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Need Advice for a bachelor's degree, please review and provide comments/feedback
?? What is my most efficient, timely, and cost effective way to attain a bachelor's degree ??

Fredrick Community College (RA Accredited)
- Converted all FEMA EMI courses to Credit (COMPLETED)
- Emergency Management Certificate Program (GRADUATED)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (RA Accredited)
- CS109 Intro to Computers & Apps
- SF435 Aircraft Crash Survival Ana & Des
- BA201 Principles of Management
- PSYC220 Introduction to Psychology
- SFTY345 Aviation Safety Program Mgmt
- SFTY330 Aircraft Accident Investigation
- ASCI254 Aviation Legislation
- SFTY409 Aviation Safety
- SFTY320 Human Factors in Aviation Safety

Eastern New Mexico University of Roswell (RA Accredited)
- UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
- COMM 101 Interpersonal Communications

Ashworth College/University (DETC accredited)
60 Credits - A.S. Business Management (GRADUATED)

American Military University (RA & DETC Accredited)
* 78 Credits for B.A. in Management * Current Program *
- SC107 &SC127 Intro to Meteorology w/Lab (in progress, almost done)

* Basic Combat Training
- ACE Recommendations: In the Lower-Division Baccalaureate/Associate Degree Category, 2 Semester Hours In Physical Conditioning, 2 In Marksmanship, And 1 In First Aid.

* UH-60 Helicopter Repairer Course & Career Progression
- ACE Recommendations: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 12 semester hours in basic helicopter maintenance, 2 in aircraft forms and records, 2 in aircraft weight and balance, 5 in aviation maintenance management, 2 in quality control, and 3 in principles of supervision.

* NCO Academy (PLDC)
- ACE Recommendations: In the Lower-Division Baccalaureate/Associate Degree Category, 2 Semester Hours in Principles and Application of Leadership And 2 in Military Science.

AARTS / VMET - Other Learning Experience
Combat Lifesaver, Supervisor Development (SDC), Manager Development, Rescue Hoist Maintenance Course, Arctic Survival Training Course, Action Officer Development, Commanders Safety Course (CSC), Internment/Resettlement Spec, Defense Hazardous Materials/Waste Handling and Sling Load Inspector Certification

- Emergency Medical Technician Basic (EMT-B) License/Certificate
- FAA Airframe & Powerplant License/Certificate
- Federal Communication Commission License/Certificate (General Radio Operator w/ Ship Radar)

- US History I, 60
- US History II, 62
- College Mathematics, 54
- Intro to Sociology, 65
- English w/Essay, 52
Do you want a name of a college to get your degree from?

I think Liberal Arts at Excelsior or TESC would be the best.

But, then again I'm not sure. Any advice or personal experience in this process would be appreciated.
Hi CHawk: I too am planning to get my Emer Mgmt Cert from Frederick. Did you use your FEMA credits alone or did you have to take additional courses from the college. Thanks.
Passed so far:
A&I Lit - 6 credits
Freshman Comp-6 credits
Eng Comp w/Essay-6 credits
Sociology-3 credits
Principle of Mgmt-3 credits
French - 12 credits
Human Growth & Dev- 3 credits
Humanities-6 credits

Principle of Supervision- 3 credits
Env & Humanity - 3 credits
Intro to Computing - 3 credits

FEMA/FCC: 16 credits
UMUC-22 credits
NVCC -17
ACE - 23 credits
Aleks - Beginning Algebra
Aleks-Intermediate Algebra
ACTFL Chinese -6 credits

All done - Graduating in Oct from TESC -BA in Humanities!!

Grad School: MS Human Resource Mgmt-2012
c.hawk Wrote:Fredrick Community College (RA Accredited)
- Converted all FEMA EMI courses to Credit (COMPLETED)
- Emergency Management Certificate Program (GRADUATED)

I'll let the better informed answer your question but I have a couple of questions for you. Can you tell us about the comprehensive exams for each of the FEMA modules you had to take? How difficult were they? How many questions? where did you take them? how much did they cost to take? Also how much did it cost to get the certificate from FCC?

Excelsior College
B.S. Liberal Studies - Criminal Justice/Protective Services (07/2008)

TUI University
M.S. Emergency and Disaster Management (09/2009)

DSST's Civil War - 65 (A), Drug and Alcohol Abuse - 58 (A)

CLEP's A&I Lit - 72

ECE's Abnormal Psych - B, Research Methods in Psych - A, PAA - A, FoG - A

TECEP's English Composition I - 98
From my experience, the biggest problem I had was finding an authorized center to sponsor the FCC Module test. In fact, in the D.C. metro area I was not able to find anybody so I ended up driving an hour north to the FCC college campus.

Module exams
1. The module exams cost $25 a piece to have sent to a authorized testing (if you can find one) otherwise they are free to take at the FCC campus. Plus you must coordinate the exam with the EM manager/testing to be sent. When the exam arrives it will stay at the testing center for 30 days before being returned if you don’t take it. You have to take four FCC modules exams to finish the Certificate.

