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Lost my motivation. Any advise?
Hello gang, So for the last few years I've been going crazy with school and have but one class left. A seemingly innocuous, DSST. Shouldn't be much right?... WRONG! For the life of me I have lost every ounce of motivation I have to study and find just about anything else to take it's place. :mad: Granted this warm California weather isn't helping as I'd rather be outside exercising, lounging, or watching ants march. It kinda reminds me of that episode of Malcom in the middle- where Francis was in military school and the other cadets took away all of his distractions in order to help him write his paper and he started clicking the soda can for amusement.
I'm also wondering if its the foreign matter of which I'm unfamiliar with? Anyone have any advise on the easiest EC upper division test (incase I can't un-stick myself with this MIS?) THANKS! ... How sad huh?
It's been quite a while since I've taken a DSST so I don't remember how the scheduling of the exam works. But, with only TECEPs left to complete my degree and an odd combination of "Wow, I'm almost done! Let's keep this train moving!" and "If I have to study for one more hour I think I'll scream!" I have taken to figuring out a reasonable amount of time for me to prepare for an exam and then scheduling the exam accordingly. I work much better with deadlines. Now I know that on "X date" I have to take the exam so I'd better get cracking! :eek:

Best of luck!
[SIZE="1"]English Comp 101 & 102 - Analysis & Interpretation of Literature 130 & 131 - Intro to Marketing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Marketing Comm - PR Thought & Practice - Intro to News Reporting - Sales Management - Operations Management - Marketing Research - Business in Society[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Computers[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]12 FREE Credits![/SIZE]
Associate of Science in Management, TESC - 9/17/04
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, TESC - 6/6/08

I know where you are coming from Runner. I dread doing my weekly homework assignments, especially Electronics. As we speak, I still have to read 100 pages and then do the work. As Cinderly said, take a break every now and again and set up a set schedule. Set a date for the MIS test and then you'll have enough motivation to finish and then watch ants march down the streetwalk. Good Luck!
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]
Cinderly - great response! I really like your approach!

larry7crys - I have one more question to ask/suggestion and that is: could your avoidance/procrastination about this one last exam have anything to do with what happens next once you finish?

It if is any consolation I can guarantee that you are not alone in having this kind of problem!'s tax time in our household and while it is a toss up as to which activity I delay the is still very hard to stay focused at times and not come up with a myriad of excuses that include all those "things" that are "more" important! When I find myself in major avoidance mode I remind myself of what will happen if I do/don't stay on track..I have an MS Project Gantt Chart showing target dates for exams and dependencies that I use to try and remind myself of why I need to refocus.

Let us know how it goes!
CLEPS/DANTES ATTEMPTED/PASSED Big Grin -21 Classes credited:
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]- Human/Cultural Geography (SOC300) 69/Nov 08

[/SIZE]- Intro to Business Law (LEG100) 73/Nov 08
- Astronomy (HUM300) 68/Nov 08
- Human Resource Management (BUS310) 73/Jul 08
- Money and Banking (ECO320) 64/Jun 08
- Principles of Finance (FIN100) 67/May 08
- Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO100) 75/Apr 08
- Principles of Marketing 74/Apr 08
- Introduction to World Religions (HUM400) 78/Apr 08
- Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 69/Mar 08 (6 credits)
- Introductory Psychology 74/Feb 08
- Introductory Sociology 73/Jan 08
- Principles of Mgmt 75/Dec 05
- English Comp (cold) 59/Sep 05 (6 credits)
- Information Systems & Computer Apps 72/Sep 05
- College French Language 75/Jun 05 (12 credits)

+Traditional Credits Earned 2005-2008: 17 classes - last 3 traditional classes completed Oct/08
ALL DONE NOV 08. Degree received: BS in Business Administration, minor in Management, SCL. Saved $$$$$ and Time - Thanks to InstantCert.[/SIZE]
I agree with most of Cinderly's suggestions I have tried them all. Pattie's suggestion about the deadline is what works best. I did that with my last Dantes I was having a hard time setting myself down and studying, I have to request test be ordered, wait for it to come in then schedule a test date. So I just ordered the test hoping it would take a while to come in. It was there in about 2 days. I was going away for a week then starting a course so I had to schedule the test for 3 days away. Of course I waited until the last minute, but I did study took the test and passed no problem.

I may be dumb , but what is the test in? Could it be you just have a block on that subject? Can you change to a different subject? Good luck you CAN do it.


P.S. Cinderly where are you taking Kid Lit? I am taking at TESC now it is a lot of work.
Hey everyone, I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to help me out. Maybe it could be the subject matter? I'm going to press on and try to "get it". Otherwise I might look into a new subject. Aside from EC (ethics, abnormal psych, Psych of adulthood & aging) what is the easiest EC upper division test?

Hey again, THANK YOU.
Good luck I hope you recover your motivation. Mine is languishing right down there with yours. I have only 2 left to go (tecep business policy & dsst statistics) and I have to force myself to study everynight. I may try the schedule the exam and schedule my tecep today and see what happens.
Judy -
AS - Computer Science - Andover college
BS - Mgmt Information Systems -June 08
MS - Info Systems Mgmt - Start Aug 08 - UMBC
Keeping motivation is sometimes the hardest task. Having a motorcycle doesn't help. The main thing is, keep the main goal in mind. A degree in a year etc. Sometimes taking week off can help, or you can just study a few modules a day. Really for me passing an exam is good motivation. After I pass i'm motivated to conquer another exam. Just think how good it will feel to have a degree without having to go to school and when you are done you can reward yourself with something. Sometimes I study a few modules then do something different like walk around or study something interesting. After that I can study a few more modules. You can also schedule an exam and be forced to study.

Remember: If it were easy everybody would do it.

I agree. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. But once you're done, you're done. No one can ever take that away from you.
BA, Thomas Edison State College
MS, Grand Canyon University
I'm in the same boat. All I have left for my degree is the Principles of Finance test and I can't gt myself to focus. I've given my self three weeks from this past Saturday since this once is going to be tough. If I don't get focused I'm in trouble.

The other problem is that my last 3 classes at TESC are tons of work! There's just no time!
TESC BSBA - Computer Information Systems December 2008
Passed CLEPs:
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Management
Introductory Business Law
Principles of Financial Accounting

Passed DSSTs:
Principles of Statistics
Principles of Finance

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