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Jumping in, HELP!!
SimonTam Wrote:I agree with Brian. Forget about your age. I'm 40 and restarting my degree. I guess it runs in my family. My grandmother got her BA degree at 50 and her FIRST masters at 62. She is 85 now and I think she has finally stopped going to school. Smile

What an inspiring grandmother! This is good stuff. hilarious

BS Psychology
Originally Posted by yutzyj
i know for a fact that a recent excesior grad was just admitted into ohio state's law school and has completed his first year. their law school is the number one law school in ohio. so it is possible.

spazz Wrote:I would like to see proof anyway. Since this is an online college it is very easy for people to lie. Even in real life people lie about salary, job title, etc. But I never said it was not possible, it is just very unlikly. Getting into law school from a traditional school is very tough as is. So if you wanted to get into law school from a distance learning or just testing out of bullshit courses, then you can only imagine what your chance is to get into law school.

I do not see how you could get a real criminal justice degree by testing out of classes/distance learning anyway. How would you complete the courses for oral communication or defense? See this is what I mean, it is impossible. These schools that offer these programs are for one not accredited and if they are not accreddited your chance of getting into law school practically impossible.

I am confused about your logic.
When reading Excelsior College's magazine I came across the page that grads tell what they are currently doing. I noticed that a grad from last year, Joseph Seifert, was in Moritz College of Law, Ohio State's Law School. This is the same school that my daughter attends so I decided to check and see if this was true. Indeed it's true and she knows this student. Proof enough?
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
yutzyj Wrote:Originally Posted by yutzyj
i know for a fact that a recent excesior grad was just admitted into ohio state's law school and has completed his first year. their law school is the number one law school in ohio. so it is possible.

When reading Excelsior College's magazine I came across the page that grads tell what they are currently doing. I noticed that a grad from last year, Joseph Seifert, was in Moritz College of Law, Ohio State's Law School. This is the same school that my daughter attends so I decided to check and see if this was true. Indeed it's true and she knows this student. Proof enough?

I am not arguing with you, I am simply giving you my opinion from my experiences. Take it or leave it. I honestly do not know why I would even try to voice my opinion about distance learning in a forum filled with distance learners. If this was not the internet, I would have got boo'd off stage and beat up afterwards.
spazz Wrote:I am not arguing with you, I am simply giving you my opinion from my experiences. Take it or leave it. I honestly do not know why I would even try to voice my opinion about distance learning in a forum filled with distance learners. If this was not the internet, I would have got boo'd off stage and beat up afterwards.


Your opinions are welcome here. There is nothing wrong with disagreement on any given issue. There is no reason why you should get "boo'd off stage and beat up afterwards" as long as your opinions can be expressed in a respectful and friendly manner.

This is a forum that is populated mostly with people who are pursuing a degree via Distance Learning, and primarily via 'testing out'. After all, that's what Instantcert is all about. So it is natural that you will be in the minority if you reject the utility of a distance learning degree or the legitimacy of testing out.

It's totally fine to disagree. However, your posts have a tendency to come across as rather abrasive and curt. Also, you sometimes seem to attack the poster rather than amicably discuss the content of their post. This is entirely unnecessary and inappropriate.

We're a very friendly bunch here. We try to encourage rather than discourage whenever possible. We try to support rather than disparage whenever possible. For the most part, we express opinions and discuss alternative viewpoints politely.

I want to encourage you to continue expressing your opinions and discussing the various issues raised. But please try to do it in a courteous and respectful way. You will find that, with few exceptions, you will receive the same level of courtesy and respect in return.

I hope you will receive this encouragement in the spirit with which it is intended, and that we can all continue to discuss a wide range of issues, including differences of opinion, in an appropriate manner.

My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Good post Rob. Spazz, please tone it down. If you've got an opinion that no one likes to hear, state it once, and then move on, but don't beat it in.

I appreciate your participation and hope to continue to see posts from you, but we will ban users who seem motivated to alienate everyone else on the board.

Happy posting! Smile
sgloer Wrote:Good post Rob. Spazz, please tone it down. If you've got an opinion that no one likes to hear, state it once, and then move on, but don't beat it in.

I appreciate your participation and hope to continue to see posts from you, but we will ban users who seem motivated to alienate everyone else on the board.

Happy posting! Smile

I did state it once, then people argued with me and obviously did not read my posts and I had to state it again. Sad! Believe me it is more annoying for me when I have to argue the same point continuously because people do not read my posts. But as I posted, I am done stating my opinion, obviously people cannot handle the truth! :confused:

but thanks

//nails mouth closed when in the Instacert forum!!

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