08-29-2006, 10:39 PM
mom2LLL Wrote:How do you put someone on your ignore list???
Spazz, I don't believe you help anyone. It seems to me that all you want to do is argue and be right. My original post was a rant. I can tell you that I have taken many classes with dumass people that waste my time and have had to write papers just to satisfy what another person (who in, my opinion, is full of themself) believes I should be learning. I truly believe that I will learn as much as my sister and honestly if that gets me my degree faster then that is what I will do.
If you think that you are going to remember in 10 years what some professor is saying right now, you are fooling yourself! If all that matters in your life is where you got your degree, then all I can say is that your age truly shows. Once you grow up - I will listen to you.
PS - Thanks SimonTam, your post was really enlightening.
I am not trying to argue, I am trying to be realistic with you people. If you do not want to hear the truth then that is fine, I will keep my comments to myself. But since it was a rant, I thought I would rant about your original rant

You would be much more successful in a traditional school. For instance, my first year at a traditional school, I was noticed as one of the top students and in my freshmen year I worked on research with a top professor in mathematics and published 2 papers. By the 2nd semester of my freshmen year I was a teaching assistant in mathematics and filled in for the professor on MANY occasions (which was a junior/senior level class). I am now working on research and have obtained a very large grant from NSF for solving a problem in coding theory. Now would a person have ANY of these opportunities by going to one of these online/testing out schools? NOPE!!
I can tell you by my senior year, I will have no problem going to any graduate school I want, fully paid for and with a nice salary. Not only because I have made several contacts with people from top schools, but because these schools are influenced by politics. These schools are run like businesses instead of schools. They do not care about your grades or GRE scores; they are a business in that they are looking for people who can produce research/teach. If you have not made contacts or have produced research, you are put into the pool of students who apply and get accepted based on the school you graduated from, grades and GRE scores.
Beyond these opportunities, there are obviously many other opportunities which you would be missing out. If the professors in your major recognize you as a bright student, they recommend you to companies etc (make contacts etc), and you will end up with a very nice job. One of the key points in going to traditional school is the contacts you make while there. This goes a long way if you're working with world class professors who have contacts throughout the industry. Even in a small state school has much influence (politically) throughout the local industry.