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Need Help Getting Started With My Life.
Hello everyone and good luck on your degrees. I'm glad that so many of you are motivated. And happy about how your moving forward in life.

Long story short I am in my 20s , and don't know what to do with my life (career wise). So I started looking up how to get a degree. Just to do something to keep my self going. I am a security guard (boring job) I do overnights so pretty much I play video games and read. To keep myself entertained. It is very boring, I have sometimes brought my clep studying book to work. I have [U]The Best Review for the CLEP General Exams. Pretty much my problem is I want to get a degree sooner then later. I don't know where to start. There is apparently 3-4 different schools to go with. I guess I want a degree that could get me an entry level job with just about anything. Does anybody know what the liberal arts degree could be applied towards. So far I have no credits. but i was thinking about taking these exams: English Composition. Humanities. College Mathematics. Natural Sciences. and Social Sciences & History. Does anybody know off any of these are worth taking. And second if any of you with more experience and wisdom could tell me alittle of your stories and how you got started going towards your degrees I would appreciate the rapport.Big Grin Hello all I am Oliver
To clarify I do not have a degree. I am just getting started. And i was wondering is the Liberal Arts. Degree a good Degree choice if i am undecided. I guess i like science, accounting i thought about. I would love to teach. I love English. poetry, pose, reading and writing. I could do computers. I always wanted to start my own business. I like mysteries. I do not want to be a cop. I want to learn French. I like people. I want either a good paying desk job. Or something I could do from Home. What would be some good Ideas for career. Could i some apply a liberal arts degree towards a business degree. I would like to know what degrees some of you are going towards. and what you could do with your degrees. i.e. differnt careers. Thanks Again Oliver
I was in a similar situation as you about 3 months ago. I wanted to get my degree, knew I wanted to take some exams to speed the process, but didn't know how or if it was even possible, the only difference is that I had about 60 credits froma previous college transfered in...

Then I found this forum and instantcert...

Since then, I have completed 30 hours in about a month and a half and I found Excelsior which is the college that I am enrolled.

I would strongly encourage you to look into Excelsior or one of the other 2 zero residency colleges. They provide the easiest means by which to achieve a degree without having to go to boring classes for the rest of your life. This is also the cheapest way to get your degree depending on how you choose to get your credits completed. Since you are obviously already interested in testing, then this is a perfect and inexpensive option for you.

I never thought that I could do what I am doing right now through testing, but it can be done.

My advise: Sign up with instantcert...look into what college you want to go with and get rolling...

Best of luck...there is a light at the end of the tunnel...

Cool name by the way...Adrian Peterson is an awesome running back for the Vikings
Excelsior BS - General Business - 2008
Jacksonville State University - MBA - 2010(Done)

121 credits...ALL DONE BABY!!!

54 credits transferred in from prior college
54 credits by examination
6 credits from community college
3 credits from CSU-Pueblo (Operations Management)
4 credits for Information Literacy and Business Strategy from Excelsior

Principles of Macroeconomics (64)
Principles of Microeconomics (61)
Principles of Marketing (66)
Principles of Management (72)
Info Systems and Comp Applications (57)
Introductory Business Law (65)
Social Sciences & History (61)
Principles of Supervision (58)
Principles of Statistics (67)
Introduction to Computing (60)
Principles of Financial Accounting (56)
Principles of Finance (55)
Money and Banking (52)
Ethics in America (66)
Management Information Systems (58)
Ethics: Theory and Practice (B)
Organizational Behavior ©

GMAT: 600
Based on your description of the things you "love" I would think that liberal arts would be the most enjoyable. As far as which tests to start with, I would say any of those you've looked at would be fine--and prep for any test will definitely do more to help you achieve a degree than video games. Good luck and have fun.
My Excelsior Journey
Bachelor of Science in General Business, cum laude
Excelsior College
AdrianPeterson Wrote:Hello everyone and good luck on your degrees. I'm glad that so many of you are motivated. And happy about how your moving forward in life.

