07-16-2006, 01:43 AM
Instead of starting a new thread with the same heading thought I would just add on to the information already here. Hopefully, making it more helpful to anyone doing a keyword search on Human Growth in the future.
Passed HG & Development yesterday with a 73. Yeah!!
There were probably 7 -8 questions on theories of development with about half of those focused on the cognitive theory. Learning theories came next in quantity, maybe 4 -5 questions.
Physical (biological) development was probably another 5 - 6 questions. The stages, nutrition, etc.
Language development was a surpisingly fair portion of the exam. Can't remember how many questions but it seems as though quite a few dealt with the stages of language and what is typical for different levels as well as the learning process itself.
People to know, as well as a basic understanding of their theories, would be Jean Piaget (lots!), Erik Erickson, Albert Bandura, Lawrence Kohlberg, Freud(some), Chomsky and Susan Carey (some.)
I found this subject so interesting that I ended up doing a fair amount of side reading on Piaget and Erikson which I am sure was a help. I am also following Shoto's advice in this thread and have taken Intro. Soc and Intro. Psych. However, I do think that this is passable with just IC and looking up some of the main people/points in Wikipedia.
Ever upward,

Passed HG & Development yesterday with a 73. Yeah!!
There were probably 7 -8 questions on theories of development with about half of those focused on the cognitive theory. Learning theories came next in quantity, maybe 4 -5 questions.
Physical (biological) development was probably another 5 - 6 questions. The stages, nutrition, etc.
Language development was a surpisingly fair portion of the exam. Can't remember how many questions but it seems as though quite a few dealt with the stages of language and what is typical for different levels as well as the learning process itself.
People to know, as well as a basic understanding of their theories, would be Jean Piaget (lots!), Erik Erickson, Albert Bandura, Lawrence Kohlberg, Freud(some), Chomsky and Susan Carey (some.)
I found this subject so interesting that I ended up doing a fair amount of side reading on Piaget and Erikson which I am sure was a help. I am also following Shoto's advice in this thread and have taken Intro. Soc and Intro. Psych. However, I do think that this is passable with just IC and looking up some of the main people/points in Wikipedia.
Ever upward,
BS Psychology
BS Psychology