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I Can't Believe This Happened!
I am not at all happy with the testing center. There should have been some sort of redundancy to insure those answers would stay where I put them. Also, I was very offended by his "oh well" response to my problem.


I wouldn't be too hard on the proctor guy, you said he documented what happened, but beyond that there's probably nothing he can do... At worst, they should watch the tape to make sure you're telling the truth and let you redo the test.

If they tell you "too bad," don't bother talking with the customer reps, ask to speak with management and let them know it's unacceptable (keep asking for the next boss up until you get someone who will comply).
[COLOR="green"]Social Sciences and History
College Math
English Composition (no essay) [/COLOR]

[COLOR="green"]World Religions
Civil War and Reconstruction
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Management Information Systems [/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]Organizational Behavior
Ethics: Theory and Practice
World Conflicts since 1900
World Population [/COLOR][/SIZE]

All done! 42 credits by exam
I, like Dawn, was under the impression that the ECE College Writing and English Comp. exams were instantly graded by the system spits out a grade right away. Am I wrong in this assumption? Anyone out there who's taken this exam advise on this.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]96 credits completed (93 by exam)
BS in General Business, Excelsior College (33 credits remaining)
Next exams: DSST Statistics, DSST Business Law 2
Recently taken: DSST Drug/Alcohol (61), CLEP French (63), ECE Gerontology (B Sad), DSST MIS (65), DSST Counseling (54), DSST Ethics (63)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
anar579 Wrote:I, like Dawn, was under the impression that the ECE College Writing and English Comp. exams were instantly graded by the system spits out a grade right away. Am I wrong in this assumption? Anyone out there who's taken this exam advise on this.


Do those exams include an essay and if so wouldn't they have to be read for grading?
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
ShotoJuku Wrote:Do those exams include an essay and if so wouldn't they have to be read for grading?
The My Access! tool is supposed to be a "smart" program that grades an essay immediately, recognizing patterns and requirements for the writing exams. The College Writing & English Comp. exams use a tool like My Access!

I just read the College Writing exam content guide and it says:
[INDENT]Unless your essays must be mailed to human raters for scoring, you will receive your grade upon exiting the testing center.[/INDENT]
I guess I just answered my own question. It appears a score is usually instantly given, unless there's something that the "smart" program can't conclusively grade.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]96 credits completed (93 by exam)
BS in General Business, Excelsior College (33 credits remaining)
Next exams: DSST Statistics, DSST Business Law 2
Recently taken: DSST Drug/Alcohol (61), CLEP French (63), ECE Gerontology (B Sad), DSST MIS (65), DSST Counseling (54), DSST Ethics (63)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
anar579 Wrote:The My Access! tool is supposed to be a "smart" program that grades an essay immediately, recognizing patterns and requirements for the writing exams. The College Writing & English Comp. exams use a tool like My Access!

I just read the College Writing exam content guide and it says:
[INDENT]Unless your essays must be mailed to human raters for scoring, you will receive your grade upon exiting the testing center.[/INDENT]
I guess I just answered my own question. It appears a score is usually instantly given, unless there's something that the "smart" program can't conclusively grade.

[SIZE="3"]I wonder how it distinguishes between intellect and jibberish???[/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
anar579 Wrote:The My Access! tool is supposed to be a "smart" program that grades an essay immediately, recognizing patterns and requirements for the writing exams. The College Writing & English Comp. exams use a tool like My Access!

I just read the College Writing exam content guide and it says:
[INDENT]Unless your essays must be mailed to human raters for scoring, you will receive your grade upon exiting the testing center.[/INDENT]
I guess I just answered my own question. It appears a score is usually instantly given, unless there's something that the "smart" program can't conclusively grade.
the IntelliMetric program should score immediately. when practicing i had one essay it didn't grade. i asked my english savvy daughter to take a look and she said i was way off prompt. this was very helpful to me because i learned to keeping checking the prompt and what the prompt wanted for a response. this shouldn't have happened during my test. i was very careful to stay on prompt. somehow i got booted off the system.

i finally got through to excelsior this morning. it took until 9:15 to take their phones off their closed message. the message stated 8:30. i spoke to someone in the testing dept and she said they didn't have my test. i explained that prometric was contacted and they said ec had it. she is checking into it. so here i am, in hyperspace along with my test. maybe we will run into each other!hilarious
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
yutzyj Wrote:the IntelliMetric program should score immediately. when practicing i had one essay it didn't grade. i asked my english savvy daughter to take a look and she said i was way off prompt. this was very helpful to me because i learned to keeping checking the prompt and what the prompt wanted for a response. this shouldn't have happened during my test. i was very careful to stay on prompt. somehow i got booted off the system.

i finally got through to excelsior this morning. it took until 9:15 to take their phones off their closed message. the message stated 8:30. i spoke to someone in the testing dept and she said they didn't have my test. i explained that prometric was contacted and they said ec had it. she is checking into it. so here i am, in hyperspace along with my test. maybe we will run into each other!hilarious
I really hope the test is found and that it's adequately graded so you don't have to retake it! Best of luck!
[COLOR="DarkRed"]96 credits completed (93 by exam)
BS in General Business, Excelsior College (33 credits remaining)
Next exams: DSST Statistics, DSST Business Law 2
Recently taken: DSST Drug/Alcohol (61), CLEP French (63), ECE Gerontology (B Sad), DSST MIS (65), DSST Counseling (54), DSST Ethics (63)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Update on the "lost" Nazi answer...

I spoke with Excelsior today, and the lady in the testing admin. said they only got two out of the three answers from Prometric. She was very helpful and apologetic about what happened. She said Prometric is working to retrieve the lost answer, but if they can't, the worst case scenario is that I will have to complete the exam at a local university, by using a proctor. I can't complete it at Prometric, because the exam expired June 30, and Prometric no longer has access to it.
I can live with this...
cederic824 Wrote:Update on the "lost" Nazi answer...

I spoke with Excelsior today, and the lady in the testing admin. said they only got two out of the three answers from Prometric. She was very helpful and apologetic about what happened. She said Prometric is working to retrieve the lost answer, but if they can't, the worst case scenario is that I will have to complete the exam at a local university, by using a proctor. I can't complete it at Prometric, because the exam expired June 30, and Prometric no longer has access to it.
I can live with this...
if prometric can't find your third answer i'm glad the final solution is something you can live with. it sounds like you studied hard for this exam so i'm sure no matter what excelsior throws at you, you will be able to handle it. good luck with this situation. keep us posted!

today my husband went to the same prometric testing center with the same proctor to take the same test......with the same result! :mad: he got booted off before his time was over, with about a minute and a half left. :mad: he called excelsior right away. they said that if the time runs out and you haven't submitted your answer that they have to have intellimetric 'submit' it. he explained that his time wasn't up. also, he did not have the survey at the end. it's like the internet time ended and poof, off you go! they are looking into it. we should hope to hear something tomorrow. but, of course, there is a glitch here for us. we planned to have this test complete so as to be able to enjoy a short vacation having completed one year - 30 credits and we are leaving in the morning. i don't care what the results are on friday nite. it's dave matthews and sheryl crow at fenway with old friends!Big Grin
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
Good LUck ......... Bad Computer
[COLOR="royalblue"]Humanities 50 6[/COLOR]clep 36 credits

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