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Intro World Religion
Has anyone taken this and if so, what should I study more? I'm taking this in abour 6 days and would like a little help.
BELLA79 Wrote:Has anyone taken this and if so, what should I study more? I'm taking this in abour 6 days and would like a little help.

I took it back in January. Here's the post I wrote after taking it: Introduction to World Religions DSST « Reformed TN Girl

It's pretty easy if you've had much experience in religions. Good luck!
~ Laura ~
--- 120/120 :hurray:
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature | English Composition w/ Essay | College Mathematics | English Literature | American Literature | Humanities
| Art of the Western World | Western Civilization I | Western Civilization II | History of United States I | History of United States II | Social Sciences and History | Astronomy | Introduction to Computing | Introductory Sociology | Introduction to World Religions | The Civil War and Reconstruction | A History of the Vietnam War | Western Europe Since 1945 | Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union | Introduction to the Modern Middle East | Environment and Humanity | World Conflicts Since 1900 ECE | FEMAs taken: 24 | [COLOR="Navy"]TESC FlashTrack course - "War and American Society."

[SIZE="3"]Officially graduated on September 9, 2011!!![/SIZE]
i just too the test today. I studied IC plus read through all the posts here. I also looked up more information on the different religions. For me, IC would not have been enough. 90 questions on my test, about half of which was not on IC or within the posts, and I had to guess. Definitely know the IC, the questions that came from there were pretty straight forward (don't get me wrong there were some that were tricky and in depth). Here is what I remember:

Confucianism--Annalects, jen/li, the dynasties,

Hinduism--Vedas, Upniashads, enlightenment, Karma, Vishnu, Bhagavad Gita, caste system, sutra yoga, Bhakti, Theosophy,

Buddhism--four depressing sights of Buddha, Nirvana, Asoka, the sects of Buddhism (several questions on that), Zen, Shinto,

Taoism--Lao-tzu, know the men listed on IC within this section, Chuang-tzu,

Primal Religions--African religions, peyote,

Islam--Abraham, Mecca, Kaaba, Zoroastrians, imam, Caliphate, Sunni/Shia,

Judaism--Abraham, covenant, Jewish holidays, diaspora, sects of Jews,

Christianity--Paul, Jesus' early life, Stephen, Gnostics, a question about roman catholics and bishops, Calvin/Luther, different sacraments,

Look through the other posts since they have study guides and such. I have studied the IC for weeks now and still missed a few questions as I went through this. Like I said, there were many questions on things that were not on the IC or through out these posts. I had several questions about words (in their orig language) and what they meant. I thought it was hard, but I went in knowing this, too. Hopefully you will have a better background in different religions. There were many comparison questions r/t 2 or 3 religions. Good luck
There is a ridiculously good study guide in the exam specific feedback section. That plus IC got me a good score without much study time invested.

BA/Liberal Studies, TESC 2011
AAS/Applied Electronic Studies, TESC 2010

I'm sorry you feel that way...and I'm sorry you failed. Did you use other sources besides InstantCert?
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]
Hi, I saw your post. Can you tell me where the ridiculously good study guide is that you are referring to? In the exam specific feedback section of what. Any help is appreciated! -Kitt
The specific exam feedback is on the main page of the forum, at the bottom, only open to subscribed Instacert members Wink

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