02-15-2011, 01:37 PM
My son's academic evaluation came through today. I've added his current classes and planned CLEPs with ***. I have one question. TESC required Public Speaking for the Communication degree, but put it under his COMM requirements instead. Is this just a matter of calling and bringing it to their attention?
I'm very pleased with this. I thought he needed COMP 2, but they counted his CC class as COMP 2, so he can do the College Comp Modular for the other class. I'll get him working on the 3 CLEPs he needs ASAP. That just leaves his internship this summer. Anyway, how does this look?
S.H. S.H. Applied S.H. Comm Coll S.H to Overall TESC
Required to Degree Req Remaining S.H. Applied be Planned GPA Met GPA
120.00 88.00 32.00 52.00 32.00 YES
Source Institution Source Institution
1 Hennepin Tech College 2 Thomas A. Edison State College
BA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 58.00
Complete all 6 subrequirements:
A: English Composition (In Progress)
> Complete one full year of English Composition with a grade
> of C or better.
Semester Hours Completed: 4.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.000 / 2.000
Group 1 (In Progress)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ ENC-101__College Comp Modular*_________________ ____ 1 course
1.. ENGL2121 Writing & Research....... 4.00 B ENC-102 *CC *TE
B: Humanities (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours of Humanities, including at
> least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PHIL2100 Critical Thinking........ 3.00 A PHI-120 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1511 Production Planning...... 4.00 A COM-199 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1516 Digital Media Technology. 2.00 A COM-199 *CC *TE
2.. LIT-292... Analysis and Inter of Lit 3.00 CR LIT-292 *NE
C: Social Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours in the Social Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. HIS-101... Western Civilization I... 3.00 CR HIS-101 *NE
2.. SOS-102... Social Sciences and Histo 3.00 CR SOS-102 *NE
2.. SOS-101... Social Sciences and Histo 3.00 CR SOS-101 *NE
2.. ECO-112... Microeconomics........... 3.00 CR ECO-112 *NE
D: Mathematics (Completed)
> Complete a 3 semester hour college-level Mathematics
> course.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. MAT-103... General Math II.......... 3.00 CR MAT-103 *NE
E: Natural Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 9 semester hours in the Natural Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. CHE-112... General Chemistry II..... 3.00 CR CHE-112 *NE
2.. CHE-111... General Chemistry I...... 3.00 CR CHE-111 *NE
2.. COS-101... Introduction to Computers 3.00 CR COS-101 *NE
F: General Ed Electives (Completed)
> Complete 18 semester hours from any of the following
> General Education subjects: Humanities, Social Sciences,
> Natural Sciences or Mathematics.
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. MAT-102... General Math I........... 3.00 CR MAT-102 *NE
2.. MAT-121... College Algebra.......... 3.00 CR MAT-121 *NE
1.. MMVP1605 Videogrphy & Directg..... 4.00 B COM-281 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP2600 Digital Post Production.. 4.00 A COM-299 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1600 Video Production Equipmnt 4.00 A COM-244 *CC *TE
Area of Study (18SH must be at the 300/400 level)
Semester Hours Completed: 24.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.625 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Commun Theory (In Progress)
> Complete 6 semester hours from TWO of the following
> courses for the Communications Theory Requirement:
> Fundamentals of Speech; Mass Communications I;
> Mass Communications II; Interpersonal Communications I;
> Interpersonal Communications II.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM2050 Interpersonal Comm....... 3.00 A COM-330 *CC *TE
_______________Public Speaking**____________________________ 3 credits
B: Commun Electives (In Progress)
> Complete 27 Semester Hours of Communications
> electives. 6SH can be in Journalism. At least 12SH must be
> at the 300/400 level to satisfy the requirement of 18 SH of
> 300/400 level coursework in the Area of Study. LIB-495
> (Liberal Arts Capstone) can satisfy 3SH of this requirement.
> No more than 6SH/2 courses within the entire Area of Study
> can be at the 100 level.
Semester Hours Completed: 21.00
Group 1 (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00 Required: 12 Remaining: 6
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MMVP2605 Corporate Video Prod..... 4.00 B COM-399 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1561 Audio for Media.......... 2.00 B COM-324 *CC *TE
______________Avid**_________________________________________ 3 credits
______________After Effects**___________________________________ 3 credits
Group 2 (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MMVP1505 Intro to Visual Comm..... 3.00 A COM-299 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP2550 Video Field Production... 3.00 B COM-226 *CC *TE
1.. MPRT1210 Color Applications....... 3.00 A COM-231 *CC *TE
Group 3 (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM2130 Public Speaking.......... 3.00 A COM-209 *CC *TE Portfolio
1.. MMVP1500 Concepts MultiMedia...... 3.00 A COM-260 *CC *T
BA Free Electives (27 SH
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
!! Exception
over in ENC-102; 26sh needed
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00 Required: 26 Remaining: 20
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MGDP1230 Photoshop................ 3.00 A CAP-312 *CC *TE
2.. LIT-291... Analysis & Interpre Liter 3.00 CR LIT-291 *NE
_________________Ethics**____________________________________ 3 credits
_________________Natural Science**____________________________ 3 credits
_______________________"___________________________________ 3 credits
________________Internship** (summer)__________________________ 3 credits
________________Biology**____________________________________ 3 credits
___________________"_______________________________________ 3 credits
_________________Advanced Lighting**__________________________ 2 credits
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------
I'm very pleased with this. I thought he needed COMP 2, but they counted his CC class as COMP 2, so he can do the College Comp Modular for the other class. I'll get him working on the 3 CLEPs he needs ASAP. That just leaves his internship this summer. Anyway, how does this look?