2. The exams are all 25 questions each. 10 questions are multiple choice, 13 questions are fill in the blank and two questions are comprehensive essay questions. The essays have to be in the five paragraph format and must be comprehensive or the EM program manager will deduct points. Personally, I used the computer at the FCC testing center to type up the essay which the EM program manager liked because he gets essays that are very hard to read. Use your notes to write the five paragraph essay. It is only as difficult as you make it. The rest of the test is fairly easy to find in the EMI course text.

3. All modules are open book tests and are not timed. Bring notes. I converted the FEMA EMI’s to adobe PDF format, then edited them to be four pages per page and printed double sided from Fedex Kinko’s >$12.00 per book

As for the other required course, I transferred in a communications course from ENMU-R.

I can break down the road to the Emergency Management Certificate from FCC in 5 steps.

1. Completed Fema EMI courses online (easy)
2. Paid the fees to have my courses transferred to FCC ($60 credit)
3. Transferred a communications course from another college (ENMU-R)
4. Completed the Four FCC Fema Modules (explained above)
5. Applied for Graduation (FREE)

First, Scope out an authorized testing center in your area. It would be a disappointment if you paid for the credit but are not able to finish because nobody would sponsor the test for you. Contact the FCC emergency Program manger and give him the name/number of the institution or testing center so that FCC can verify they are acceptable enough.

FYI - A library is not an authorized testing center (this was my understanding at first, which ended giving me a lot of heartache), it has to be a academic institution of some sort and 9 out of 10 times they want you to enroll with them to use there testing center.


Below is my transcript for the program… I hope this helps anybody with questions.

- - - - - Degrees Awarded - - - - -

Degree : Certificate of Accomplishment

Degree Honors : Distinction

Plan: Emergency Management

- - - - - Transfer Credits - - - - -

Transfer Credit from Eastern New Mexico University Applied Toward Program

GE/CM 1 Interpers Commun Accepted 3.00 TC

- - - - - Program: Emergency Management Certificate - - - - -

Plan : Emergency Mgmt - Cert Certification

Session : Regular Academic Session

FEM 103 Community Disaster: IS120 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 106 EOC/Community Rspse/Rec: IS275 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 107 HAZMAT Medical Prsnl: IS346 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 108 Citizen's/Disaster Asst: IS7 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 109 Anmls in Disaster/Mod A: IS010 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 110 Anmls in Disaster/Mod B: IS011 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 113 Emerg Program Mngr: IS1 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 115 Radiological Emerg Mgmt: IS3 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 116 HAZMAT/Ctzn's Orientation: IS5 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 119 Volunteer in Emerg Mgmt: IS288 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 122 Comm Hurricane Prep: IS324 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 126 Intro Public Assist: IS630 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 127 Anticpate Weather/Risks: IS271 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 128 Disaster Management: IS208 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 130 Intro Res Coastal Cnstr: IS386 1.00 1.00 P
FEM 131 Principles Emerg Mgmt: IS230 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 134 Effective Communication: IS242 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 139 Disaster Basics: IS292 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 140 Emergency Planning: IS235 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 141 Exercise Design: IS139 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 142 CERT: IS 317 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 150 ICS for Single Res:IS100/200 1.00 1.00 A 4.000
FEM 151 NIMS,PubInfoSys:IS700/702/703 1.00 1.00 A 4.000

TERM GPA : 4.000 TERM TOTALS : 26.00

- - - - - Fema Module One - - - - -

Complete the Module Exam for the following four FEM courses

FEM 103 Orientation to Comm Disaster Exercises (IS-120),
FEM 106 EOC Mgmt & Operations Course (IS-275),
FEM 140 Emergency Planning (IS-235),
FEM 141 Exercise Design (IS-139) (RQ564)

Term Course Description Units Grade

2007 SMFem FEM 103 Community Disaster: 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 106 EOC/Community Rspse/ 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 140 Emergency Planning: 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 141 Exercise Design: IS1 1.00 A

- - - - - Fema Module Two - - - - -

Complete the Module Exam for the following four FEM courses:

FEM 108 Citizen's Guide to Disaster Asst.(IS-7),
FEM 134 Effective Communications (IS-242),
FEM 142 Intro to Comm Emergency Response (IS-317),
FEM 127 Hazardous Weather & Community Risk (IS-271) (RQ565-07)

Term Course Description Units Grade

2007 SMFem FEM 108 Citizen's/Disaster A 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 127 Anticpate Weather/Ri 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 134 Effective Communicat 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 142 CERT: IS 317 1.00 A

- - - - - Fema Module Three - - - - -

Complete the Module Exam for the following three FEM courses:
FEM 113 Emergency Program Manager (IS-1),
FEM 150 ICS & Incident Command for the Single Resource (IS-100 & 200)
FEM 151 Intro NIMS Resource Management (IS-700,702,703) (RQ566-07)

Term Course Description Units Grade

2007 SMFem FEM 113 Emerg Program Mngr: 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 150 ICS for Single Res:I 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 151 NIMS,PubInfoSys:IS70 1.00 A

- - - - Fema Module Four - - - - -

Complete the Module Exam for the following four FEM courses:
FEM 115 Radiologic Emergency Management (IS-3),
FEM 128 Disaster Management (IS-208),
FEM 131 Principles of Emergency Mgmt (IS-230),
FEM 139 Disaster Basics (IS-292) (RQ567)

