05-12-2016, 03:25 PM
alzee Wrote:I have to agree with all of this, those that managed to get a bunch of FEMA exams counted as credit probably feel the same way. Honestly I feel the same way about that Institutes ethics course and the TEEX courses too. None of them strike me as "college level" but then, I've never attended a brick & mortar school so what do I know.
I do know that if the SL IT101 (which is provided in some way or another by Carnegie Mellon) course I'm about 3/4 done with is any indication of what actual college courses are like, many of THOSE should not count for credit either.
Shall not complain about easy and affordable college credits
Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies
Open College @ Kaplan University
April 2016
Master of Business Administration
Kaplan University now Purdue University
In Progress
32 out of 60 credits earned
Open College @ Kaplan University
April 2016
Master of Business Administration
Kaplan University now Purdue University
In Progress
32 out of 60 credits earned