06-15-2014, 06:39 AM
My career goal was to become a RN. After having my two daughters, I thought it would be best to take one step at a time. Ivy Tech nursing program was two competitive. I knew once I got into a nursing program I would graduate, so that's what I did. Now, after graduation, I knew that my credits wouldn't transfer and I was wanting to become a RN. I choose to go to another Brown Mackie because they would accept all of my PN credits. I withdrew on the honor roll but had to do so for personal reasons. I sat down with the DON and she told me I was one of the best students in the program and I can always come back anytime. The other school is two hours away and I don't live there anymore. I am just trying to take as many prereqs as I can and just start a nursing program with just the science and/or nursing courses remaining. I do plan on finishing at a community college now. Thanks for responding to my post!