S.H. S.H. Applied S.H. Comm Coll S.H to Overall TESC
Required to Degree Req Remaining S.H. Applied be Planned GPA Met GPA
120.00 88.00 32.00 52.00 32.00 YES
Source Institution Source Institution
1 Hennepin Tech College 2 Thomas A. Edison State College
BA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 58.00
Complete all 6 subrequirements:
A: English Composition (In Progress)
> Complete one full year of English Composition with a grade
> of C or better.
Semester Hours Completed: 4.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.000 / 2.000
Group 1 (In Progress)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ ENC-101__College Comp Modular*_________________ ____ 1 course
1.. ENGL2121 Writing & Research....... 4.00 B ENC-102 *CC *TE
B: Humanities (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours of Humanities, including at
> least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PHIL2100 Critical Thinking........ 3.00 A PHI-120 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1511 Production Planning...... 4.00 A COM-199 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1516 Digital Media Technology. 2.00 A COM-199 *CC *TE
2.. LIT-292... Analysis and Inter of Lit 3.00 CR LIT-292 *NE
C: Social Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours in the Social Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. HIS-101... Western Civilization I... 3.00 CR HIS-101 *NE
2.. SOS-102... Social Sciences and Histo 3.00 CR SOS-102 *NE
2.. SOS-101... Social Sciences and Histo 3.00 CR SOS-101 *NE
2.. ECO-112... Microeconomics........... 3.00 CR ECO-112 *NE
D: Mathematics (Completed)
> Complete a 3 semester hour college-level Mathematics
> course.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. MAT-103... General Math II.......... 3.00 CR MAT-103 *NE
E: Natural Sciences (Completed)
> Complete 9 semester hours in the Natural Sciences,
> including at least two subject areas.
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. CHE-112... General Chemistry II..... 3.00 CR CHE-112 *NE
2.. CHE-111... General Chemistry I...... 3.00 CR CHE-111 *NE
2.. COS-101... Introduction to Computers 3.00 CR COS-101 *NE
F: General Ed Electives (Completed)
> Complete 18 semester hours from any of the following
> General Education subjects: Humanities, Social Sciences,
> Natural Sciences or Mathematics.
Semester Hours Completed: 18.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. MAT-102... General Math I........... 3.00 CR MAT-102 *NE
2.. MAT-121... College Algebra.......... 3.00 CR MAT-121 *NE
1.. MMVP1605 Videogrphy & Directg..... 4.00 B COM-281 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP2600 Digital Post Production.. 4.00 A COM-299 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1600 Video Production Equipmnt 4.00 A COM-244 *CC *TE
Area of Study (18SH must be at the 300/400 level)
Semester Hours Completed: 24.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.625 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Commun Theory (In Progress)
> Complete 6 semester hours from TWO of the following
> courses for the Communications Theory Requirement:
> Fundamentals of Speech; Mass Communications I;
> Mass Communications II; Interpersonal Communications I;
> Interpersonal Communications II.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM2050 Interpersonal Comm....... 3.00 A COM-330 *CC *TE
_______________Public Speaking**____________________________ 3 credits
B: Commun Electives (In Progress)
> Complete 27 Semester Hours of Communications
> electives. 6SH can be in Journalism. At least 12SH must be
> at the 300/400 level to satisfy the requirement of 18 SH of
> 300/400 level coursework in the Area of Study. LIB-495
> (Liberal Arts Capstone) can satisfy 3SH of this requirement.
> No more than 6SH/2 courses within the entire Area of Study
> can be at the 100 level.
Semester Hours Completed: 21.00
Group 1 (In Progress)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00 Required: 12 Remaining: 6
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MMVP2605 Corporate Video Prod..... 4.00 B COM-399 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP1561 Audio for Media.......... 2.00 B COM-324 *CC *TE
______________Avid**_________________________________________ 3 credits
______________After Effects**___________________________________ 3 credits
Group 2 (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MMVP1505 Intro to Visual Comm..... 3.00 A COM-299 *CC *TE
1.. MMVP2550 Video Field Production... 3.00 B COM-226 *CC *TE
1.. MPRT1210 Color Applications....... 3.00 A COM-231 *CC *TE
Group 3 (Completed)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM2130 Public Speaking.......... 3.00 A COM-209 *CC *TE Portfolio
1.. MMVP1500 Concepts MultiMedia...... 3.00 A COM-260 *CC *T
BA Free Electives (27 SH
> Complete 27 semester hours of Free Electives.
!! Exception
over in ENC-102; 26sh needed
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00 Required: 26 Remaining: 20
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MGDP1230 Photoshop................ 3.00 A CAP-312 *CC *TE
2.. LIT-291... Analysis & Interpre Liter 3.00 CR LIT-291 *NE
_________________Ethics**____________________________________ 3 credits
_________________Natural Science**____________________________ 3 credits
_______________________"___________________________________ 3 credits
________________Internship** (summer)__________________________ 3 credits
________________Biology**____________________________________ 3 credits
___________________"_______________________________________ 3 credits
_________________Advanced Lighting**__________________________ 2 credits
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------
homeschooling mom to:
Info Systems & Computer App 51
Western Civilization I 64
College Mathematics 67
Social Sciences & History 52
Principles of Microeconomics 67
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 63
College Algebra 65
Chemistry 51
Natural Sciences 64
Biology 57
Cleps = 48 credits
CC = 66 credits
combined 114 credits
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 55
Humanities 53
Natural Sciences 50
Duncan-8 (no CLEPs yet)
homeschooling mom to:
Info Systems & Computer App 51
Western Civilization I 64
College Mathematics 67
Social Sciences & History 52
Principles of Microeconomics 67
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 63
College Algebra 65
Chemistry 51
Natural Sciences 64
Biology 57
Cleps = 48 credits
CC = 66 credits
combined 114 credits
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 55
Humanities 53
Natural Sciences 50
Duncan-8 (no CLEPs yet)
