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Intro to Modern Middle East
I'm getting ready to take this test on Thursday. In addition to the study material available here, is there other options available?

Additionally, has anyone else taken this exam that could give me some pointers?


I'd be interested to know if anyone has any thoughts on this as well. I'm taking this next Tuesday....
Has no one here ever taken this test? I'd really like to hear anyone's thoughts on it. I've already paid for it, but the lack of study material other than InstantCert is scaring me....
sirjake Wrote:Has no one here ever taken this test? I'd really like to hear anyone's thoughts on it. I've already paid for it, but the lack of study material other than InstantCert is scaring me....
And is this course essential to your overall course of studies? Is this an upper level course? I have never heard of this course before , so please excuse my stupid questions.
No, it's not "essential" as I'm a liberal studies major (very flexible), but I have to have a certain number of upper level credits. This one is considered upper level at TESC, and I signed up to take it last month to take it before I switched from my previous major of social sciences/history. I was kind of lost as to what tests I would need, so I picked two upper level Dantes history tests since I knew for sure that they'd work toward my major, whereas I wasn't sure others would (drug and alcohol abuse, etc.).

Anyway, I'm signed up to take it next Tuesday, and I almost certainly will take it (rather than waste the $10 I've already spent registering for it). I'd just like to know if anyone has any experience with it and any suggestions. Looking at it on InstantCert, it seems to be a pretty cool subject (I love history), but it's not like Civil War and Reconstruction where I can visit Barnes and Noble and read a Sparknote about it too.
Interesting and thanks for the info. Iam still awaiting the results of my Dantes USSR test and the US Civil War test as well. I too am a student with TESC, but have never taken a course through TESC pray to God I never have to take another upper level course!! Good luck and pass'em all.
I'll be taking this test tomorrow and I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. I've been studying InstantCert material then looking up key events and individuals at Hopefully these two sources will be adequate.

I just finished taking the test and I have to say that although the information here is very informative, I don’t believe alone it was adequate for me to pass this test. It was difficult and I truly have doubts that I passed.

I was able eliminate two options in 70% of the questions thus giving me a 50-50 chance on those. Less that 15% I think I knew the answer (but probably got 25% of those wrong), and the last 15% I had to pray to Allah (LOL).

So if I do the math and play the percentages, I get 46 out of 95 correct or 48%. I’m not sure how DSST calculates their score, but COSC requires a score of 44 to pass. So assuming that the numbers above are correct, I still don’t know if I passed.

Thanks Pri. Disheartening, but good to know, nonetheless.

Steve, has anyone ever reported to you via email or otherwise that they've passed this test using InstantCert's material?
Sorry for the delayed reply--I didn't keep up with the board for a couple of days!

Middle East is not a very popular subject, so I haven't received much feedback on it. I just ran a search through the last three year's worth of emails, and one person reported passing, but didn't provide a score.

That's not much to go off of, but on a positive note, I didn't receive a single complaint from a student stating that he/she failed the Middle East exam.

I'd be very interested in seeing what score PriTyan gets back...

Also, do you have any detailed feedback you can share with the board, PriTyan? i.e. areas to do additional studying on that you didn't feel were well covered by InstantCert

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