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Just checking in...
I haven't written for awhile but I have been reading fairly often. I am done with my tests way or the other. I took Intro to Business and Principles of Finance last Thursday. If I passed both all I need to do is finish the classes I am in and I will have my degree. If I failed the Finance I will be taking another self-paced class through BYU. I know I will be able to go through it quickly as I studied a good bit for the exam. I am not sure I passed it though because there were at least 8 of the same type of calculation question and I did not know how to do them. This has been a depressing couple of months for me. I made it through nearly 100 credits via testing without failing a single test. Of course..I saved the worst ones for last. Failing those two tests (Algebra CLEP and Money and Banking DSST) and now, possibly, a third is taking the spring out of my step thats for sure! To top that off I am having a REALLY hard time with my algebra class and I have 3 proctored exams I have to pass. It is looking more and more like that stupid subject is going to delay my degree. I get really angry with myself when I simply CANNOT understand something. It makes me feel really ignorant. I want to repeat, again, that it would probably not be my choice again to save all the most personally challenging tests for last. I would not advise it for anyone else. Hope everyone is doing well!
Name: Lynda
Completed hours:126/ Hours completed by test:100
School:Excelsior Degree:BGB
All tests completed!
Classes in Progress-
Business Strategy
Operations Management
FINITO! on August 15th- if I can pass Algebra that is...Big Grin )
tampalizard Wrote:I haven't written for awhile but I have been reading fairly often. I am done with my tests way or the other. I took Intro to Business and Principles of Finance last Thursday. If I passed both all I need to do is finish the classes I am in and I will have my degree. If I failed the Finance I will be taking another self-paced class through BYU. I know I will be able to go through it quickly as I studied a good bit for the exam. I am not sure I passed it though because there were at least 8 of the same type of calculation question and I did not know how to do them. This has been a depressing couple of months for me. I made it through nearly 100 credits via testing without failing a single test. Of course..I saved the worst ones for last. Failing those two tests (Algebra CLEP and Money and Banking DSST) and now, possibly, a third is taking the spring out of my step thats for sure! To top that off I am having a REALLY hard time with my algebra class and I have 3 proctored exams I have to pass. It is looking more and more like that stupid subject is going to delay my degree. I get really angry with myself when I simply CANNOT understand something. It makes me feel really ignorant. I want to repeat, again, that it would probably not be my choice again to save all the most personally challenging tests for last. I would not advise it for anyone else. Hope everyone is doing well!

You've done amazing so far. Not just anyone can test out of half as many classes as you've managed. It sounds like you've taken a pretty thorough approach to mastering your last difficult subjects, and with your drive, you WILL complete them. Cheer up, look at how far you've come and think of how great it will feel when you're done.

Just remember that testing out of a subject is by definition for someone who already knows that subject...don't feel bad if you can't pass that way. It might take longer...but you obviously have the will to finish one way or another.

Good luck!
[COLOR="green"]Social Sciences and History
College Math
English Composition (no essay) [/COLOR]

[COLOR="green"]World Religions
Civil War and Reconstruction
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Management Information Systems [/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]Organizational Behavior
Ethics: Theory and Practice
World Conflicts since 1900
World Population [/COLOR][/SIZE]

All done! 42 credits by exam
tampalizard Wrote:I haven't written for awhile but I have been reading fairly often. I am done with my tests way or the other. I took Intro to Business and Principles of Finance last Thursday. If I passed both all I need to do is finish the classes I am in and I will have my degree. If I failed the Finance I will be taking another self-paced class through BYU. I know I will be able to go through it quickly as I studied a good bit for the exam. I am not sure I passed it though because there were at least 8 of the same type of calculation question and I did not know how to do them. This has been a depressing couple of months for me. I made it through nearly 100 credits via testing without failing a single test. Of course..I saved the worst ones for last. Failing those two tests (Algebra CLEP and Money and Banking DSST) and now, possibly, a third is taking the spring out of my step thats for sure! To top that off I am having a REALLY hard time with my algebra class and I have 3 proctored exams I have to pass. It is looking more and more like that stupid subject is going to delay my degree. I get really angry with myself when I simply CANNOT understand something. It makes me feel really ignorant. I want to repeat, again, that it would probably not be my choice again to save all the most personally challenging tests for last. I would not advise it for anyone else. Hope everyone is doing well!

hey T-Lizard-
you've come this far, just a few more steps. hang in there. i would love to be in your shoes! sounds like we all have our dilemmas going on right now. i understand about the frustration of not understanding a concept and getting angry but you are far from ignorant. i plan on taking your advice about not saving the worst for last. just like dinner when i was a kid and saved those peas, i knew i should have just downed them with the potatoes.hilarious
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
tampalizard Wrote:I haven't written for awhile but I have been reading fairly often. I am done with my tests way or the other. I took Intro to Business and Principles of Finance last Thursday. If I passed both all I need to do is finish the classes I am in and I will have my degree. If I failed the Finance I will be taking another self-paced class through BYU. I know I will be able to go through it quickly as I studied a good bit for the exam.............. I want to repeat, again, that it would probably not be my choice again to save all the most personally challenging tests for last. I would not advise it for anyone else. Hope everyone is doing well!

Hi Tampa! Urbannaja and Yutzyj are so right! You have already done so well. I know that you are going to go all the way one way or the other. Smile

BS Psychology
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Let's finish strong and bring two new degrees here to Tampa Bay together; we're both at the finish line!!!!

ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:

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