Term Course Description Units Grade

2007 SMFem FEM 115 Radiological Emerg M 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 128 Disaster Management: 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 131 Principles Emerg Mgm 1.00 A
2007 SMFem FEM 139 Disaster Basics: IS2 1.00 A

- - - - - FEM Electives, Complete an additional eight credits of FEM courses - - - - -

Term Course Description Units Grade Code

2007 SMFem FEM 107 HAZMAT Medical Prsnl 1.00 P
2007 SMFem FEM 109 Anmls in Disaster/Mo 1.00 P
2007 SMFem FEM 110 Anmls in Disaster/Mo 1.00 P
2007 SMFem FEM 116 HAZMAT/Ctzn's Orient 1.00 P
2007 SMFem FEM 119 Volunteer in Emerg M 1.00 P
2007 SMFem FEM 122 Comm Hurricane Prep: 1.00 P
2007 SMFem FEM 126 Intro Public Assist: 1.00 P
2007 SMFem FEM 130 Intro Res Coastal Cn 1.00 P
Great response. Thank you for the info.
Excelsior College
B.S. Liberal Studies - Criminal Justice/Protective Services (07/2008)

TUI University
M.S. Emergency and Disaster Management (09/2009)

DSST's Civil War - 65 (A), Drug and Alcohol Abuse - 58 (A)

CLEP's A&I Lit - 72

ECE's Abnormal Psych - B, Research Methods in Psych - A, PAA - A, FoG - A

TECEP's English Composition I - 98
c.hawk Wrote:?? What is my most efficient, timely, and cost effective way to attain a bachelor's degree ??

Fredrick Community College (RA Accredited)
- Converted all FEMA EMI courses to Credit (COMPLETED)
- Emergency Management Certificate Program (GRADUATED)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (RA Accredited)
- CS109 Intro to Computers & Apps
- SF435 Aircraft Crash Survival Ana & Des
- BA201 Principles of Management
- PSYC220 Introduction to Psychology
- SFTY345 Aviation Safety Program Mgmt
- SFTY330 Aircraft Accident Investigation
- ASCI254 Aviation Legislation
- SFTY409 Aviation Safety
- SFTY320 Human Factors in Aviation Safety

Eastern New Mexico University of Roswell (RA Accredited)
- UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
- COMM 101 Interpersonal Communications

Ashworth College/University (DETC accredited)
60 Credits - A.S. Business Management (GRADUATED)

American Military University (RA & DETC Accredited)
* 78 Credits for B.A. in Management * Current Program *
- SC107 &SC127 Intro to Meteorology w/Lab (in progress, almost done)

* Basic Combat Training
- ACE Recommendations: In the Lower-Division Baccalaureate/Associate Degree Category, 2 Semester Hours In Physical Conditioning, 2 In Marksmanship, And 1 In First Aid.

* UH-60 Helicopter Repairer Course & Career Progression
- ACE Recommendations: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 12 semester hours in basic helicopter maintenance, 2 in aircraft forms and records, 2 in aircraft weight and balance, 5 in aviation maintenance management, 2 in quality control, and 3 in principles of supervision.

* NCO Academy (PLDC)
- ACE Recommendations: In the Lower-Division Baccalaureate/Associate Degree Category, 2 Semester Hours in Principles and Application of Leadership And 2 in Military Science.

AARTS / VMET - Other Learning Experience
Combat Lifesaver, Supervisor Development (SDC), Manager Development, Rescue Hoist Maintenance Course, Arctic Survival Training Course, Action Officer Development, Commanders Safety Course (CSC), Internment/Resettlement Spec, Defense Hazardous Materials/Waste Handling and Sling Load Inspector Certification

- Emergency Medical Technician Basic (EMT-B) License/Certificate
- FAA Airframe & Powerplant License/Certificate
- Federal Communication Commission License/Certificate (General Radio Operator w/ Ship Radar)

- US History I, 60
- US History II, 62
- College Mathematics, 54
- Intro to Sociology, 65
- English w/Essay, 52

Ok, silly question, but why not finish your current bachelor program? Also, what is your career now or your career goal?
cookderosa Wrote:>>

Ok, silly question, but why not finish your current bachelor program? Also, what is your career now or your career goal?

I am also technically enrolled at AMU, however after doing the math I realized I could test out through Excelsior for half the time and half the money of continuing at AMU.
Excelsior College
B.S. Liberal Studies - Criminal Justice/Protective Services (07/2008)

TUI University
M.S. Emergency and Disaster Management (09/2009)

DSST's Civil War - 65 (A), Drug and Alcohol Abuse - 58 (A)

CLEP's A&I Lit - 72

ECE's Abnormal Psych - B, Research Methods in Psych - A, PAA - A, FoG - A

TECEP's English Composition I - 98
I would seriously consider talking to Athabasca

Undergraduate Program Calendar 2007|08 - Athabasca University

Same 'No Residency' policy as the big 3 - but only 90 credits (rather than 120)...and I believe they accept DETC.

You may already be done...


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