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Inspirational Humans of New York story
"I didn’t go to college until I was fifty. I was working as a custodian and it just got tiresome...."
AA.LS, with Honors: CC '16
CHW Certification: CC '15
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."― Confucius

B&M University: '92-'95
CC: '95-'16
CLEP: A&I Lit; '08
FEMA: unusable at TESU
IIA: Ethics & CPCU; '15
Kaplan: PLA course; '14,
NFA: 2 CR; '15
SOPHIA: Intro Soc; '15
Straighterline: US History II, Intro Religion, Bus. Ethics, Prin. Mgmt, Cult. Anthro, Org Behavior, American Gov't, Bus. Comm; '15 Social Psych, Hist of Vietnam, Abnorm Psych, Research Methods in Psych, Classroom Mgmt, Ed Psych; '16
TECEP: Psych of Women, Tech Writing, Med Term, Nutrition, Eng Comp I; '16
TESU: BA.SS Capstone course; '16

Ended with a total of 170 undergrad credits (plus lots of CEUs). My "I'm finally done" thread
Thank you for this posting. He's quite an inspiration.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
LaterBloomer Wrote:Thank you for this posting. He's quite an inspiration.

I agree! When discouragement hits, I find it really helpful to hear encouraging stories like that one. There was also an article I read about a Kurdish refugee who became (iirc) a doctor. I need to find that one again.
AA.LS, with Honors: CC '16
CHW Certification: CC '15
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."― Confucius

B&M University: '92-'95
CC: '95-'16
CLEP: A&I Lit; '08
FEMA: unusable at TESU
IIA: Ethics & CPCU; '15
Kaplan: PLA course; '14,
NFA: 2 CR; '15
SOPHIA: Intro Soc; '15
Straighterline: US History II, Intro Religion, Bus. Ethics, Prin. Mgmt, Cult. Anthro, Org Behavior, American Gov't, Bus. Comm; '15 Social Psych, Hist of Vietnam, Abnorm Psych, Research Methods in Psych, Classroom Mgmt, Ed Psych; '16
TECEP: Psych of Women, Tech Writing, Med Term, Nutrition, Eng Comp I; '16
TESU: BA.SS Capstone course; '16

Ended with a total of 170 undergrad credits (plus lots of CEUs). My "I'm finally done" thread
"Having someone show you what the opportunity is, how to approach it, and how to get it with confidence, someone who is always pushing you to the next level and thinking about your pathway—it takes someone greater than you to hold your hand. It’s not all about hard work. You need direction. All the opportunities that were available to me were made available because of people in the church, mentors, and the Katz Foundation. Someone like me becoming a cardiologist could only happen in America.”
A Kurdish Doctor Gives Back to Refugees in America | The Kurdish Project
AA.LS, with Honors: CC '16
CHW Certification: CC '15
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."― Confucius

B&M University: '92-'95
CC: '95-'16
CLEP: A&I Lit; '08
FEMA: unusable at TESU
IIA: Ethics & CPCU; '15
Kaplan: PLA course; '14,
NFA: 2 CR; '15
SOPHIA: Intro Soc; '15
Straighterline: US History II, Intro Religion, Bus. Ethics, Prin. Mgmt, Cult. Anthro, Org Behavior, American Gov't, Bus. Comm; '15 Social Psych, Hist of Vietnam, Abnorm Psych, Research Methods in Psych, Classroom Mgmt, Ed Psych; '16
TECEP: Psych of Women, Tech Writing, Med Term, Nutrition, Eng Comp I; '16
TESU: BA.SS Capstone course; '16

Ended with a total of 170 undergrad credits (plus lots of CEUs). My "I'm finally done" thread
Very nice.
SL Business Ethics
SL intro to Business
SL Business Law
SL intro to world religion
SL Accounting 1
PF Strategic management
SL organizational behavior
SL Principles of management
SL macroeconomics
SL microeconomics
SL accounting 2
SL intro bus statistics
PF Corporate Finance
PF International Business
PF Marketing
Alek's College Algebra
SL English comp 2
PF market research
PF retail management
PF HR management
SL Business Communication
S.C Principles of Finance
That is all of my requirements completed.!!

BSBA Thomas Edison State University 2016

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