Have you considered the TEEX Free Online Courses? Each bundle of 3-4 courses equals 2CR. Using two for 4CR would be a quick, cheap substitution for business math.
THREAD LINK, See post #22 if registering as a civilian. Good luck!
Managers and Business Professionals (MAN-299)
AWR-176-W Business Information Continuity
AWR-177-W Information Risk Management
AWR-169-W Cyber Incident Analysis and Response
Non-Technical / General User (CIS-299)
AWR-175-W Information Security for Everyone
AWR-174-W Cyber Ethics
AWR-168-W Cyber Law and White Collar Crime
Technical / IT Professional (CIS-344)
AWR-173-W Information Security Basics
AWR-178-W Secure Software and Network Assurance
AWR-138-W Network Assurance
AWR-139-W Digital Forensics Basics
Additional options:
CIS107 Computer Concepts and Applications - TECEP (will replace and bump the 1cr course to other courses section)
COM210 Public Relations Thought & Practice - TECEP
Not sure what you used for Mgrl/Bus Communs, but both these courses fill that slot as well as business electives -
COM300 Business Communications - Straighterline
ENG216 Business & Technical Writing - Penn Foster
"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry
AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award.
Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