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InstantCert in your own Words - Personal Reviews
I would like to find out from others, what their deepest thoughts or feelings are on Instacert. I know almost everyone on in this forum if not everyone agrees that IC is second to none!

Instancert in my own words

For me IC is better than stocks or options. The return on Investment is a hundred fold. To justify my opinion; It took me 7th months to get 15 credits at UoP and almost over $5000-$7500 in student loans.

I read about CLEP and Dantes on UOP student page. I learnt this could help me get my BS degree in about just a little over three years, since I had 0 credits that is if I did not take any breaks in between.
I was excited about this good news, UOP could take a maximum of 30 Clep or Dantes Exams towards a BS degree.
With all the joy and the possibilities of earning a college degree in about three year, I enrolled at UOP and class began on August 28th 2006.
In Persuit of study materials of CLEP exams that could help me finish my degree in a short Period of three years (2010 to be specific), I stubbed upon IC on Google.

It has been like having a share in the Gold Rush Era, making a very rear investment which is more than a Cash Cow (Marketing students).

IC for me has made up for the opportunity I missed in Investing in Google stock or Microsoft (remember this is in my own words).

In the past I had started college more than three times and never made it through a semester. My interest would just vanish before the end of semester (until UoP) hence 0 credits the time I was enrolling at UOP. …..I might also want to attribute this dropping out to lack of funds, but I wont because I once lived in California were in 2003 state college was less than $30 per three credit unit course if my memory saves me right.....

I mention this to say IC goes beyond being an investment that generates great profit. It is through IC that I found out that it is possible to finish College degree in Less than One year. which at first I thought it was too good to be true, and you know what they say "if it is too good to be true, keep away from it, because its just that "too good to be true"
I immediately transferred to EC, (first time ever hearing about the Big three).

After deep thoughts I have come to tie IC to the words I read and I quote
"LOVE is strong; LOVE can make a sick man well and a health man sick. It is LOVE that took Christ to the cross and the same LOVE that raised him from the dead"
And in my own words I say it is the Love on IC Forum (remember they are several types of Love, but Love is just that; Love) that has keps me going, it is Love and support on this great site that had encouraged me to earn over 40 credits through Exam in just about 4 few Months without owing nobody a cent. (what a liberating feeling) Indeed IC is strong and great!!

I liken IC to an Employee verses a Self Employed person, IC is like the self employed person the benefits to numerous to mention!!!

"Success is having lived Life under your own terms" IC has made me this true in my Life "Earning a degree under my on terms" The power of Credits by Exams.
Sorry for writing so much, I just had to get half of my feelings on IC out of my chest before I could burst; to people who at least can relate even a little bit.

Thanks IC and the great people on this forum, I can write enough to thank you
I always dreamed of going back to school to finish what I started years ago, but because of family, work, life events, ect., I didn't have the time nor the motivation to do it. Before I knew it, 20 years went by and like most folks here, I wish that I knew about CLEP years ago. But now that I do, I'm so thankful that IC and IC Forum exists! It has made a huge difference in my life by saving me time and money, and the flashcard format accomplished the near impossible; made studying actually FUN for me (I secretly compete with you guys for good grades too). I have a renewed love for learning again, feel motivated, and my confidence is through the roof, all which hasn't been the case for me for a long, long time.

Thanks for all of the love, support, and encouragement

After discovering how inflexible my local B&M universities were in regards to offering courses that fit into my work schedule, I turned to on-line education, and being able to test out of a significant number of credits gave me further academic and finiancial flexibility. IC has been the only tool I've utilized in passing 8 exams (CLEP: Management, Marketing, Biz Law, Humanities, Info Sys and Comp Apps; DSST: Ethics, Org Behavior, MIS), all by high scores. The flashcard format works very well for me, and I've started using it in other classes with equal success. IC was well worth the investment and I've recommended it to others.
I m edumakated thanx to distunce lerning.