Long story short I am in my 20s , and don't know what to do with my life (career wise). So I started looking up how to get a degree. Just to do something to keep my self going. I am a security guard (boring job) I do overnights so pretty much I play video games and read. To keep myself entertained. It is very boring, I have sometimes brought my clep studying book to work. I have [U]The Best Review for the CLEP General Exams. Pretty much my problem is I want to get a degree sooner then later. I don't know where to start. There is apparently 3-4 different schools to go with. I guess I want a degree that could get me an entry level job with just about anything. Does anybody know what the liberal arts degree could be applied towards. So far I have no credits. but i was thinking about taking these exams: English Composition. Humanities. College Mathematics. Natural Sciences. and Social Sciences & History. Does anybody know off any of these are worth taking. And second if any of you with more experience and wisdom could tell me alittle of your stories and how you got started going towards your degrees I would appreciate the rapport.Big Grin Hello all I am Oliver

Hi Oliver! Welcome to the board!! If you are willing to check out a book, can I suggest "Accelerated Distance Learning" by Brad Voeller? It is short, helpful, and lays out the basic idea behind all of this testing and online learning. The author earned his degree in business through testing and online learning.

Since you are still not sure what direction you want to go in, I suggest taking exams that can be used for basically any degree's GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT. Most degrees and most schools are very similar in this area. For example, you will need an English Composition class for any degree from any school. I highly suggest comparing Thomas Edison State College and to see if either one jumps out at you. The web sites will allow you to also request print material if you prefer. Look over the options for bachelor degrees. You will find that all will require 120 credits, but the breakdown will differ.

You ask about Liberal Arts and Business. These are opposite ends of the spectrum credit-wise. The business degree will spell out a "core" of classes you must do (or tests) while the liberal arts will spell out only categories- you have more freedom to fill the categories however you like (some majors spell out some classes, but that's for later).

A fun site to look around is PayScale - Salary Survey, Salaries, Wages, Compensation Information and Analysis This site will help you zone in on some of the various career paths as well as education needed and pay range expected. GENERALLY speaking, a liberal arts degree doesn't prepare you for a job. Most people use that as a "check the box" degree if they are already experienced in their job and need a promotion, or as a stepping stone onto graduate school. I know that is a generalization, but the people I have met seeking this degree are looking for the piece of paper, not necessarily training for something specific. (it's a fast and flexible option!)

A business degree is a bit better suited for career training, as it can probably open more doors. Even though you mention entry level, you might be able to come in as an entry level manager (rather than an employee) so that is something to consider. Not a lot of poetry and French in a business curriculum though.

No one here can choose your path, but give yourself a few weeks to hang around, check out info, get comfortable with the vocab and terms, understand the degree process (check out the book from the library) and in a short while, you will have all the information necessary to jump in and get going on your degree!!
Hi, my name is Brandon and I [I]graduated[I] from Excelsior last week. I did the B.S. in liberal arts. It allows 60 (scattered) units which can be taken cheap and easy through FEMA and some other sources. What I really like about this program is it allows you a LOT of flexibility. Your job would put you in prime contention to study. Since you are a security officer have you considered Law Enforcement? There are a ton of jobs out west and the Border Patrol is hiring like crazy. It gets your foot in the door (and gets you out of the cold Wink )
The best things in life aren't things.
AdrianPeterson Wrote:....I am in my 20s , and don't know what to do with my life (career wise).....

[COLOR="Navy"]First, welcome to the IC-Forums-Classroom!

Second, you are not alone as there are many-many-many "20-somethings" that don't know what they want to do yet; hell there's some "30-40-50 somethings" that are still deciding what they want to be when they grow-up.

Third, focus on the "here & now" - get any degree and you will be far better off in the short and long run.

Good Luck!! Big Grin [/COLOR]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
AdrianPeterson Wrote:Pretty much my problem is I want to get a degree sooner then later. I don't know where to start. There is apparently 3-4 different schools to go with. I guess I want a degree that could get me an entry level job with just about anything.

