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I feel so stupid for asking... (shmoop)
I recently started Shakespeare's Plays on Shmoop. I swear, the first day, there were tabs with summaries, themes, infographics, symbolism, etc etc. And each of those had a ton of information. Now when I go back, all I can find is a summary/overview. Was I imagining things?
Goal: Anything. Just need the paper. 
In Progress: last few 300-400 level, Am Gov
Complete: [Sophia]: CSMLearn, TEEX DI, Art History 2, English Comp 2, Sociology, Ethics, Project Management, Human Bio, US Hist2, Intro to Business, Microeconomics, Accounting, Finance, Greek Phil, Stats, Conflict Res (1CR), Visual Comm, Dev Effective Teams,  [SL]: Bus Law [ALEKS]: Intermediate Algebra [Institutes]: Ethics [CLEP]: Western Civ I [Murrray State University]: 5CR: MAT130 MAT230 4CR: GSC199 ENG105 CHE101 ITD107 PHY130/131 3CR: COM161 MAT117 ART121 HIS221 PSY180 CHN101 RGS200 CSC199 CET284 ECO230 JPN350 RES132 THD104 1CR: IDC199 MSU099

Shmoop is weird. You get to the tabs by clicking on the syllabus. You should probably bookmark the course as there is no "courses I am currently taking" option. I will be glad when I am done with Shmoop.

54/120 CR

BM- 15 CR
ALEKS- College Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Trig, Intro to stats
Shmoop- Modern Europen History
Strighterline- English Comp II
CLEP- Analyzing and Interpreting lit- 55 (6cr)
The Institutes- Insurance Ethics (2cr)
Sophia- Developing Effective Teams (1cr) Principles of Management, Information Systems and Computer Applications, Organizational Management, Intro to Computing
All the summaries can be found here.
Shakespeare Plays and Sonnets

Other literature summaries can be found here, just search by author or title
Literature Learning Guides & Teacher Resources

Poetry summaries here

For all literature summaries on Shmoop there will usually be questions from the themes section, the analysis section, from symbolism, imagery and allegory, from the character section, and from the main summary itself.
TESU: Capstone completed Big Grin Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction (6)
Patten: Academic Strategies, Child Growth and Development, Reading, Writing, and Research, Social Psych, Lifespan Development, American Government (18)
Shmoop: Drugs in Lit, Holocaust Lit, Poetry, Lit in the Media, Modernist Lit, Shakespeare's Plays, Western Lit, Women's Lit, British Lit, Euro History (30)
SL: Cultural Anthropology, English Comp I, English Comp II, Biology, Intro Comm, Environmental Science, Philosophy, C++,  Religion (27)
TEEX: Cyber Security for Business Professionals, Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for IT Professionals (6)
Sophia: Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Visual Comm, Dev Teams  (13)
ALEKS: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry (15)
NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators (2)
Kaplan: Documenting Experiences (3)
ACTFL: Reading Proficiency Test (6)
CPCU: Ethics (2)

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