(03-07-2021, 02:36 PM)TorsMama Wrote: Thanks. May I ask how long you studied for Family Therapy? Were the essay questions tough? Also do you know what Excelsior considers a passing score from coopersmith?
I don't recall my prep for that course specifically. For most of my Coopersmith courses, I would hit the main PPT deck (the crash course, the study guide, or whatever you'd like to call it) very hard. If there was a video read-through of the PPT (although that's rare with Coopersmith), I would listen to it in the background while doing other tasks. Any supplemental study materials, like a secondary PPT deck, free online textbook or other resource, I would do one complete read-through, and re-read any sections I felt I needed to. But I'd do my best to memorize the main PPT deck. Call it a week to ten days, an hour or two per weekday, longer on the weekend.
I didn't find the Family Therapy short answer questions particularly onerous. They're really not essays in the traditional sense, I think they ask for three to four sentences each. They weren't those horrifying kind of essay questions where they tell you to provide nine types of a particular class of disorder, with definitions for each. To me, they seem to be looking for a few key words to show that you were able to grasp the concepts. My answers were short and sweet. I think I typically wrote two to three sentences, and I don't think I got dinged for any of them. No gotchas or unpleasant surprises. I really wouldn't call them anything to be intimidated by, and after all, there are only three of them.