(06-16-2021, 06:25 PM)rachel83az Wrote: InstantCert doesn't have Chemistry (with or without a lab) but both SDC and SL have Chemistry and Biology.
Ooops. I'll amend my notes. Thanks for letting me know.
(06-16-2021, 06:48 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: If you're going to take some Study.com courses, I would recommend taking the Biology I and/or the Chemistry I course there instead of StraighterLine, the main reason is cost, but it's actually cheaper/easier/faster as the virtual lab is from Labster and just $50 instead of a physical lab kit that has to be sent to you at StraighterLine.
Thanks for the pro-tip on the course. I'm all about easier! So it looks like only two at Instantcert and then on to study.com!