Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Aleks - Business Statistics - rmonte - 07-04-2014

From all my research on this forums Aleks business statistics will transcribe to TESC as OPM, under a business elective. I already have my stat credit, I just need another business elective. Has anyone done this recently and have it transcribe under bus. elective? I sent in a ticket to TESC and they said it wouldn't count as it would overlap my other statistics course.

Aleks - Business Statistics - Jonathan Whatley - 07-04-2014

rmonte Wrote:From all my research on this forums Aleks business statistics will transcribe to TESC as OPM, under a business elective. I already have my stat credit, I just need another business elective. Has anyone done this recently and have it transcribe under bus. elective? I sent in a ticket to TESC and they said it wouldn't count as it would overlap my other statistics course.

TESC has not transcribed ALEKS Business Statistics as Operations Management, and has instead considered it to overlap with other STA-201 statistics courses, since a policy change in 2012. TESC no longer accepting ALEKS Business Stats? (2012 DF thread)

Aleks - Business Statistics - KayV - 07-04-2014

However, the Saylor BUS-204 Business Statistics class is transcribed as OPM-351, so you might be able to use that instead.

BUS204: Business Statistics « Saylor Academy

Good luck!

Aleks - Business Statistics - rmonte - 07-05-2014

thank you, I must have been confused. Any suggestions for business electives for a BSBA from Tesc? Business Math DSST seems like a major pain.

Aleks - Business Statistics - KayV - 07-05-2014

Check the Penn Foster business courses section on the wiki for more electives.

Aleks - Business Statistics - bricabrac - 07-05-2014

Have you considered the TEEX Free Online Courses? Each bundle of 3-4 courses equals 2CR. Using two for 4CR would be a quick, cheap substitution for business math.

THREAD LINK, See post #22 if registering as a civilian. Good luck!

Managers and Business Professionals (MAN-299)
AWR-176-W Business Information Continuity
AWR-177-W Information Risk Management
AWR-169-W Cyber Incident Analysis and Response

Non-Technical / General User (CIS-299)
AWR-175-W Information Security for Everyone
AWR-174-W Cyber Ethics
AWR-168-W Cyber Law and White Collar Crime

Technical / IT Professional (CIS-344)
AWR-173-W Information Security Basics
AWR-178-W Secure Software and Network Assurance
AWR-138-W Network Assurance
AWR-139-W Digital Forensics Basics


Additional options:
CIS107 Computer Concepts and Applications - TECEP (will replace and bump the 1cr course to other courses section)
COM210 Public Relations Thought & Practice - TECEP

Not sure what you used for Mgrl/Bus Communs, but both these courses fill that slot as well as business electives -
COM300 Business Communications - Straighterline
ENG216 Business & Technical Writing - Penn Foster

Aleks - Business Statistics - rmonte - 07-06-2014

I'll check both Penn Foster and Teex. Teex might be just what I was looking for, I only need 2 business elective credits. Thank you both for the advice.