[SIZE="2"]Hi Oliver! There are so many schools you can choose from that your options are nearly endless. In fact, I have a fun story for you. I am a 30-year-old mother of three school-aged kids, and my 2008 new year's resolution was to earn a bachelor's degree ASAP (I was hoping for 2-years total time, and I started at zero credits). In January 2008, I enrolled with the University of Maryland University College's online BS program majoring in Human Resources Management, with a minor in Business Law and Public Policy. I signed up with InstantCert immediately thereafter when I learned of credit by examination. In only three months time, I have already earned 18 credits through CLEP and 12 credits through traditional study. On top of that, I feel pretty confident that I am going to earn 6 more credits through CLEP this Friday as I am scheduled for two exams. This totals more than a year of college credit in only three months.

The best part about this story is that I am predominantly taking CLEP exams in the subjects that I am not extremely strong in. Does this sound crazy? It actually isn't because since CLEP exams are simply a pass or fail with my institution; I do not have to be naturally strong in the subject. InstantCert has provided me with the knowledge that I need to pass the exam comfortably. Currently, I have a 4.0 GPA in UMUC's BS program because I am actually taking my classes in the subjects that I am strong in, and my CLEPs are simply giving me credit (even with average scores) without affecting my GPA at all.

On Friday of last week, I was offered a position as a level-3 Human Resources Specialist with a Fortune 100 company that was highly motivated to hire me for a mid-level human resources management position (with staff authority over more than 6500 employees) even though I have not even completed my degree yet. While I do have previous management experience, I have never directly held a position in the human resources field. The hiring manager was very impressed with two things that I believe everyone on this forum will love to know about:

1) My 4.0 GPA was very helpful for me when it came down to getting my foot in the door.

2) More importantly, my hiring manager thought that it was absolutely awesome that I was earning my credits so quickly using CLEP. In fact, she even said that she was impressed that I was literally "testing out of college," while saving time and money.

In summary, this is not a traditional way to earn a degree, but I am not sure that traditional is so great anyway. In a sense, traditional is average and "everyone" is doing it! My advice to you is to play on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, do things your own way, and be prepared to sell your decision-making ability to all who will listen. I am sure you will do just great if you keep yourself motivated to learn, and let those video games sit on the back burner for a little while. Big Grin

P.S. Pick your college before you pick your CLEP exams because different schools have different requirements.
[SIZE="2"]Here is my lineup since January 2008![/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]UP NEXT: Introductory Business Law
Biology 53 Cool
Intro to Educational Psychology 63
Principles of Marketing 65
College Algebra 60
Introductory Psychology 70
Human Growth and Development 68
Information Sys. Computer App. 48 OUCH! Sad
Introductory Sociology 66
Principles of Management 70
[B]US History II
[B]Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
54 [B][SIZE="1"]COLD[/SIZE]
English Composition with Essay 52 [SIZE="1"]COLD[/SIZE]
Plus, the 24 credits I've earned at the traditional B&M so far.
[COLOR="Red"]I am graduating in December of 2009!
BS in Human Resources Management
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota[/COLOR]
Thank you everybody. You have all been very helpful and supportive. I guess I am deciding between three degrees through Thomas Edison State.

1# BSBA in Human Resources Management/Organizational Management

2# BA in journalism

3# My AA degree.

My thoughts on this are that in the end I will need a BA in something. So business wanted hurt. I like Journalism but am not sure what work is out there.
And I guess me being unsure. The AA degree would be the best fit.

So does anybody have any idea how much it is to enroll in Thomas Edison. And how much the AA Degree would cost. Or if its even worth doing. One more thing I would also like to know if anybody has Got there AA degree and does it easily transfer into a BA in some applied field. Thanks again everyone.
So does anybody have any idea how much it is to enroll in Thomas Edison. And how much the AA Degree would cost. Or if its even worth doing. One more thing I would also like to know if anybody has Got there AA degree and does it easily transfer into a BA in some applied field. Thanks again everyone.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but don't enroll yet. You will pay a yearly fee at TESC of around $2000 so the idea is to zero in on what you want to study and start knocking out the exams you plan to take. Once you feel that you are within a years reach of your degree, you can enroll. That's the advice I got here, and it has worked well for me. I planned to take classes for one year at TESC- filling in the remaining gaps with tests and transfer credit from a local community college. At the last minuted I decided "oh by the way" I should grab my AA on the way to completion of my BA, so I did earn my AA through them too. The AA will transfer perfectly into any of the BA programs at TESC.

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