MEd, Texas A&M University, 2018
MBA, University of North Dakota, 2014
MS, University of Illinois Springfield, 2010
BSBA, Thomas Edison State University, 2008
AS / AAS, Tidewater Community College, 2004
I have been attending college off and on for 10 years now, and after I watched my wife graduate with her Master's, I was determined to finish my degree. I started attending Park University who's 8 week courses are short enough to hold my attention span. I wanted to get done ASAP, so I started looking at the courses that I could take that the school would accept. I started with Org Behavior and passed. Then moved on to Macro and Microeconomics. I was addicted. I followed up with Money and Banking and breezed through it with no issues. Now, I have completed my final "in class" courses that are required to graduate, I need 9 more UL credits in any area to finish my degree. I just took Drug and Alcohol abuse today and feel confident that IC pulled me through again! Not only has IC allowed me to graduate a year early, but saved me several thousands of dollars. The forums here have been priceless to me. Thanks again to IC and its memebers.
16 months ago I started back to school at the Univ. of Phoenix. I had about 58 credits on my record. I took about 5 business courses there, but I became disgusted with learning teams; the minimal involvement of the instructors; the PDF textbooks; and the $1000/month tuition. I felt that there HAD to be a better way!
I started researching the internet and I stumbled across , , , and eventually I also learned about the BIG 3 schools and I high-tailed it away from the University of Phoenix ASAFP.
Here I am 16 months later. I plan on wrapping-up my degree requirements this month. The instantcert flashcards have been the dominant study resource all along and in most cases, I didn't even bother studying anything other than the flashcards and the items listed in the exam specific feedback section of this forum.
This forum has introduced me to some wonderful people who have mentored me and advised me not only on the upcoming exams, but my degree path as well. There are other forums out there that provide general distance learning information. But, no other forum provides the in-depth exam preparation information that instantcert provides.
Thank you to all those who pay-it-forward by marking the path through this treacherous jungle we call college. Rolleyes

Completed a B.S. in General Business
at Excelsior College (3.86 GPA)

Left to take:


... But, I'm still sticking around...Smile
Hey guys, thanks for sharing your stories, and thanks for being a member of this forum. Members like you that take the time to participate and give back to the community are what make this forum such an invaluable resource. Smile
acs1122 Wrote:I always dreamed of going back to school to finish what I started years ago, but because of family, work, life events, ect., I didn't have the time nor the motivation to do it. Before I knew it, 20 years went by and like most folks here, I wish that I knew about CLEP years ago. But now that I do, I'm so thankful that IC and IC Forum exists! It has made a huge difference in my life by saving me time and money, and the flashcard format accomplished the near impossible; made studying actually FUN for me (I secretly compete with you guys for good grades too). I have a renewed love for learning again, feel motivated, and my confidence is through the roof, all which hasn't been the case for me for a long, long time.

Thanks for all of the love, support, and encouragement


"I secretly compete with you guys for good grades too). I have a renewed love for learning"

This great confession, me too
Quite simply, without IC, I would not have finished my degree. I was tired of sitting classes listening to professors spouting off about themselves. In my mind, I was thinking "Just teach me the material I need to pass!” Then I found IC and never looked back. I tell whomever will listen about this site and imagine it will spread (much to Steve's delightSmile ). IC is infectious in the sense that it inspires power, both in one's dreams and in themselves. It allows them to see a bigger/better version of themselves and their future. I know it did for me.
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
I've given my long, dramatic statement of my opinion of InstantCert in another thread already. Suffice to say, I wish everything in life came with the same quality and cost as InstantCert. Sometimes I feel that the $20 a month I paid was a rip-off. You guys should have been charging me more for the study materials provided.

I also think that this forum is a huge part of what makes it all so successful. The community of active users here really does a good job of providing encouragement for those still working on their degree. I wouldn't have made it through 30 credits of testing without the optimistic attitudes of everyone on the forum.

Instead of starting on my Master's degree, I'd be in the middle of finishing up my B.A. and wondering if I'd have the degree done before I get sent to a ship.

Worth every effing dime.
[SIZE="1"]CLEP exams passed:
Management, Accounting, Marketing, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics

DSST exams passed:
Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, Statistics, Management Information Systems

B.A. in Business Administration: Technology Management from Saint Leo University

M.S. in Leadership: Business Ethics from Duquesne University [/SIZE]
I completely concur with all that has already been posted thus far.
I personally don't think that I would be one quarter the place I am now without instacert.
For me, aside from the flashcards, it has been the support of the people in this forum. It still amazes me that people I haven’t met (and probably will never physically meet) are completely unselfish and show a genuine interest in helping me to succeed.

You just can’t put a price on that!


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