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How many times can we vote?
Hello all,

I'm down in Brownsville, Texas. Yes, I am right on the Rio Grande. I can take a walk through the neighborhood and look over into Mexico, but I have drawn the line at swimming across.

I went to Charro Days, a big fiesta that the whole city gets involved in. Obama and Hillary supporters were there in force. Obama has signs printed in Spanish so the illegals can know he is the candidate for "change". And there was a sign for Hillary that said, "Vote twice 4 Hillary."

My question to you is, can we do that now? I mean, since only a handful of people vote, can we vote twice to make up for it (kind of like the guy did on the poll, but for the same candidate)?

Makes me sick. How do they get away with it? Hillary: By being a woman?
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Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 75 (w/ passing on essay)
English Composition w/ essay 65
American Government 61
Western Civilization I 72 (w/ passing on college essay)
Western Civilization II 63
Intro to Criminal Justice 446
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U.S. History II 71 (w/ passing on college essay)
Introductory Business Law 73
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How good are you? Take the good person test. . .
I always thought it was once. Texas' rules may be different but if you vote twice, I pretty sure no one would find out until a recount has commenced. May turn out to be another New Hampshire recount.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
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Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
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Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
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[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
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I'm sure the "Vote twice 4 Hillary" sign is just a joke. I am glad to see that some Democrats are at least trying to have a sense of humor.

Q. How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
A. That's not funny!

Yes, gang...Texas Democrats can vote twice in the primary. Here's how it goes...

Texas has a two step process. You cast your vote in the Texas primary (and, I believe you can vote early or on Primary Day) which will decide the distribution of 126 of Texas’ 168 candidates. Then, 15 minutes after the polls close (7:00 p.m.) those who voted must return to their precinct for a caucus, or "precinct convention" and decide how to divide the remaining 42 delegates.

Weird but true.
[SIZE="1"]English Comp 101 & 102 - Analysis & Interpretation of Literature 130 & 131 - Intro to Marketing[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="1"]12 FREE Credits![/SIZE]
Associate of Science in Management, TESC - 9/17/04
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, TESC - 6/6/08

Pattie Wrote:Yes, gang...Texas Democrats can vote twice in the primary.


This is my first time voting since moving to Texas and I was so confused by the combination of primaries and caucuses -- your explanation was crystal clear!

I voted early on Friday and wondered why the poll worker asked me if I wanted a ticket to my precinct meeting. She didn't do a very good job of explaining that there would be additional delegates decided by the outcome of the caucus at the precinct meeting, or I would have taken the ticket!!

At least it's something to know for next time. I find it interesting that here in the great state of TX regardless of how you identify yourself at voter registration, you have the option of choosing either a Democratic or Republican primary ballot. In all of the states where I've voted before you were tied to your party.

Anyway, thanks again Smile

Completed all requirements for B.A. Management @ Ottawa University, Phoenix AZ

96 credits earned through traditional coursework:
3 credits - Front Range Community College (CO) - 1993
44 credits - Arizona State University (AZ) - 1992-97
49 Credits - Ottawa University (AZ) - 2004-08

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6 credits - AP Exams (European History & US History)
12 credits - DANTES Exams (General Anthropology, Intro to World Religions, Criminal Justice, Here's To Your Health)
12 credits - CLEP Exams (Analyzing & Interpreting Lit, Spanish Language)
5 credits - FEMA courses thru Frederick Community College

Program completion 8.23.08 - degree posting 12.31.08 !
Hi Kimberly:

I'm glad it helped...believe me, I had a heck of a time trying to figure it out. I guess the reason that we haven't heard much about this before is that the Texas primary hasn't been this important in a particular race until now.

I actually like your open primaries. Here in NJ we do have to declare a party affiliation and stick to it unless we file forms way in advance of a primary. Being somewhat an Independent it would be nice to just go and vote my conscience on primary day independent of an official affiliation.

We'll all be watching your state on Tuesday!

[SIZE="1"]English Comp 101 & 102 - Analysis & Interpretation of Literature 130 & 131 - Intro to Marketing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Marketing Comm - PR Thought & Practice - Intro to News Reporting - Sales Management - Operations Management - Marketing Research - Business in Society[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Computers[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]12 FREE Credits![/SIZE]
Associate of Science in Management, TESC - 9/17/04
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, TESC - 6/6/08

Or maybe they were just trying to say that you should vote for Hillary in the primary and vote for her in the general election too. Nice campaign concept, but the slogan is atrocious. hilarious hilarious

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