA at PCC is 90 quarter hours. You'd graduate with 99 quarter hours, which isn't terrible.

Yes, this is the Portland CC is Oregon. I should have put that in.
cathgrl Wrote:I'm confused. Is this the Portland CC in Oregon, with the quarter hours?

I'm reading that the OP needs both WR121 (4 credits) and either WR 122 or WR 227 (4 hours), then the math requirement.

That would equal $836.

BTW the minimum amount of credits to get an AA at PCC is 90 quarter hours. You'd graduate with 99 quarter hours, which isn't terrible.

He has the option of using the CLEP exam for math, but not writing. If he took math instead of the CLEP, it would cost more.
cookderosa Wrote:He has the option of using the CLEP exam for math, but not writing. If he took math instead of the CLEP, it would cost more.

So, with the Excelsior Social Science degree would I only need 30 upper level credits?
Excelsior College | Bachelors Degrees | Social Science Degree | Online Classes
daristotle Wrote:So, with the Excelsior Social Science degree would I only need 30 upper level credits?
Excelsior College | Bachelors Degrees | Social Science Degree | Online Classes

Do you have semester credits or quarter credits? If it is quarter credits, you will need to convert them to semester credits to determine how many you need.



Current Degree Plan
Complete:  TECEP Eng Comp I, Marriage and Family, Strategic Management, Networking, Computer Concepts, Liberal Math, Tech Writing, Managerial Accounting DSST MIS, Cybersecurity Macroeconomics
Remaining:  Waiting for credits to process

ajs1976 Wrote:Do you have semester credits or quarter credits? If it is quarter credits, you will need to convert them to semester credits to determine how many you need.
I believe it is quarter credits. PCC has Fall, Winter, and Spring terms of about 8-12 weeks.
daristotle Wrote:I believe it is quarter credits. PCC has Fall, Winter, and Spring terms of about 8-12 weeks.

If you have 99 quarter hours you need to convert them to semester hours and then fill in the requirements. You would need more then just the 30 upper level to equal 120 or whatever the total requirement is for the program.

"Unit of Credit

Excelsior College operates on a trimester calendar. One unit of credit is equivalent to one semester credit. A unit of credit earned at colleges on the quarter-hour system will be multiplied by two-thirds to produce the semester credit equivalent (i.e., one quarter-hour equals two-thirds of a semester credit). All other credit-hour systems listed on other college transcripts will be researched and converted to semester credit equivalents."



Current Degree Plan
Complete:  TECEP Eng Comp I, Marriage and Family, Strategic Management, Networking, Computer Concepts, Liberal Math, Tech Writing, Managerial Accounting DSST MIS, Cybersecurity Macroeconomics
Remaining:  Waiting for credits to process

Student Quarter Credit To Semester Credit Conversion |

You have around 66 semester hours of credit, of course it will depend on exactly how the receiving school posts your specific record. I had this problem when finishing my degree at COSC, I ended up scrambling to earn 2.65 semester hours of credit at the last minute because of it.
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
So here's the million dollar question. When you listed your classes, how many credits was each? 4 or 3?
cookderosa Wrote:So here's the million dollar question. When you listed your classes, how many credits was each? 4 or 3?

Most of them were 3 credits, a few were 4.

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