(02-07-2020, 01:54 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Hmm, you're better off with a BSBA General Management option since you're into Business/Finance, etc. The BALS isn't as appealing with these credits. Could you copy/paste from the What If option in the TESU OSS? You should do one for the BSBA General Management option. From the looks of things, you already have TWO of the THREE required areas for the BSBA GM. I would recommend taking Cost Accounting ACC-303 at StraighterLine/Study.com to finish off your AOS.
The only remaining requirements seems to be your General Education and Professional Business Requirements, you can finish all of these easier/cheap/faster as it will require all LOWER LEVEL than the BALS. If you decide on the BALS, the Study.com courses would require more writing - hence, it will take you longer to finish. At this point in time, find the remaining requirements and finish them off with Study.com/StraighterLine combo.
Update Edit: You can probably finish all of these courses within 3 months subscription at Study.com if you do 4 courses a month. Your final step is to do the Capstone/Cornerstone at TESU to finish off your degree in another 3 months.
Program Summary: (In Progress)
Semester Hours (SH) Required: 120.00
SH Applied to Degree: 78.00
SH Remaining: 42.00
SH To Be Planned: 42.00
Thomas Edison State University GPA Needed: 2.000
Thomas Edison State University GPA Earned:
Overall Degree GPA Needed: 2.000
Overall Degree GPA Requirement Met: Yes
Community College SH (80 SH Maximum): 0.00
Program Requirements:
1: BSBA General Education (60 SH) (In progress)
SH Earned: 39 Complete all 6 subrequirements:
A: INTEL & PRACT SKILLS (In progress)
SH Earned: 9
Written Communication 3SH (Complete)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 ENGL1301 Fresh Comp I 12/01/03 A 3.00 ENC-101
Written Communication 3SH (Complete)
3 ENGL1302 Argu Writing 05/01/04 A 3.00 ENC-102
Oral Communication 3SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Quantitative Literacy (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) 3SH (Complete)
1 MATH1013 Finan & Quan Lit 05/01/16 C 3.00 MAT-119
Information Literacy (INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT) 3SH (Not started)
To meet this requirement, students MUST take SOS-110 Critical Information Literacy at Thomas Edison State University.
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
B: CIV & GLOBAL LDRSHP (Not started)
For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Civic and Global Leadership Courses
SH Earned: 0
Diversity Intercultural Literacy 3SH (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Ethical Leadership 3SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Civic Engagement 3SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Humanities and/or Social Sciences 9SH
SH Earned: 9
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 PHIL2300 Intro to Philosophy 12/01/03 B 3.00 PHI-101
3 HIST1312 History of U S 05/01/04 C 3.00 HIS-114
3 HIST1311 Hist of U S 12/01/03 C 3.00 HIS-113
Natural Sciences 4SH
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 GEOL1426 Earth History 12/01/04 C 4.00 GEO-121
For TESU course options, go to BUS 210 Quantit ative Skills for Business
or STA-201 Principles of Statistics
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 MATH1703 Elem Statistics I 08/01/16 A 3.00 STA-211
F: GE ELECTIVES (In progress)
General Education Electives 20SH
SH Earned: 14
Required: 20
Remaining: 6
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 GEOL1425 Earth Systems 05/01/04 B 4.00 GEO-199
3 FREN1441 Level I 05/01/04 D 4.00 FRE-101
1 BUS3513 Prof Presentation Strategies 12/01/16 D 3.00 COM-300
1 BUS3533 Mgt Info Systems 05/01/10 D 3.00 CIS-301
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
2: Core (36SH) (In progress)
SH Earned: 18 Complete all 10 subrequirements:
A: Accounting 6 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to ACC-101 Princi ples of Financial Accounting
AND AC C-102 Principles of Managerial Accounting
SH Earned: 3
Group 1 (In progress)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 BUS2043 Fund Account I 08/01/16 B 3.00 ACC-101
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits
B: Business Law 3 SH (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
C: Computers 3 SH (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
D: Finance 3 SH (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
E: Management 3 SH (Complete)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 MAN-301 Principles of Management 11/17/09 CR 3.00 MAN-301
F: Marketing 3 SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to MAR-201 Introd uction to Marketing
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 BUS3113 Prin of Market 12/01/09 C 3.00 MAR-301
G: Business/Society 3SH (Complete)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 BUS3183 Intro to International Busines 08/01/16 C 3.00 MAN-371
H: Economics 6 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to ECO-111 Macroe conomics
AND ECO-112 Microeconomics< /a>
SH Earned: 3
Group 1 (In progress)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ECO1013 Prin of Microeconomics 12/01/15 CR 3.00 ECO-112
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits
I: Communications 3 SH (Complete)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 SPCH2305 Bus Prof Comm 12/01/03 C 3.00 COM-202
J: Capstone 3 SH (Not started)
*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
3: General Mngt (18SH: 12SH must be upper level) (In progress)
SH Earned: 15 GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.250 / 2.000 Complete both subrequirements:
A: GMS Required 9 SH (In progress)
*must earn grades of C/CR or better
Complete three courses (one course from three of the following four areas)
**At least 12 semester hours within the ent ire Specialization must be at the 300/400 level.
SH Earned: 6
Group 1 (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits
Group 3 (Complete)
4 BMGT364 Management & Org Theory 12/01/08 A 3.00 MAN-411
Group 4 (Complete)
1 BUS4443 Small Bus Mgmt 12/01/09 A 3.00 MAN-432
B: GMS Elective Area (Complete)
*must earn grades of C/CR or better
Complete 9 more Semester Hours (SH) from any assortment of the areas below.
**At least 12 semester hours within the entire Sp ecialization must be at the 300/400 level.
SH Earned: 9
Group 1 (Complete)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 BUS4503 Internet Marketing 12/01/09 B 3.00 MAR-306
Group 2 (Complete)
SH Earned: 6
1 BUS4213 Consumer Behavior 12/01/09 C 3.00 MAR-351
5 OPM-213 Inventory Systems Planning 05/19/05 CR 3.00 OPM-213
4: Electives (6sh) (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses (business related courses preferred)
SH Earned: 6
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 BUS2803 Women in Business 05/01/16 A 3.00 BUS-299
5 CAP-101 Microcomputer Software Applns 05/19/05 CR 3.00 CAP-101
Other Courses:
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
5 PEA-199 Special Topics in Physical Ed 01/21/05 CR 2.00 PEA-199 *NE
5 MSC-131 Marksmanship 01/21/05 CR 2.00 MSC-131 *RI *NE *DUP
5 HEA-195 First Aid 01/21/05 CR 1.00 HEA-195 *NE
3 MILS1141 Marksmanship 12/01/04 A 1.00 MSC-131 *TE
3 MILS0180 Leadership Lab 05/01/04 B 1.00 MSC-199 *TE
3 MILS1142 Basic Leadership 05/01/04 A 1.00 MSC-120 *TE
3 MILS0180 Leadership Lab 12/01/04 B 1.00 MSC-199 *TE
3 MILS2251 Indiv Leadership 12/01/04 C 2.00 MSC-199 *TE
3 MILS0180 Leadership Lab 12/01/05 C 1.00 MSC-199 *TE