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Bad experiences at the testing center
Does anyone else have as much bad luck with CLEP testing centers as I do? I have taken four CLEP tests at two locations and each event has been incredibly disorganized.

I took my first CLEP test at Tennessee State University, because the campus is close to my office. The one person at TSU who was authorized to administer CLEP tests was taking an extended lunch break, and myself and the other person who had made an appointment to test at 1 p.m. waited over an hour for her to return.

The next time I tested at TSU, I foolishly made an appointment for the same time. This time, the same test administrator was late back from lunch again by about 45 minutes. I still can't figure out why TSU schedules CLEP tests for 1 p.m. when this seems to coincide with the administrator's lunch break.

The third time I tested at TSU, I decided to avoid lunch and go for the 9 a.m. appointment. All seemed well until I arrived at the testing center and was told that the test administrator called in sick that day and no one else was qualified to administer CLEP. I had provided my contact details when I made an appointment to take the exam, and was astonished that no one from the testing center had the courtesy to call and let me know not to come in. This was really infuriating since I had used some of my very limited paid personal time to take the morning off work.

After deciding that the Tennessee State University Testing Center is a complete joke, I made an appointment for my next CLEP at Nashville State Community College. The test was scheduled for 9 am, and I arrived 20 minutes early. I was set up on the computer and was told to wait until all the other test takers were set up before commencing. There were about four other people in line to take a CLEP, and it took the administrator a good 30 minutes to get everyone ready. Finally, at 9:15, it looked like everyone was ready to begin... until a couple of high school kids arrived late for their test. Everyone else who had arrived on time had to wait for the administrator to set these kids up, which took another 20 minutes. Everyone who had arrived early was penalized because of the test center's policy of admitting latecomers.

Sorry for the vent, I am just amazed that I haven't once experienced a smoothly-administered CLEP test. Since many people taking these tests are working adults, you would think that administrators would be conscious of running things professionally and on schedule.

Has anyone else had bad experiences like this? Bonus question: does anyone know of a good place in Nashville to test?
I haven't had anything that bad but I have had a few bad experiences.

I have tested at Strayer a few times and they are pretty unprofessional. Nothing major but it's kind of annoying when I'm trying to concentrate and they guy is talking on the phone or coming and going constantly. Not that I would cheat, but it's pretty unprofessional to leave someone alone when taking a test.

Now I test at University of Memphis and they are awesome! The lady there is always so sweet. I can schedule my test the day before and if I get there early she lets me start early. The testing room is quiet. The parking there is terrible but still worth it. I did have one terrible experience there though. The so sweet lady I mentioned above went on maternity leave and appatently she is the only one who knows how to administer a test. (must be harder than it looks) So the lasy that took her place had no idea what was going on. I brought up the website for her and showed her what to do. When it came time for her to enter the password she couldn't figure it out. She had to call another lady in there who was also clueless. The has a password written on a sheet of paper but apparently it was not the right one. So two hours after I'm suppossed to take my test they still don't have it figured out.:toetap: They offered to let me take the paper and pencil version, but I have gotten spoiled with the whole instant score thing, so I decided to go to lunch (I prayed more than I ateConfusedmilelolSmile instead. When I returned they did finally have it working and I was able to take my test and pass. :hurray: I have been taking ECEs recently so fortunately I have not had to go back yet and the so sweet lady will return from maternity leave soon.
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]B.A. in Psychology from TESC in 9 months
My degree plan:
madforplaid Wrote:Does anyone else have as much bad luck with CLEP testing centers as I do? I have taken four CLEP tests at two locations and each event has been incredibly disorganized.

I took my first CLEP test at Tennessee State University, because the campus is close to my office. The one person at TSU who was authorized to administer CLEP tests was taking an extended lunch break, and myself and the other person who had made an appointment to test at 1 p.m. waited over an hour for her to return.

The next time I tested at TSU, I foolishly made an appointment for the same time. This time, the same test administrator was late back from lunch again by about 45 minutes. I still can't figure out why TSU schedules CLEP tests for 1 p.m. when this seems to coincide with the administrator's lunch break.

The third time I tested at TSU, I decided to avoid lunch and go for the 9 a.m. appointment. All seemed well until I arrived at the testing center and was told that the test administrator called in sick that day and no one else was qualified to administer CLEP. I had provided my contact details when I made an appointment to take the exam, and was astonished that no one from the testing center had the courtesy to call and let me know not to come in. This was really infuriating since I had used some of my very limited paid personal time to take the morning off work.

After deciding that the Tennessee State University Testing Center is a complete joke, I made an appointment for my next CLEP at Nashville State Community College. The test was scheduled for 9 am, and I arrived 20 minutes early. I was set up on the computer and was told to wait until all the other test takers were set up before commencing. There were about four other people in line to take a CLEP, and it took the administrator a good 30 minutes to get everyone ready. Finally, at 9:15, it looked like everyone was ready to begin... until a couple of high school kids arrived late for their test. Everyone else who had arrived on time had to wait for the administrator to set these kids up, which took another 20 minutes. Everyone who had arrived early was penalized because of the test center's policy of admitting latecomers.

Sorry for the vent, I am just amazed that I haven't once experienced a smoothly-administered CLEP test. Since many people taking these tests are working adults, you would think that administrators would be conscious of running things professionally and on schedule.

Has anyone else had bad experiences like this? Bonus question: does anyone know of a good place in Nashville to test?

Ouch... I've been rather lucky... Where I've gone to take my CLEPs (Tulsa CC) they usually have between 3-5 people working at any time, no appointment necessary, and have like 15-20 computers that they use for various tests. I've never been turned away from taking a test and generally have had good experiences with them.

As far as Nashville testing centers, you could contact UoP or Strayer... I'd call and ask how many testing computers they have, if there are any dead zones for tests (like the lunch breaks you describe), and if appointments are necessary.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.

Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
TMW2010 Wrote:Ouch... I've been rather lucky... Where I've gone to take my CLEPs (Tulsa CC) they usually have between 3-5 people working at any time, no appointment necessary, and have like 15-20 computers that they use for various tests. I've never been turned away from taking a test and generally have had good experiences with them.

Oh I'm very happy to know that. I was wondering how well they did.Confusedeeya:

ETA: I love your signature line! lol
Mom of 11

Graduated 6, still home educating 5

Credits from CC classes:
eng 1113 freshman comp 1
eng comp 2
pos 1113 american fed gov't (political sci.)
spa 1103 spanish 1
bio 2123 human ecology
his 1493 american history civil war era - present
phi 1113 intro to philosophy
soc 1113 intro to sociology
total credits 24 hours
gpa 3.12

It wasn't too disturbing but I did have the lights in my room keep going off. Apparenlty they are on a motion sensor and I must have been frozen in my seat.
for cleps, the only bad experience i had was that the university network went down halfway through the test, and i had to reschedule 2 weeks later. It was inconvenient, but I can't really blame the administrator for that. They also set us up as we come in so we don't have to wait on latecomers.

for dantes, my local strayer sucks. lady doesn't know how to work the software, took off work twice, and both times I went there I was told to reschedule because she didn't install the software. Phone call would of been nice. Never went back.

nothing wrong with the university of phoenix guy I took the dsst exam with, but I do have a problem with the way my UoP schedule appointments. They ask for proctor fees in advance, so I mail it in (bank shows check was cashed), but when I go to take the test, the proctor says no appointment was made. Fortunately, it looks like this happened often and the guy proctored for me anyway. However, I am definitely bringing my bank statements to each appointment from now on.
completed: A.A.S. (Computer Tech.) from Excelsior 03-19-10
completed: B.S.L.S. (History) from excelsior 02-18-11
B&M: 58 credits
excelsior courses: [10 credits] 09-08-09 Info Lit. (P); 09-08-09 Historiography (A); 11-02-09 US Foreign Affairs since 1898 (A); 07-06-10 Middle East (B);
CLEP: [30 credits] 09-25-09 US History I (69); 11-06-09 US History II (66); 11-06-09 A&I Lit (73); 02-19-10 West. Civ II (70); 03-30-10 West. Civ I (72); 04-16-10 Intro. Edu Psych (70);
.Clep: 06-18-10 Principles of Marketing (73); 12-09-10 Social Sci. & History (74);
ECE: [12 credits] 05-01-10 Abnormal Psychology (B); 05-04-10 Psych. of A&A (A); 05-15-10 Gerontology ©; 06-05-10 World Population (A);
DSST: [12 credits] 07-17-10 Civil War & Recon (63); 08-14-10 Substance Abuse (444); 09-18-10 Vietnam War (66); 10-02-10 R&F Soviet Union (62);
Total: 122 credits
Wow, these stories make me feel incredibly blessed. Of course, I've only taken one CLEP so far, so maybe it was beginner's luck. Smile

Since this was the first one I took, I didn't know what I was doing. I went to the testing center and was told to go to the cashier's window (exit the testing center and walk across a lobby), then come back to sign into the testing center -- not sign in to start taking the test, but to sign in to basically say, "I'm here!" After signing in to the testing center, I went back to the first lady I talked to. She did something on her computer for a minute or so, then told me to go to terminal 11 to take my test. There were about 20 terminals, and about 16 or 17 people were taking tests, but everyone was quiet, focused on the test they were taking. (The area with all the computers for the tests was separated from the testing center lobby area so I wasn't disturbed by anything happening there.)

When I logged into the computer at terminal 11, after I entered my contact info, cc #, etc. the right test appeared on the monitor and off I went.

Let's hope it goes this smoothly all the time.
I'm glad my CLEP/DSST test taking experiences have not sucked as much. My last test center overseas had a 10 minute rule. After 10 minutes of the scheduled start time, she would close and lock the door. Well, not really lock the door, but turn away the latecomers.
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
I've had several bad experiences.

One lady at my test center doesn't have a DSST password and she turns me away frequently. She swears each time she will have one soon.

When taking Analyzing and Interpreting Literature there was another student being loud asking questions for the first 15 minutes of my test. Very annoying considering the concentration requirement of the test.

Last week I went to take an exam and their internet was down.

All in all, only about 20% percent of my exams where a quiet, pleasant experience. On the bright side no appointment is required.

[SIZE=1]Goal: Columbia College, Bachelor of General Studies... Status: 30 Credits Remaining
04/01/2008 Completed Columbia College, Associate in General Studies

[SIZE=1]DSST Intro to Business... 66
07/07/10 CLEP Info Sys and Computer Apps... 72
07/14/10 DSST Intro to Computing... 472
07/14/10 DSST Management Info Systems... 450
07/15/10 DSST Here's to Your Health... 445
07/21/10 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature... 69
07/23/10 DSST Technical Writing... 64
07/29/10 CLEP Principles of Management... 68
09/22/10 DSST Ethics in America... 452
12/16/10 CLEP Western Civ I... 62
I've only had one notably bad experience:

I haven't taken another test there after that. Their test admin was unfriendly and their policies limit you to one testing date a month, so I drive 45 minutes to a much more friendly and well-run institution. Well worth the time and money, in my opinion.

Other than that, on my ~30 tests, I've had good experiences.

If it were me, I would probably let a TSU higher up know that the situation with lunch had occurred twice--even if I weren't going to test there anymore. That might be a disciplinary issue that needs to be addressed. Sickness is one thing, but routine extended lunches are inexcusable in the real world--especially if you're blowing off an appointment.
I'm an engineer. Go figure.

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